Foto del docente

Francesco Capozzi

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: CHEM-03/A General and Inorganic Chemistry

Curriculum vitae

Current Academic position

Scientific Area: from 20/10/2011 03/B1 - Fondamenti delle Scienze Chimiche e Sistemi Inorganici

Scientific Sector: from 01/02/2001 CHIM/03 - Chimica generale e inorganica (Chemistry)

Qualification: Full Professor

Affiliation: Università degli Studi di BOLOGNA - Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari

Steering activities

He was Head of the Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Agro-Food Research (CIRI-AGRO) at the University of Bologna from June 2018 to June 2024..

He is representative for the University of Bologna in the Executive Board of the "Interuniversity Consortium for the Magnetic Resonances of Paramagnetic Metallo-proteins".

He is representative of the Italian Conference of Rectors (CRUI) for the PRIMA EU-Mediterranean Initiative on Food systems and Economic development.


He is the cofounder of the Foodomics science, a new approach to food and nutrition that studies the food domain as a whole with the nutrition domain, to reach the optimization of human health and well-being, as measured by robust patterns of chemical biomarkers. His main expertise is the definition of molecular and supra-molecular descriptors of biological systems, applied to food, cells, vegetable, animals and human subjects.

Research area

His research activity aims at:

- assessing the metabolic status of individuals, by analysing the NMR spectroscopic profiles of their biological fluids and tissues;

- developing methods to measure errors in epidemiological assessments, by looking at the presence of predictive biomarkers of specific conditions, including food intake, found in NMR spectra of subjects' biological fluids;

- describing the transformation of food products by means of the molecular profiles of their extracts and the bio-physical properties of the matrix as a whole, such as nuclear relaxation parameters of solvent-solute pairs as depending on the biological environment;

- measuring the molecular bio-accessibility and digestibility of food products in relation to their susceptibility to enzymatic hydrolysis and solute-matrix chemical exchange mechanisms.

Organization of Conferences

Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the "1st European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences”, Rimini, Italy, 4-8/10/2005

Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the International Congress "Foodomics 2009", Cesena, Italy, 28-29/5/2009

Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International Congress "Foodomics 2011", Cesena, Italy, 22-25/6/2011

Local Organizer of the “First International Conference on Food Digestion”, Cesena, Italy, 19-21/3/2012.

Member of the Scientific Committee of the “XI International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Food”, Wageningen, The Netherland, 26-29/6/2012

Member of the Scientific Committee of the “6th Central European Congress on Food”, Novi Sad, Serbia, 23-26/5/2012

Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the International Congress "Foodomics 2013", Cesena, Italy, 22-24/5/2013

Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the “XII International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Food”, Cesena, Italy, 20-23/5/2014

Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International Congress "Foodomics 2015", Cesena, Italy, 8-9/10/2015

Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the International Congress "Foodomics 2018", Cesena, Italy, 10-12/01/2018

Main Seminaries and Oral Communications at Conferences relevant to the application field

- “The General Chemistry Point of View for Food and Nutrition: from bioinorganic paramagnetic species to system chemistry”. XLVI CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DI CHIMICA INORGANICA. Bologna, 10-13/09/2018

- “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to explore transformations’ landscapes in the food domain”. WORKSHOP CATALYSIS WITH IONS, COMPLEXES, BIOLOGICAL SYTEMS, CLUSTERS AND SURFACES (CAT-ICBCS) 2017, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy, 3-4/11/2017

- “Multidisciplinary skills for Food Safety”. WORLD FOOD RESEARCH AND INNOVATION FORUM -FOOD SAFETY ON THE NEW SILK ROAD, Guangzhou (Guandong), China, 20/11/2017

- "How local stakeholders can contribute exploiting bioeconomy potential of the Region". ECOMONDO 2017 - Sustainable Mediterranean Bioeconomy, Rimini, Italy, 8/11/2017

- “Basic Concepts of Metabolomics and Application to the Food and Nutrition Science”. IAFP’s European Symposium on Food Safety. Athens, Greece, 11-13/05/2016

- “Foodomics: the right approach to discover the link between food and health”, The First Italian-Israeli Forum on Medicine: Food and health, impact of computational and experimental studies. Tel Aviv and Rehovot, Israel 2-3/06/2015.

- “Defining real food systems by applying foodomics to the in vitro digestion”, 4th International Conference of Food Digestion. Naples, Italy 17-19/03/2015.

