Dedicates his studies to painting between 12thand 15thcenturies, in particular in the Emilia-Romagna region.
Next to the study of style, he adopts an interdisciplinary approach, which includes historical research, commissions and archive research. He is interested in the spatial relations between works of art and their context and carries out researches to reconstruct architectural environments in mendicant and vicarage buildings. He devotes special attention to the study of rood screens and choirs, and to usage and access of worshippers and pilgrims.
Currently, his main research is focused on commissions by mendicant orders (Santa Chiara, San Francesco, San Domenico) and others (Santa Maria in Porto Fuori, San Pietro in Sylvis) of Rimini background, in Ravenna in the 14thcentury, and on carpentry styles in Bologna between 14thand 15thcenturies.
Part of the results of researches on the Vicarage of San Vittore have been presented during International Medieval Cogressin Leeds (5 July 2018): Between word and image: the Frescoes of San Vittore in Bologna 12th Century, in Religious art reflection of contemporary concerns, edited by Maria Portmann, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Universität Zürich.