Among the current researches, I can mention:
1 - patterns of production of the illumination market: models,
notes for the illuminators, and other problems of working
2 - within an informal cooperation with Romanian cultural
institutions, the study of iconographic prototypes of Eastern
Byzantine origins and their diffusion in Western Europe; study of
the relationships between east and west in a broader sense
3 - the study of the subjects and iconographies connected with the
concept of "assistence" in the illuminated manuscripts commissioned
by social help organizations
4 - the relations between visual arts and history of nourishment,
in association with the International Master in History and Culture
of Nourishment (Univesity of Bologna), where I teach; study of the
relationships between food and culture in a broader sense
5 - 'Romanico'/'Romanici'
6 - the "invention" and the "discovery" of Middle Age: how Medieval
art has been judged, understood (or misunderstood) and appreciated
in the different historical periods, including contemporary
"medievalism", with its commemorations and valuations, also in
relationship with the artistic expressions which took place during
the period of Western Middle Age out of Europe
7 - pilgrimage and commercial routes in Middle Age; movements of men and goods