Born in Savignano sul Rubicone, on 06.08.1974
Current Position
Since march 2018 RTDB researcher, Arts Department, Bologna University
Principal research interests
- Painting between 12thand 14thcenturies, in particular in the Emilia-Romagna region
- Spatial context surrounding the art works
- Role of commissioning and historical context
Titles achieved during training
- 2010-2011 Visiting Academic, University of Warwick (UK), Department of History of Art
- 2010-2013 Research Associate in L-ART01, Bologna State University: Per una restituzione virtuale dell’arredo liturgico a Bologna dal XIII all’inizio del XIV secolo (Towards a virtual rendering of liturgic furnishings in Bologna, between the 13thand beginning of 14thcentury)
- 2005 up to the present“Cultore della materia” (L-ART01) at Bologna State University
- 2004-2007 Research Ph.D. with scholarship, XX Ciclo, University of Bologna, coordinating prof. Anna Ottani Cavina, title discussed on 25.06.2008
- 2003-2004 scholarship from Fondazione Roberto Longhi; renewed for the following year (2004-2005)
- 2002-2003 History of Art Speciality School
- 2000 Degree in Medieval and Modern History of Art, within Modern Arts Faculty, Bologna State University
Organisation or participation as speaker in scientific conventions in Italy or abroad
Future programs:
- 2018, 5 July: Between Word and Image: The Frescoes of San Vittore in Bologna, 12th Centuryin Religious Art as a reflection of Contemporaryedited by Maria Portmann (Kusthistorisches Institut, Unviersität Zürich), International Medieval Congress, Leeds.
Carried out:
- 2015, 7 July. Renewing or Reforming Augustinian Imagery in a Ravenna Narrative Cycle: Santa Maria in Porto Fuori, in The pictorial Narrative: Reformed or Renewed?Edited by prof. Louise Bourdua (University of Warwick), International Medieval Congress, Leeds.
- 2014, 10 June. Per Ravenna trecentesca: Santa Maria in Porto Fuori, in Come un involucro prezioso(International studies Convention organised by History of Art Ph.D. researchers of Bologna, Firenze, Genova, Napoli, Padova, Pisa, Siena, Venezia, Verona Universities, held in Bologna.
- 2013, 29-31 May. La vicenda del basamento di San Petronio a Bologna: nuovi spunti di riflessione, in Scultura fuori chiesa: facciate, care of Ph.D. School of Firenze, Pisa, Siena Universities. In agreement with Fondazione Ragghianti, the Council for Architectural, landscape, historical, artistic and Ethnoanthropological heritage of Lucca and Massa Carrara provinces, and Bologna, Genova, Napoli, Padova and Verona Universities, held in Lucca.
- 2012, 18 October. La Mostra della pittura riminese del Trecento (1935), in All’origine delle grandi mostre in Italia (1933-40), Conference curated by M. Toffanello, M. Folin, Fondazione Ermitage, Ferrara.
- 2012, 22 March. The Relaunch of the Vita-Retable in the Quattrocento, in Trecento Receptions in Early Renaissance Art, panel curated by Machtelt Israël (Amsterdam University) and Louise Bourdua (University of Warwick), Renaissance Society of America, Washington D.C.
- 2011, 7 April. Da Avignone a Cesena Ravenna, immagini e politica, in Images and Words in Exile: Avignon and Italy during the First Half of the 14th Century, International Convention organised by G. Wolf (Kunsthitoriches Institut of Florence, in agreement with Musée du Petit Palais d’Avignon and University of Avignon and Vaucluse), Florence, Avignon.
- 2011, 24 May. Il “Corridore” della Chiesa di San Giacomo Maggiore a Bologna, in Arte e cultura nei conventi dei frati agostiniani e predicatori (Bologna, Padova e Verona)in agreement with the Ph.D. department in History of Art of Padova University and in History of Performing Arts from Florence University and Ph.D. in Cultural Heritage from Verona University (Padova, History department Assembly Hall).
- 2010, 15-17 April. The cult of relics and civic identity in Bologna. The Stories of San Petronio of Giovanni da Modenain The Relic and the Cityedited by Helen Hills (University of Glasgow), Tenth Annual Congress of the Association of Art Historians (A.A.H.10), York.
- 2009 30-31 October.The Cosmati Families and their “Workshops” during the Twelfth and Fourteenth Century, in Family Values: locating the family in the Early Modern Italian workshop, in Renaissance and Early Modern Studies edited by Louise Bourdua, Victoria Avery, Julian Gardner, Warwick.
- 2009, 23-25 April. Affreschi e tavole tra Tre e Quattrocento, in La chiesa di San Giacomo Maggiore e l’Oratorio di Santa Cecilia, curated by M. Medica, C. Bernardini, M. La Maida (Istituzione Musei Civici di Bologna), Bologna (Palazzo D’Accursio).
