Foto del docente

Francesca Guarino

Assistant professor

Department of Sociology and Business Law

Academic discipline: GSPS-05/A General Sociology

Curriculum vitae


Name Surname: Francesca Guarino



CURRENT POSITION: Researcher in Sociology (SPS/07) at the Faculty of Psychology, Cesena - University of Bologna; I teach Sociology (60 hours) in the second half of the academic year.


  • 2001-2004  PhD in Criminology, Faculty of Political Science, Bologna. Dissertation: The silent illnesses:  for a sociological redefinition of mental disease.
  • 1995-1999  Degree course in Political Science, in the Social branch (“vecchio ordinamento”, 4 years), at the University of study of Bologna.  Dissertation: Socialisation to the images and metamorphoses of the body.  Empirical research on  video-socialisation  in adolescents (107/110)
  • 1989-1994  Linguistic Diploma, experimental classical branch, obtained at the Scientific Secondary School (liceo) N.Copernico, Bologna.

Further Educational Experiences

  • 2015: Training Course on NVIVO 10. Perspectives and problems of the qualitative analysis with a special regard on Grounded Theory, Roma3 University.  
  • 2009-2010: Post-doctoral grant holder (borsa di ricerca) within the European Project The perception of young Europeans in regards to their future – VII programme “Pact-pathways for carbon transition”.  Italian Scientific responsible, prof. Silvio Scanagatta, Sociological Department, University of Padova.
  • 2005-2006: Post-doctoral Research fellowship (assegno di ricerca), Bologna University, Faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli”, Forlì. Correlated educational programme: “The codes of psychiatric illnesses: paths for methodological integration”.
  • 2002-2009: Editorial activities for a specialised journal in Sociology of Health: “Salute e Società”; member of the Technical-Scientif Committee from 2010.
  • 2003: Summer School Health Service Research Methodologies – qualitative and quantitative methodologies for integrated research and the evaluation of the quality of the health services, carried out at Alba di Canazei and promoted by the S.I.S.S. in collaboration with the Department of the Science of Education of the University of Verona.  A certification was awarded after a conclusive test.
  • 2002-2003: Course for volunteers in the psychiatric field organised by the no-profit association “Percorso Vita”, supported by the Bologna Health Services. A certification of participation was conferred upon completion of the course.
  • 2002-2003  Voluntary activities at the refugee camps and at the orphanage at Nis, in Serbia. supported by ICS (Italian consortium for solidarity) and no-profit association “Adottando”


 Italian: mother speaking

Other languages (Self Assesment Grid - European Level):


Comprehension: Listening C1; Lecture C1 ;

Spoken : Oral Interaction B1+;  Oral production B1+;

Written: B1+

2) French:

Comprehension: Listening C1; Lecture C2 ;

Spoken : Oral Interaction B1;  Oral production B1;

Written: B1



computer literate: good knowledge of word and excel, practical knowledge of SPSS (mono and bi-variated analysis), good capacity of research on line and netsurfing (Internet).

social research: consolidated experience on social planning for the research (research project, definition of qualitative and quantitive tools), on administering focus group (moderator) and interviews, on data comment. 

editorial: 9 years of book and article reviews experience.


A) University teaching

2010-2011 :

  • Research laboratory:  Teaching on contracts (53 hours) of the Research Laboratory I and II (first and second semester), Social Department, Faculty of political Science, University of Bologna.
  • General sociology:  Teaching on contracts (15 hours) at the Degree in Professional Education (EPO) at the University of Padova, faculty of the Science of Education, based in Rovigo (CUR).
  • Methodology of social research: Teaching on contracts (15 hours) at the Degree in Professional Education (EPO) at the University of Padova, faculty of the Science of Education, based in Rovigo (CUR).
  • Health sociology: Teaching on contracts (15 hours) at the Degree in Professional Education (EPO) at the University of Padova, faculty of the Science of Education, based in Rovigo (CUR).

