Born in Castelfranco Veneto (TV), Italy on 25 February 1959. BA cum laude in Law, University of Bologna, Italy, in 1983. PhD in Legal Sciences in 1987 at the European University Institute in Florence with special mention for the "exceptional scientific value" of the dissertation: "The representation of knownledge in the legal applications of artificial intelligence". Lawyer since 1990. Officer at the Court of Justice of the European Communities 1987-1989. Researcher at the Institute for Legal Documentation of the National Research Council 1990-1996. Part time professor of Computer Law at the University of Modena 1988-1997. Full professor in Jurisprudence at the Queen’s University of Belfast 1996-1999. Full professor in Philosophy of Law and Legal Informatics at the University of Bologna. Member of the Executive Committee of the International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law since 1995. Author of more than 120 publications, among which several books.
Main research areas: Legal philosophy and General Theory of law; Legal informatics; Computer law; Logics and Logic programming; Artificial intelligence; Knowledge representation; Automatic reasoning; law and technology, in particular legal issues of robotics.
Among his books: Leibniz: Puzzles in the Law (Springer 2013), Corso di informatica giuridica (Giappichelli, 2010), Legal Reasoning: A Cognitive Approach to the law (Springer: 2005), The Law of Electronic Agents (Oslo: Unipubskriftserier, 2003), Il codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali (Cedam: 2003), Judicial Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1998), Logical Models of Legal Argumentation (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1996), and Artificial Intelligence in Law (Oslo: Tano, 1993)
Editorial Experience:
Co-editor of the book series Informatica Giuridica (Giuffrè) since 2010;
Co-editor of the book series Informatica Giuridica (Aracne) since 2014;
Co-editor of the book series Law, Governance and Technology (Springer) since 2007;
Co-director of the scientific journal “Artificial Intelligence and law” (Kluwer) since 1995;
Co-editor of the Ratio Juris journal (Blackwell) since 2007;
Member of the editorial committee of the scientific journal Law, Probability and Risk” (Oxford University Press) since 2003;
Member of the editorial committee of the scientific journal “Informatica e Diritto” (EDI) since 2005;
Member of the editorial committee of the scientific journal “Diritto e questioni pubbliche” dal 2010;
Member of the editorial committee of the scientific journal “Sicurezza e giustizia” dal 2014.
Reviewer for journals: Artificial intelligence, Artificial intelligence and law, European Journal of International Law, Law and Philosophy, Legal Theory, Rivista italiana di filosofia del diritto, Synthèse, Studia Logica, International Journal of Law and Technology, Data Privacy International, Law Probability and Risk, Journal of Applied Non-classical Logics, and others.
Other positions:
Expert member of the Science Europe Social Sciences Scientific Committee, since 2015;
Member of the Scientific Committee (Comitato Scientifico) of the Italian Society for Legal Philosophy (Società Italiana della Filosofia del Diritto), since 2015,
Coordinator of the Summer School in Law and Logic at the European University Institute, since 2012;
Coordinator of the Summer School in Legislative XML, at the European University Institute and the University of Bologna, 2007-2011;
Visiting Faculty member, University Of Western Ontario, 2011-2013;
Coordinator of the PhD program at the School of law of the Queen’s University of Belfast 1999-2000;
Director of the PhD program in Computers and law at the University of Bologna 2000-2007, 2012-now;
Director of the Master program in "Legal informatics and the law of new technologies" (Informatica giuridica e diritto delle nuove tecnologie) at the University of Bologna 2000-2007, 2010-now;
Coordinator of the LLM programme at the European University Institute 2008-2010;
President of the International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law 2009-2011;
Member of the experts group for the evaluation of quality of research in Italy (VQR 2004-2013) 2011-2013;
Honorary Professor at the Queen’s University of Belfast, 2003-2006.
Research projects:
Coordinator of the project “Legal Responsibilities and Artificial Autonomous Normative Agency”, at the European University Institute (EUI), 2015 – 2016;
Coordinator of the EUI unit for the project Multistakeholder as Governance Groups, by the Berkman Center (2014 - 2015);
Coordinator of the EUI research unit for the European Project ALIAS II, “Addressing Liability Impact of Automated Systems”, funded by EUROCONTROL, 2013 – 2016;
Co-Coordinator of the project “Designing Regulation for Autonomous Weapons Systems” funded by the EUI Research Council Founding, 2013 – 2014;
Coordinator of the European Project ALIAS, “Addressing Liability Impact of Automated Systems”, funded by EUROCONTROL, 2010-2012;
Coordinator of the EUI research unit for the project DALOS, “DrAfting Legislation with Ontology-based Support”, EU e-Participation exploratory action 2007-2008;
Coordinator of the EUI research unit for the project SEAL, “Smart Environment for Assisting Legislative Drafting”, 2007-2008;
Coordinator of the Marie Curie Chair project ONE-LEX, “ONtologies for European Laws in Executable Format”, EU e-Participation exploratory action 2006-2009;
Coordinator of the UNIBO Unit for the European project ALIS (IST-2004-027968), 2006;
Coordinator of the UNIBO Unit for the European project ESTRELLA (IST-2004-027665) 2005-2006;
Coordinator of the Italian National research project MIUR “Fiducia e diritto nella società dell’informazione” (Trust and law in the information society), 2006 -2009;
Coordinator of the Italian National research project MIUR “Software open source” (Open source software), 2003-2006;
Coordinator of the Italian National research project MIUR “Agenti elettronici e diritto” (Electronic agents and the law), 2001-2003;
Coordinator of the Belfast and the Bologna Units of the European project IST FET UIE ALFEBIITE (IST-1999-10298), 1999-2003.
For an extended CV and
further information,