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Francesco is PhD in Geoengineering, Georesources and Geotechnical Engineering. His main research activity deals with Georesources Engineering, with special focus on geothermal energy and critical raw materials. He has worked in several projects of international cooperation. He was the Coordinator, with scientific responsibility, of the EIT RM INCO-Piles 2020 project and participated, among others to the projects H2020 GEOTeCH, H2020 RES4Live and Erasmus+ GEB. Currently, he is responsible and coordinator of the EIT RM RawMatCop Alliance project and is involved in the HEU MINEYE project. The abovementioned projects all deal with exploration and exploitation of georesources: solids (critical raw materials) and fluids (geothermal energy).
Author and co-author of various scientific publications on the georesources engineering topic, of which 51 indexed in Scopus (December 2024).
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