2009-2010 :

  • Research laboratory (I and II):  Teaching on contracts (60 hours), Social Department, faculty of Political Science, University of Bologna. First semester: research activities about young resident, leisure time contests and alcohol consumption (survey and interviews). Second semester: gender relationship and ordinary life (focus group, interviews).  
  • General sociology:  Teaching on contracts (15 hours) at the Degree in Professional Education (EPO) at the University of Padova, faculty of the Science of Education, based in Rovigo (CUR).
  • Methodology of social research: Teaching on contracts (15 hours) at the Degree in Professional Education (EPO) at the University of Padova, faculty of the Science of Education, based in Rovigo (CUR).
  • Health sociology: Teaching on contracts (15 hours) at the Degree in Professional Education (EPO) at the University of Padova, faculty of the Science of Education, based in Rovigo (CUR).

2008-2009 :

  • Research laboratory (I and II):  Teaching on contracts (60 hours) of the Research Laboratory I and II, Social Department, Faculty of political Science, Bologna. First semester: evaluation research on the impact of a critical consumption project in a limited area of application (participative observation). Second semester: evaluation research of the same project with a survey. 

2007-2008 :

  • Research laboratory:  Teaching on contracts (60 hours) of the Research Laboratory I and II, Social Department, Faculty of political Science, Bologna. First semester: quali-quantitative research on resident and not resident university students' alcohol consumption (from interview to questionnaire). Second semester: quali-quantitative research on older people and daily life (from interview to questionnaire).
  • Methodology and techniques of social research:  Teaching on contracts (15 hours), specific course for working students, faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli”, University of Bologna, based in Forlì.  

2006-2007 :

  • Methodology and techniques of criminology research: Teaching on contracts (25 ore),  faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli”, University of Bologna, based in Forlì. 
  • Methodology and techniques of social research:  Teaching on contracts (15 hours), specific course for working students, faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli”, University of Bologna, based in Forlì. 

2005 -2006:

  • Advanced Sociology course: Teaching on contracts (34 hours), faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli”, University of Bologna, based in Forlì. 

2004-2005 :

  • Methodologies and Techniques of Social Research : contract didactic support activities (tutor) for the course entitled to prof. Leonardo Altieri, Social Department, Faculty of political Science, University of Bologna.

2001-2007 :

  • Promoter of the subject (cultrice della materia) and didactic support in the Advanced Sociology course, Methodology and Techniques of the Social Research, Health Sociology, Sexual Sociology  - University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli” based in Forli; the collaboration entailed teaching lessons in the above-mentioned courses, supporting the students in theses preparation, assistance for examinations.

B) Research activities in the social field (selected)

2009-2010 :

  • European Project The perception of young Europeans in regards to their future – project VII programme “Pact-pathways for carbon transition”.  Italian Scientific responsible prof. Silvio Scanagatta, Sociological Department, University of Padova. Annual research activity: data interpretation of specific sessions of the questionnaire given out in a selection of secondary schools throughout the E.U., drawing up of the report and a synthesis for school (Italian and English version), participation in meetings with the European representatives of the Commission and researchers in Padova and in Brussels.
  • PIU' project (Industry-University Project, supported by Bologna University and the Chamber of Commerce) on the subject: Corporate Reputation: a measurement model and analyses applicable to the middle-sized enterprises and social cooperatives. Annual activities: design and conduction of the complete study, with a final Report of the results and an introducing analysis of the international literature. 

   2008-2009 :

  • Project of research evaluation on the experimental project e-Care for the elderly population  living in fragile conditions  promoted by the Emilia-Romagna region. The e-Care Project of Cup2000 is part of the experimentation foreseen within the programming for aging and preventive measures about the “non self-sufficiency” of the Regional Fund. The evaluation project has been conducted with prof. Costantino Cipolla, Università di Bologna. Activities: methodological definition of the tools for the evaluation study, coordination of the research team, conduction of interviews and focus group, editor of the report book and author of specific chapters of comment (cf. publications).   
  • National project of research The subjective combination of causes leading to accidents at the workplace promoted by Istituto Piepoli di Milano, financed by Ministry of Work. Scientific Responsible: prof G. Gobo, University of Milano. Activities: interviews to accidents and not accidents workers and content analysis.
  • Project of research The consumption of psychoactive substances and the workplace, conferred by the (ex) Ministry of Social solidarity to the department of Sociology, University of Bologna. Scientific responsible: prof. Costantino Cipolla. Activities: focus group and interviews conduction, administration and data comment of some topics of the questionnaire, final report about Bologna working class.  

