Foto del docente

Fabrizio Lollini

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: ARTE-01/A History of Medieval Art

Curriculum vitae

.. Born in Bologna February 3, 1964.
After receiving a Bachelor degree in Classics (University of Bologna), a specialization degree in Medieval and Modern Art History (State University of Milan) and a Doctorate in History and Critique of Art, he taught Medieval Art History and History of Illumination as an adjunct professor at the University of Bologna in Ravenna and at the University “Ca' Foscari” in Venice.
He has been a researcher of Medieval Art History at the Department of Visual Arts at the University of Bologna, since November 1, 2002 and has received tenure; in 2020 became Associate Professor.
- Institutional activities: in the academic years from 2002-03 he teaches the course Medieval Art History for all the undergraduate majors of the Department of Humanities and Philosophy; in the academic years 2004-05 and 2005-06 he taught the course Medieval Art History for the specialization degree in Art History at the University of Bologna, where in 2009-10 and 2010-11 he taught History of Medieval and Renaissance Illumination; in the academic years 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07, and 2007-08 he taught the course Art History of the Middle Ages at the School of Specialization for Higher Education, Art and Drawing major of the University of Bologna; he taught the course and workshops of History of Illumination for the School of Specialization in Medieval and Modern Art History at the University of Bologna for the academic years 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07, and from 2011-12 to 2017-18; in 2018-20 taught History of Medieval and Renaissance Art in Italy for the MA in Italian Studies. From 2019-20 teaches again History of Illumination for the MA, together with Didactic of Art History.
- Master: he held meetings on the subject of medieval art history for the Master in Ecclesiastic Cultural Heritage (University of Bologna, Departments of the Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Law) in the academic years 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, and 2006-07; in the academic years 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22 he held lessons on the subject “Nourishment and visual arts” for the International Master in History and the Culture of Nourishment (University of Bologna, Department of Humanities and Philosophy); he was also sent to hold the same course at the partner site of the Université de Tours in France (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014); teaches History of illumination for the Master of Book Cataloguing at the Department of Cultural Heritage, Unibo (2018-19, 2020-21, 2021-22).
- He collaborated with the organization of exhibitions at the Malatestiana Library of Cesena (“Corali miniati del Quattrocento nella Biblioteca Malatestiana” and “Libraria Domini” 1989; “La biblioteca di un medico del Quattrocento: i codici di Giovanni di Marco alla Biblioteca Malatestiana” 1998; “Due papi per Cesena” 1999; “Scritte dal dito di Dio. Codici biblici e liturgici manoscritti e a stampa nella Biblioteca Malatestiana” 2002), Imola (“Miniature della Biblioteca Comunale”, Biblioteca Comunale, 2006), Ferrara (“Cosmè Tura e Francesco del Cossa”, Palazzo dei Diamanti, 2007), and in Bologna (“Tra le due sponde dell'Adriatico: la pittura nella Serbia del XIII secolo e l'Italia”, Museo Civico Medievale, 1999; “Il libro si mostra. Dal manoscritto alla stampa attraverso i tesori del Convento dell'Osservanza di Bologna”, Convento dell'Osservanza, 2000; “Uomini denaro istituzioni. L'invenzione dei Monti di Pietà”, Oratorio dei Filippini, 2000; “Duecento. Forme e colori del Medioevo a Bologna”, Museo Civico Archeologico, 2000, of which he also curated the didactic and the CD-rom presentation); he participated in the writing of the catalogue of many other exhibitions (to mention one, “Giotto e le arti a Bologna”, Bologna, Museo Civico Medievale, 2005)
- Sole scientific curator of the exhibition “Corali miniati di Faenza, Bagnacavallo e Cotignola. Tesori dalla diocesi” (Bagnacavallo, Biblioteca Comunale, 2000)
- He curated for the I.B.C. (Institute for Cultural Heritage) of Emilia-Romagna the cataloguing of all the illuminated manuscripts of the Biblioteca Comunale Panizzi in Reggio Emilia (1996-97), and of the Biblioteca Comunale dell'Archiginnasio in Bologna (2003-04)
- Professor at Dickinson College's (Carlisle, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) overseas program site in Bologna, Italy where he taught The Arts of Italy in the academic years 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, and 2009-2010, and Reading Bologna from 2010-11, 2011-12 to 2015-16; in 2007 he was sent to the main campus in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. for conferences and lessons.
- Member of the scientific board of several exhibitions, including “Cosmè Tura e Francesco del Cossa. Arte a Ferrara nell'età di Borso d'Este”, Ferrara, Palazzo dei Diamanti, 2007; “Gotico a Imola 1350-1450”, Imola, Musei di San Domenico, 2008
- Professor for Education courses in Conservation/Preservation of Cultural Heritage (Region Emilia-Romagna, 1998; City of Bologna, 2000; Comunità Montana of Northern Lazio, 2001)
- International partner for projects of the Academia Romena (Romanian State Academy) and of the Spiru Haret University (Bucharest)
- He was invited to many national and international conferences and meetings in addition to those organized by the University of Bologna; organized in 2012, 2016 and 2018 the international congresses "Le arti e il cibo", "Le arti e il cibo 2 - encore", and "Cucina, società e politica - Le arti e il cibo 3"
- As for the teaching activity of the 'laurea triennale' in the current year 2018-19, see the "guidaweb"