Foto del docente

Fausto Gardini

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-08/A Agricultural, Food and Environmental Microbiology


R. Lanciotti; F. Patrignani; L. Iucci; M. E. Guerzoni; G. Suzzi; N. Belletti; F. Gardini, Effects of milk high pressure homogenization on biogenic amine accumulation during ripening of ovine and bovine Italian cheeses, «FOOD CHEMISTRY», 2007, 104, pp. 693 - 701 [Scientific article]

Patrignani F. ; Iucci L.; Vallicelli M.;Guerzoni M. E.; Gardini F.; Lanciotti R., Role of surface-inoculated Debaryomyces hansenii and Yarrowia lipolytica strains in dried fermented sausage manufacture. Part 1: evaluation of their effects on microbial evolution, lipolytic and proteolytic patterns, «MEAT SCIENCE», 2007, 75, pp. 676 - 686 [Scientific article]

Iucci L.; Patrignani F.; Belletti N.; Ndagijimana M.; Guerzoni M.E.; Gardini F.; Lanciotti R., Role of surface-inoculated Debaryomyces hansenii and Yarrowia lipolytica strains in dried fermented sausage manufacture. Part 2: evaluation of their effects on sensorial features and biogenic ammine contents, «MEAT SCIENCE», 2007, 75, pp. 669 - 675 [Scientific article]

N. Belletti; R. Lanciotti; M. E. Guerzoni; F. Gardini, Antimicrobial efficacy of citron essential oils on pathogenic bacteria in fruit based salads, in: FOOD MICRO 2006 "Food Micro 2006, Food safety and food biotechnology: diversity and global impact". The 20th International ICFMH Symposium, BOLOGNA, E. Parente, L. Cocolin, D. Ercolini, L. Vannini, 2006(atti di: FOOD MICRO 2006 "Food Micro 2006, Food safety and food biotechnology: diversity and global impact". The 20th International ICFMH Symposium, Bologna, 29 Agosto-2 Settembre) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

P. Vernocchi; R. Tofalo; C. Trivisano; S. Torriani; A. Corsetti; G. Suzzi; F. Gardini, Application of a classification tree method to analyze the biodiversity of C. milleri from sourdoughs, in: 3rd International Symposium on Sourdough, BARI, Idea Print, 2006(atti di: 3rd International Symposium on Sourdough, Bari, 25-28 ottobre) [Abstract]

S. Valmorri; L. Settanni; G. Suzzi; F. Gardini; P. Vernocchi; A. Corsetti, Application of a novel polyphasic approach to study the lactobacilli composition of sourdoughs from the Abruzzo region (central Italy), «LETTERS IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY», 2006, 43, pp. 343 - 349 [Scientific article]

Gardini F.; Tofalo R.; Belletti N.; Iucci L.; Suzzi G.; Torriani S.; Guerzoni M.E.; Lanciotti R., Characterization of yeasts involved in the ripening of Pecorino Crotonese cheese, «FOOD MICROBIOLOGY», 2006, 23, pp. 641 - 648 [Scientific article]

F. Gardini; M. Gatti; C. Trivisano; E. Fabrizi; E. Neviani, Classification techniquesfor the evaluation of DNA fingerprinting of lactic acidbacteria of dairy origin, «SCIENZA E TECNICA LATTIERO-CASEARIA», 2006, 57, pp. 393 - 406 [Scientific article]

S. Bover-Cid; F. Gardini; S. Torriani; R. Tofalo; V. Gatto; N. Belletti; G. Suzzi, Effect of temperature, NaCl and glucose concentrations on growth, tyramine formation, presence and expression of tdc gene of Enterecoccus faecalis during ripening of a dry fermented sausage, in: "Food Micro 2006, Food safety and food biotechnology: diversity and global impact" the 20th International ICFMH Symposium., BOLOGNA, E. PARENTE, L. COCOLIN, D. ERCOLINI, L. VANNINI, 2006, pp. 302 - 302 (atti di: "Food Micro 2006, Food safety and food biotechnology: diversity and global impact" the 20th International ICFMH Symposium., Bologna, 29 agosto - 2 settembre 2006) [Abstract]

F. Patrignani; L. Iucci; F. Gardini; R. Lanciotti; M. E. Guerzoni, Effects of Sublethal Concentrations of Hexanal and 2-(E)-hexenal on Membrane Fatty Acid Composition and Metabolite Profiles of Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enteritidis, in: FOOD MICRO 2006 "Food Safety and Food Biotechnology: Diversity and Global Impact" The 20th International ICFMH Symposium, BOLOGNA, E. Parente, L. Cocolin, D. Ercolini, L. Vannini, 2006(atti di: FOOD MICRO 2006 "Food Safety and Food Biotechnology: Diversity and Global Impact" The 20th International ICFMH Symposium, Bologna, 29 Agosto-2 Settembre) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Vannini L.; Paparella A.; Tofalo R.; Ndagijimana M.; Gardini F.; Guerzoni M.E.; Suzzi G., Fattori che influenzano lo sviluppo di Saccharomyces in prodotti caseari, in: Ricerche ed innovazioni nell'industria alimentare, PINEROLO, Chiriotti Editore, 2006, 7, pp. 1154 - 1158 (atti di: 7° Congresso Italiano di Scienza e Tecnologia degli Alimenti (7°CISETA), Cernobbio (Italia), 19-20 settembre 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

P. Vernocchi ; M. Ndagijimana; A. Gianotti; R. Lanciotti; F. Gardini; F. Patrignani; S. Ruggeri; M. E. Guerzoni, Sublethal stress exposure and metabolism modulation in Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis, Lactobacillus plantarum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in: FOOD MICRO 2006 Food Safety and Food Biotechnology: Diversity and Global Impact, BOLOGNA, E. Parente, L. Cocolin, D. Ercolini, L. Vannini, 2006(atti di: FOOD MICRO 2006 Food Safety and Food Biotechnology: Diversity and Global Impact, Bologna, 29 Agosto - 2 Settembre) [Abstract]

Gatti M; Gardini F.; Trivisano C.; Fabrizi E.; Neviani E., Classification Techniques in Order to Study DNA Fingerprinting of Lactic Acid Bacteria of Dairy Origin, in: M. M. READ, Trends in DNA Fingerprinting Research, HAUPPAUGE NY, Nova Science Publishers, 2005, pp. 201 - 220 [Chapter or essay]

GARDINI F.; ZACCARELLI A.; BELLETTI N.; FAUSTINI F.; CAVAZZA A.; MARTUSCELLI M.; MASTROCOLA D.; SUZZI G., Factors influencing biogenic amine production by a strain of Oenococcus oeni in a model system, «FOOD CONTROL», 2005, 16, pp. 609 - 616 [Scientific article]

Suzzi G.; Gardini f., Lieviti per spumantizzazione, in: VINCENZINI M. ROMANO P. FARRIS G. A., Microbiologia del vino, MILANO, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2005, pp. 221 - 232 [Chapter or essay]

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