2006-2009 :

  • National project of research The reasons for contentious situations in the socio-health sector promoted by IOR (Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli) and the Department of Sociology, University of study of Bologna. Activities: definition of the research tools (questionnaires and interview), conducting of interviews with people who have had experience of contentious situations, with representatives of the health institutions and the tertiary sector (place of competence Azienda Ospedali Riuniti “Torrette”, Ancona), analyses of the interview contents on specific topics, drawing up of a chapter regarding the contentious process from the point of view of the health institutions (cf publications).

2007-2008 :

  • Annual project of research on Young people, alcohol and food in the workplace , promoted from the Cesar/Unipolis Foundation and the Department of Sociology, University of Bologna. At my care: design of the research and of the tools (questionnaire and focus group stimulus), education training for the interviewers, data analysis, production of the final Report.  

2006-2007 :

  • Annual project of research on Long term care with particular reference to the possible interactions between the public fund for non-self-sufficiency and the private insurance sector for the needing of elderly population, promoted by Cesar/Unipolis foundation and the Department of sociology, Political Science, University of Bologna. Activities: design of the research, carrying out of detailed interviews in the public and private sectors, study of international literature and experiences developed in national cases (Italy, France and Germany). The research has been conducted with the collaboration of prof. Antonio Maturo and David Mechanic, Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research, the State University of New Jersey (Usa experience).

2004-2005 :

  • Project of research on Young people and health in the province of Cesena and Forlì, carried out between Department of sociology, Bologna University and the Health  institutions of Cesena and Forlì. Activities: initial definition of the project, participation in the construction of the research tool, conduction of focus group between health operator,   chapter on the data comment regarding the trends of young in treating body with sport and specific diet as a typical reflection of nowadays (cf publications). 
  • Research activities in the project  Passive Mobility towards and out from the Ferrara Health Services. At my care: definition of the questions for the interview and of the stimulus for the focus group, administering of interviews (key figures in the health structure and in the local third sector), conduction of focus group (general and specialist doctor; nurses), analysis contempt of articles in newspaper, data comment on specific topics (cf. publications).

2002-2003 :

  • Annual research activities within the Project for the identification of a management model of the Social Services in the territory of the North Bologna Health and Social Services, carried out by the Department of sociology, University of Bologna and the Social Services. Activities: interviews in the (ex) North Bologna district; management of focus groups;  handling, elaboration and interpretation of the qualitative information relative to the Minors' sector, Mental Health and Pathological dependency, drawing up of the topics for  the report and for a publication (cf).

2001-2004 :

  • Research-action activities on the socio-educative quality of the crèches within the Education and Qualification  Project for Educative Services for Infancy personnel for the Milan town Council, Infant Education Services and the Department of sociology, responsible prof. Costantino Cipolla. The hole project has been developped in 3 years. Activities: interviews on the coordinators and personnel of the services, the drawing up of a Document for the internal evaluation of the crèche services, Service Paper and definition of the grid of the questionnaire regarding the perceived quality in crèches.


  • Research activities within the Strategic regional plan for the promotion of the quality of life in older people for E.R.V.E.T. (Emilia Romagna Valorizzazione Economica del Territorio/economic qualification of the territory).  Activities: interviews with private companies and social cooperatives operating in aspects of interest for elderly people life (i.e:  “domotics” houses,  instruments for tele-rescuing, housing, health appliances, etc).

