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una volta autenticati, viene visualizzato, nella parte alta della pagina, ...
Modelling of mineral raw materials extraction activities - Advanced application of geostatistics to mining and environmental issues
Professional courses on using satellite images for exploration and mining operations
Deadline for registration: 23th August
Earth Observation for Sustainable Mining.
Coordinator: NGI - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
Recovery of Mining District Networ.
Coordinator: Technical University of Ostrava.
REMINDNET in the COST website.
REMINDNET official website.
Geothermal energy for sustainable livestock farming
Boosting geothermal energy in Egypt
Mining residues (stockpiles and tailings) are strategic to recover Critical Raw Materials (CRMs), however technological gaps still exist.
INCO-Piles Project aimed to define best practices for CRMs recovery; moreover, the Project promoted technologies transfer by organizing dedicated Round Tables with ...
GEOTeCH project aimed to stimulate and promote greater utilization of renewable heating and cooling using shallow geothermal solutions through advancement of innovative drilling, ground heat exchangers and hybrid heat pumps.
Currently, most of the advancements proposed by the Project are factively ...
SWIFTLY Green aimed to develop a toolbox for green corridors. The toolbox consists of guidelines, tools and recommendations for greening of logistics and transport. It is based on best practice and transferable results from a thorough mapping and analysis of previous and on-going projects.
In such ...
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