- 2007, 3-4 March. Giovanni Baronzio a Ravenna. Dinamiche politiche e strategie figurative, in La pittura riminese del Trecento, organised by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Rimini and Bologna University, Rimini (Castel Sismondo).
- 2006, 2-3 May. Un’aggiunta a Simone di Filippo, motivi giotteschi nel seguito di Vitale, in Giotto e Bologna, curated by M. Medica, Bologna.
- 2005, 11 April. L’evoluzione del crocifisso riminese, nuove aggiunte e riflessioni, in Il Maestro di Verucchio, organised by the Council for Historical Heritage and Cultural Office of Verucchio Municipality, in Verucchio.
- 2004, 9-10 November. Pietro da Rimini e la sua bottega a Ravennain La pittura del ’300 in Romagna, Ravennacurated by F. Lollini, A. Volpe, G. Rabotti, G. Montanari, Ravenna.
- 2003 29-31 May. Rapporti artistici fra le due costein La Chiesa metropolitana e i suoi rapporti con le costa adriatica orientale, organised by the Centre for Studies and Research Antica Provincia Ecclesiastica Ravennate, Ravennatensia, Ravenna.
Academic teaching
Programmed engagements:
- a.a. 2018-2019: 30 hour module (6dfu) within the course Forme e Funzioni dell’Arte Medievale (Forms and Functions of Medieval Art), held by prof. Daniele Benati (M.A.)
- a.a. 2018-2019: B (1) 30 hour workshop (6cfu) Risorse digitali per la storia dell’arte medievale e moderna (Digital resources for History of Medieval and Modern Art) (M.A.)
- a.a. 2018-2019: 30 hour course (6cfu) Storia comparata dell’arte nei paesi europei (Comparative History of Art in European Countries) (M.A.)
Past experiences:
- a.a. 2017-2018: 30 hour course (6cfu)Gli Archivi della moda, tra memoria e progetto (Fashion archives, from memory to project). Bologna State University, Rimini campus: the course centres around the need of an archive for fashion businesses, and how to adapt ministerial standards and Cultural Heritage cataloguing indications to the peculiarities of this particular kind of archive and to company museums.
- a.a. 2016-2017: 30 hour course (6cfu) Gli Archivi della moda, tra memoria e progetto (Fashion archives, from memory to project). Bologna State University, Rimini campus.
Seminars implementing the History of Medieval Art Chair, Bologna State University:
- 2008-2009: L’evoluzione dell’arredo d’altare dal XII al XIV secolo: dall’antependium al retrotabulum (Evolution of Altar decoration between 12thand 14thcenturies: from antependium to retrotabulum)
- 2007-2008: La pittura del Duecento in Italia (13thCentury painting in Italy)
- 2006-2007: La pittura romanica in Italia (Romanic painting in Italy)
- 2005-2006: La Riforma gregoriana in Italia (Gregorian Reformation in Italy)
Other teaching experiences
- 2014-2016: History of Art, Costume and Fashion course (Modern literatures, Modern Cultures) at Istituto Marangoni, Milano Campus.
- 2002-2013: History of Art lessons held at the University for continuing education of adults ‘Giovanna Bosi Maramotti’, Ravenna.
A few of the modules focusing on Middle Ages:
- Cicli giotteschi, committenzae potere (The Giotto cycles, commission and power)
- Dalle origini della scultura romanica in Valle Padana al cantiere di Modena (From the origins of romanic sculpture in the Padana Valley to the Modena case)
- Miniatori e pittori dell’Emilia-Romagna fra XIII e XIV secolo (Miniaturists and painters in Emilia-Romagna, between 13thand 15thcenturies)
Participation in scientific committees and curatorship
- 2017 and 2018: conception, scientific curatorship, organisation and part of teaching for the two editions (November and June) of the two week course: FashionArchives: heritage management. As a first in its field, the course received the support of Anai (Emilia Romagna section), Museimpresa, Associazione per l’Informatica e la Cultura Digitale
- 2013, 4-6 April. Organisation (together with colleague Zuleika Murat) of a session called: The artist Between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Beyond the Category of “Ars Mecanicae”within the 59thAnnual Meeting of Renaissance Society of America association, San Diego
- Member of scientific committee for the exhibition curated by Daniele Ferrara: Giovanni Baronzio e la pittura a Rimini nel Trecento (Giovanni Baronzio and Rimini painting in the 14thcentury), Roma, Palazzo Barberini, 15 March- 25 June 2008
- Conception and organisation of the exhibition: Tre secoli di Arte Emiliana alla Marconi Business Lounge. Dai Carracci ai Gandolfi (Three centuries of Emilia Art in the Marconi Business Lounge. From the Carracci to the Gandolfi), Bologna, Guglielmo Marconi Airport, October 2008-June 2009
Other information
From 2015 to 2018 Director of Archives and Exhibiting Spaces of Fondazione Fashion Research Italy, Bologna