C) Educational consultancy activities


  • Education action (azione formativa) Civilian operators in war zones or in natural calamity areas – Regional Operative Programme FSE 2004 Ob 3 Mis C3 Cod 014  entitled “Educator for health, safety and the management of high risk personal and social behaviour” approved by the Committee of the Faculty of the Science of Education at the University of Verona, co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Veneto region. Topic developed:  sociology of the environment and of catastrophes, the role of civil defence in case of earthquakes; examples of activities of international cooperation in the Saharawi case and in the war in ex-Yugoslavia.
  • Education action (azione formativa) Prevention and Education as instruments for personal and social education – Regional Operative Programme FSE 2004 Ob 3 Mis C3 Cod 014  entitled “Educator for health, safety and the management of high risk personal and social behaviour” approved by the Committee of the Faculty of the Science of Education at the University of Verona, co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Veneto region. Topic developed:  young people at risk, instruments for sociological research.


  • Educational activities regarding the socio-educative quality within the Education and qualification project for Educative Services for Infancy personnel.  The course took place over a three year period (180 hours) for the town council of Milan, Infant Education Services.  At my care: front lessons on the social quality in educational services, work-shop activities with the educators for the identification of evaluation instruments of the quality of the crèche.


  • Info-educational activities for the Volunteers Services Centre (Centro dei Servizi di Volontariato of Modena -, in temporary regency of that one of Bologna Activities: organisational management of a formative cycle of meetings for local voluntary associations, management of some of the modules (Voluntary as a resource in the promotion of social welfare).

 2000 :

  • Consultancy on the social quality of the educational services for infants for the Cultural Association “Senza il Banco”, Bologna area. Activities: design of 3 Socio-educative projects for summer activities destined to children in compulsory schooling age, ideation and management of tools for evaluating the quality perceived from families.

D) Papers at conferences




26 January 2019 - Conference Presenter with a paper on the research "Visability" in the 7th Euroacademia International Conference - The European Union and the Politicization of Europe - Bruges- Belgium . 

12-13 october 2018, Sociology Festival, Narni. "Gaze Borders: two example of visual social researching with and on images".

5 may 2018, Spirito&Spirits - religion and lifestyles, AIS+Florence Cocktailweek. Alcool consumption and young style, the face of alcoholic relationship". Santa Apollonia Auditorium, Florence. 

14 September 2017, Sociology Festival, Narni. Insights from visual research on the Jubilee about deonthology and methodology.

30 October 2016, Identity and culture of the territory, going through Visual Sociology into the Italian ProLoco experiences, Mediterranean Tourism Exchange (BTM), Paestum. 

17 January 2014, Family and sexuality. An indissoluble link in transition, Cinema Italia, Castenaso (Bologna),

7 -10 September 2011: accepted paper at ESA 10th conference “Social Relation in Turbulent Times”. Paper presented:  Future Scenarios in the energetic transition: the European Adolescents perspective. Place: Geneva

17 may 2011: spokesperson at the conclusive conference ADriA Alcohol drinking awareness – Cooperation program Interreg IV Italia-Austria. Paper presented: L'alcol e i giovani. Riflessioni sociologiche sui consumi giovanili (Alcohol and young people. Sociological discourse on young consuption). Place: Villa Manin/ Codroipo – Udine.

11 march 2011: spokesperson at the specialistic conference I giovani e l'alcool: consumi, abusi, responsabilità (The young and alcohol: consuption, abuse, responsabilities). Paper presented: L'alcol dei giovani: stili di consumo emergenti dalla ricerca sociologica internazionale (The youth's alcohol: emerging styles of consuption from the international sociological research). Place: Sala Gandolfi – Corso Diaz, 45 – Forlì.  

5 October 2010:  spokesperson at the conference Corporate Reputation: a measurement model and analyses applicable to the middle-sized enterprises  and cooperatives (exposition of the research). Place: Aula Poeti, Faculty of Political Science, University of Bologna.

23-24 September 2010:  participation as spokesperson at X national Conference AIS, Section WS12 Health and Global Society. Paper presented:  Alcohol, from abusing consumption to young people's style. Place: faculty of Political Science, University of Milano.  