- “Nutri-Metabonomics and Foodomics", XIII Sigma Aldrich Young Chemists Symposium (S.A.Y.C.S.). Riccione, Italy, 28-30/10/2013.

- “NMR snapshots of in vitro digestion of protein-rich foods”, 4th Meeting of COST Action INFOGEST (FA 1005). Izmir, Turkey 8-10/10/2013.

- “Metabolomics and Drug Discovery”, International Summer School "Chemical and Genomics-Based Strategies in the Discovery of Novel Drug Targets", Bologna, Italy 24-28/06/2013

- “Low Cost Technologies and Traditional Ingredients for The Production of Affordable, Nutritionally Correct Foods Improving Health in Population Groups at Risk of Poverty”, 6th Central European Congress on Food, Novi Sad, Serbia, 23-26/05/2012

- “Applications of metabonomics for the assessment of health status”, The 11th Baltic Congress of Laboratory Medicine, Vilnius, Lithuania, 10-12/05/2012

Participation in editorial boards

Journal: Nutrients (ISSN 2072-6643) - Editor from 04/2009 to 12/2012;

Journal: Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry (ISSN 0749-1581) - Guest Editor from 01/2012 to 12/2012;

Journal: Gene & Nutrition (ISSN 1555-8932) - Guest Editor from 07/2011 to 08/2012;

Journal: Food Research International (ISSN 0963-9969) - Guest Editor from 05/2013 to 12/2013;

Journal: Foods (ISSN 2304-8158) - Editor from 09/2012;

Journal: Current Opinion in Food Science (ISSN: 2214-7993) - Editor from 01/2014;

Journal: Acta Alimentaria (ISSN: 0139-3006) - Editor from 01/2014.

Projects coordination

- European coordinator of the project KBBE FP7-(GA 266331) "CHANCE - Low cost technologies and traditional ingredients for the production of affordable, nutritionally correct foods Improving Health in Population groups at risk of poverty", 3 years, Project funding €3.000.000,00

- Scientific responsible for the Bio-NMR unit in the project KBBE FP7 Capacities (GA 606476) “BAKE4FUN – Innovative biotechnological solutions for the production of new bakery functional foods“; 2 years; Project funding € 874.000,00

- Leader of the work group on "Food Structure and Nutrient Bioavailibility" of the European COST Action FA1005INFOGEST "Improving Health Properties of Food by Sharing our Knowledge on the Digestive Process".(

- Member of the coordination team of the project KBBE FP7 (GA 311876) “PATHWAY27 - Pivotal assessment of the effects of bioactives on health and wellbeing. from human genome to food industry”; 5 years; Project funding € 5.000.000,00

- Responsible of the Univ. Bologna BIO-NMR unit for the project Food Biomarker Alliance (FoodBAll –H2020 JPI Healthy diet for healthy life); Group funding € 80.000,00.

- Work Package leader of the EU-H2020 Project (ID 817737)“”FutureEUAqua - Future growth in sustainable, resilient and climate friendly organic and conventional European aquaculture”; 4 years; Project funding € 6.000.000,00

National funding (last relevant to the food sector)

- In 2010-2012, he was the scientific coordinator of the project funded by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (D.M. 8 of 30.12.2009), on "FRESH FISH: Development of the fresh fish system" to support the General Directorate of Maritime Fishing and Aquaculture in the drafting of regulatory guidelines. Contribution for 24 months was Euro 186.000

- The above project has been extended with a further contract (D.D. 128 del 21/11/2011) for the elaboration of guidelines concerning labelling of fresh fish. Contribution for 12 months is Euro 80.640

- Starting in January 2012, he is the scientific coordinator of the project funded by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (D.M. 33 of 23.12.2011), on "BEST FISH: valorisation of the neglected fresh fish in the food service sector". Contribution for 18 months is Euro 105.000

- Starting in November 2013, he is the scientific coordinator of the project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (D.M. 14 of 9.11.2012), "FISH OPERATOR: support to the Administration for the implementation of the regulatory framework and technical application on the fish supply chain". Contribution for 24 months is Euro 200.000

- In 2010-2013 he was the responsible of Bio-NMR unit in the project “Nuove Tecnologie per Il Made In Italy (MIAO)” D.M. 00088MI01 del 22.5.2012; Progetto Industria 2015; Group budget € 34.000,00

- Starting in March 2014 he is the responsible of BIO-NMR unit in the project CL.A.N (Cluster Agrifood Nazionale D.D. MIUR 30.5.2012 prot.N.257/RIC) PROSIT Project; Group budget € 134.424,80




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