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Francesca Guarino

Assistant professor

Department of Sociology and Business Law

Academic discipline: SPS/07 General Sociology


Dissertation topics suggested by the teacher.

  • nb: in order to ask your paper in Sociology it is absolutely necessary a) having already passed your exam in Sociology b) possibly with a good result (starting from 24 on 30/30).

Just below you can find a list of general themes of interest I ask you to think about in order to propose your personal paper in Sociology: each theme will be personalized by students after a face to face interview as basic requirement at the preparation and definition of the thesis project; it includes requirements on the academic writing of your final paper (such as bibliography and quotations, subdivision into chapters/paragraphs, drafting of the index and the document in its parts, introduction and conclusions). Once the framework aspects of the work have been defined, task of the student is to trace and deepen adequately the literature on the subject and develop it in a logical, clear, coherent way. The teacher guarantees supervision and revision of the work, with a response to emails within 1 week at the latest (e. g. if you send me chapter 2 to be corrected, you will have the revised work by the following Monday evening at the latest).

topics of interest:

  • on the social representation of social themes (such as social class, ethnicity, gender, religious denomination) the impact of certain media products of general popularity or by specific subgroups (series, documentaries, but also new narrative formats and social-twitches for example). Elements to be considered in the drafting of the project will be both the literature on the subject considered and notions about the evolution of traditional and digital media. A possible item of great interest (to be considered in this perspective) is the representation of Islam and Muslim people in our country and culture

    on “remediation” and convergence (Grusin and Bolter; Jenkins) and mode of storytelling: I am interested in the development of web-series theses (such as Skam or other products) chosen as emblems of post-contemporary storytelling and imagination methodologies that make use of the combined use of multiple media, non-linear time scanning and with a capacity of involvement of the users who become co-authors from passive spectators.

    a reflection on the role and impact of online communities in the emergence of psychological and / or social and health issues from submerged (and experienced in solitary terms by people) to their redefinition both in the social and personal imagination. There are many areas of interest. These include, for example: fibromyalgia, social withdrawal hikikomori, disability. At the same time, it will be possible to consider and clarify the possible effects in terms of empowerment of the citizens involved in terms of illness, disease and sickness.

    sociological aspects of the profession of psychologist in the post-contemporary era: the interest is directed in particular to an analysis of the evolution of the therapeutic relationship from traditional face-to-face situations to those mediated by computer technologies (chat/skype/webinar, etc); implemented ad hoc in era covid and their analysis. This interest can also be extended to other professions, for example: teaching and its effectiveness in co-lending or on-line.

    Social and Sociological Challenges for the Post-Contemporary Psychologist: the interest is in the problematic issues/questions that the post-contemporary society is developing and that reflect on the individual, as personal issues. The range of proposals is varied: the student can think, for example, about patients who have problems with anorexia/bulimia and other disorders of the eating spectrum in the society of the image; about dropping out of school as an effect of the change in the structure of work; about people suffering from chronic diseases and the redefinition of their self.

    A thesis of interest may be developed on the transformations of social roles in the current or post-contemporary era: specifically on the paternal, or maternal, student or teacher roles or other roles that have changed or are in the process of changing, with specific reference to sociological literature and/or outcomes of research on the topic. The paper can certainly consider the social imaginary, the impact of the media and other aspects appropriately considered in terms of socialization.

    the transformation of intimacy and emotional ties in post-contemporary society: an example of a topic of interest could be a reflection on the conception of love or friendship between virtual/social reality and relationships in co-presence or even a reflection on the couple and its more or less institutionalized stability with attention to the current and new valorization of monogamy and at the same time the rates of divorce/separation. Alongside a theoretical reflection, the comparison with macro-social data is solicited with respect to the phenomena treated and literature on the subject.

    Consumption styles and media: from traditional selling and buying, to telesales, to 2. 0 consumption styles, with an interest in new ways of buying and promoting and self-promoting on instagram. The figure of the influencer may be of particular interest and should be explored through possible case studies. A related reflection on deviance, proposed by R. K. Merton - in particular on the figure of the innovator - is required, as well as an adjoining reflection on present-day society. However, proposals to explore the impact of new technologies from a socio-anthropological perspective are welcome, with possible links to psychological analysis developed in the conclusions.

    the transformations of society and religion/spirituality in the last century. The thesis can consider different topics such as: personalization of the mystic, spread of practices (yoga, meditation for example); you can correlate the characteristics of today's society in relation to the loss of certainty and spread of phenomena related to anxiety as well as globalization and hybridization of phenomena. The analysis should not be separated from critical considerations of the phenomenon (supply market and consumer approach).

    health from a socialogical perspective, in particular as a reflection on the medicalisation of everyday life and lifestyles. In the case of proposals on the consumption of psychoactive substances, my specific interest is in the consumption of alcoholic beverages, but the consumption of medicinal products is also of interest. Themes should preferably be developed by those who have attended the course, as a way of deepening and making the most of the elements covered in Sociology of Health. In any case, the perspective to be adopted is absolutely socio-cultural and not medical.

  •       Other topics are certainly possible, if you have an idea and a definite interest for how much the cut of work will undoubtedly have to be sociological. To clarify: I do not accept theses on psychiatric or psychological pathologies treated from a psychiatric or psychological point of view, but only considering the sociological perspective: socio-economic, socio-cultural, media representation or, again, in consideration of the impact and transformations in the socio-health services.

Once you have agreed the initial interview with the teacher, you are asked to draw up a sort of provisional list or index of the topic you want to develop: usually two or three general points. This exercise is useful, already in the preliminary phase, to realize how to transform your idea from abstract and generic to more concrete and circumscribed and then send it to me before the meeting for a focused reflection.

The thesis is not only an obligation but also one of the first real opportunities to deal with something that should really interest you and that you choose, even with the rules required of writing a formal and important document like, and which we will talk about in person: take it as an opportunity!