11 December 2009:  participation as spokesperson at the Studies conference in honour of Ardigò – section:  Young people and Achille Ardigò. Paper title presented: Life-word role in health. Place: Social Dipartment, University “Cattolica del Sacro Cuore”, Milano.

19 October 2009:  spokesperson at the seminar “For a national observatory regarding violence on older people”.  Object of the intervention: From mimetic ill-treatment to the construction of an observatory. Place:  Palazzo della Regione Friuli, via Sabbadini, Udine.

March 2008:  spokesperson at the seminar “Gender and ageing:  a perspective on the Emilia Romagna region and the city of Ferrara”, promoted by Spi-Cgil in occasion of the celebration of “women's day”. Place: Ferrara.

June 2007: spokesperson at the seminar conference “Older people's territory and the services available” promoted by the Provincial Administration of Mantova.  Object of the intervention:  Ageing, disability, long term care. Place: Sala delle Colonne, Provincial Administration, Mantova.

April 2007:  spokesperson at the conference “Ageing and disability” promoted by Cesar Foundation. Object of the intervention:  Long-term care perspectives for the elderly people. Place: Frantani Centre, Rome.

November 2007:  call for paper “Towards a treatment theory”. Paper presented: Socialisation to the images and metamorphoses of the body. Place: faculty of Educational Science,  University of Padova.

December 2006:  presentation of the volume The health of young people as a value (Cipolla et al. eds, cf. pubblication). Object of the intervention: main result from the research developed on young people between  Forlì and Cesena and specific approach toward the use of the body  in sport activities and  way of eating. Place: “Biblioteca Malatestiana” Institution, Cesena.

19 October 2006:  presentation of the results of the research Perspectives of Long Term for the Italian scenario. Place: Cesar/Unipolis  Foundation, Bologna.

15 November 2005:  specialist  teaching seminar Per-verse and normal in affective and sexual relations for the Course of Sociology of health and lifestyle, faculty of Political science  “Roberto Ruffilli”. Place: Forli. 

3 maggio 2005: specialist  teaching seminar Mental health and Silent disease for the Course of Sociology of health and lifestyle, faculty of Political science  “Roberto Ruffilli”. Place: Forli. 

1 aprile 2004: specialist  teaching seminar For a sociological redefinition of mental disease, for the Course of Sociology of health and lifestyle, faculty of Political science  “Roberto Ruffilli”. Place: Forli. 


Monographic books (with 2 anonymous referees):

  • Alcol e Stile Giovane. Un'interpretazione sociologica (Alcohol and Young Style.  A sociological interpretation), FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2010. 

Edited books:

  • Cipolla C. and Guarino F. (eds.), e-Care e Anziani fragili. Una sperimentazione tra Bologna e Ferrara (e-Care and Fragile Ageing. An experimentation between Bologna and Ferrara), FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2009.   
  • Guarino F. and Mignardi L. (eds.), Tecnologie a rete per la salute e l'assistenza. prospettive per l'intergrazione socio-sanitaria (Network Technologies for health and care), “Salute e Società”, anno VI, n. 2, supplemento, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2007. 

Articles in Journals, with referee (selected):

  • Il ruolo dei mondi vitali nella salute (Life-word role in health), Cipolla C, Moruzzi M. (eds) – Achille Ardigò and the Sociology of health, “Salute e società”, year VIII, 2, 2009, supplement: 114-134.
  •  Dell'incapacità di intendere o di volere nel DSM-IV (On the incapacity to understand or to want in DSM-IV), Balloni A. and Bisi R. (eds) “Salute e società”, year VII, 3, 2008: 201-215.
  • LTC e non autosufficienza in Italia: tra definizioni teoriche e prospettive di spendibilità (LTC and non self-sufficiency in Italy: between theoretical definitions and applicative perspectives), Gardini A. (ed.), “Salute e Società”, year VI, 3, 2007: 207-232.
  • Cannabis tra incantesimo della droga e scelte sociali (Cannabis, between the spell of  drugs and social choices), Cipolla C. (ed.) “Salute e Società”, year VI, nr. 1 supplement, 2007: 91-128. 
  • Editorial: I perché di una lettura sociologica del mobbing (The whys of a sociological interpretation of mobbing), “Difesa Sociale”, vol. LXXXIV, 3-4,  lug-dic, IIMS - Istituto Italiano di medicina sociale, Roma.

  Essays for didactics (selected)

  • Il peso specifico dello sguardo: la tecnica dell'osservazione sociologica allo specchio (The specific weight of a look:  the technique of sociological observation in the mirror)  in Corposanto C. (ed.) Metodologia e tecniche non intrusive della ricerca sociale (Non intrusive methodologies and techniques of social research), FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2004.
  • La definizione sociale del crimine (The social definition of crime), in Cremonini F (ed.), Strumenti e Tecniche per l'Indagine Criminologica (Instruments and Techniques for Criminological Research), FrancoAngeli, Milano 2002.

  Chapters in books from the research activities (selected): 

  • Un altro verbo. Dalla metodologia di ricerca ad alcune chiavi di interpretazione, in Guarino F. (ed.) Visabilità. Il giubileo dei malati e disabili, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2018.
  • Storytelling di un evento speciale: tre giornate sul campo con la macchina fotografica, in Guarino F. (ed.) Visabilità. il giubileo dei malati e disabili, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2018.
  • L'azienda sanitaria e il contenzioso: una proposta di lettura (The health institution and contention: a proposed reading) in Cipolla C. (ed.), Il contenzioso sanitario visto dai pazienti (Contention in health as seen by the patients), FrancoAngeli, Milano 2010: 109-130.
  • Percorsi di chi si rivolge ad Alcologia (The paths of those who turn to Alcohology), with Molteni L. and Pancheri R., in Corposanto C. and Lovaste R. (eds), Uso Occasionale e dipendenza da sostanze psicotrope. Pazienti e professionisti a confronto ( Occasional use and dependence on psychotropic substances.  Patients and professionals – a comparison) FrancoAngeli, Milano 2009: 99-133.
  • Sport e alimentazione negli usi del corpo riflessivo (Sport and eating in reflective body uses), in Cipolla C., Pini G. and Ugolini P. (eds.), La salute dei giovani come valore (The health of young people as a value), FrancoAngeli, Milano 2006: 91-128.
  • Luogo di fruizione esterna e ragioni della mobilità (Place of external fruition and reasons of mobility), in Cipolla C. and Foglietta F. (eds.), La mobilità passiva. Una ricerca nella provincia di Ferrara (Passive mobility. A research in the province of Ferrara), FrancoAngeli, Milano 2005: 38-67.
  • La comunicazione sanitaria (Health communication) in Cipolla C. and Foglietta F. (eds.), La mobilità passiva: una ricerca nella provincia di Ferrara (Passive mobility. A research in the province of Ferrara), FrancoAngeli, Milano 2005: 92-116.
  • Pluralismo di bisogni, pluralismo di servizi: le nuove sfide dei servizi sociali per i minori (Pluralism of needs, pluralism of services:  the new challenges of the social services for minors), with W.Foschi, in Cipolla C. and Perino A. (eds), Oltre la delega. I servizi sociali nei comuni delle ausl di Rimini e Bologna Nord (Beyond proxy.  Social services in the communes of the Health Services of Rimini and North Bologna), FrancoAngeli, Milano 2004: 105-126.
  • La trasversalità emblematica delle dipendenze patologiche (The emblematic transversality of pathological dependencies) in Cipolla C. and Perino A. (eds.), Oltre la delega. I servizi sociali nei comuni delle ausl di Rimini e Bologna Nord (Beyond proxy.  Social services in the communes of the Health Services of Rimini and North Bologna), FrancoAngeli, Milano 2004: 149-162.
  • The territories of mental health (I  territori della salute mentale) in Cipolla C. and Perino A. (eds.), Oltre la delega. I servizi sociali nei comuni delle ausl di Rimini e Bologna Nord (Beyond proxy.  Social services in the communes of the Health Services of Rimini and North Bologna), FrancoAngeli, Milano 2004: 163-177.