Foto del docente

Francesco Quarta

Associate Professor

Department of Sociology and Business Law

Curriculum vitae


Address: Università di Bologna, Piazzale della Vittoria 15, 47121 FORLI' (FC)


  • (Associate) Professor of Private Law and Comparative Law.
  • Member of the European Law Institute (ELI) within the Special Interest Groups (SIG) on "Digital Law" and "Environmental Law".

  • Founding partner of the Centre Europeen des Recherches socio-economiques, technologiques et environnementales (CERSTE asbl), Bruxelles.

  • As a Member of the Italian Society of Civil Law Scholars (SISDiC), he participates in the steering committee on "Economic Civil Law".

  • From March 2013 to March 2019 actively served as an Arbitrator within the Bank of Italy's dispute resolution permanent board (Arbitro Bancario Finanziario - A.B.F.), authoring over 500 decisions in client-bank affairs.
  • Main areas of academic interest: torts, contracts, banking and securities law, class litigation, social enterprise.


LL.M. (2008), University of California ‘Hastings', San Francisco, USA (specialization in “International Business and Trade”).

Ph.D. (2010), University of Salento, Lecce, Italy. Dissertation deemed excellent by the examination panel unanimously. Published by Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane. Awarded the UNAR-CRUI Prize for Doctoral Theses on Anti-Discrimination and Promotion of Equal Opportunities (granted by the Italian Equal Opportunities Department and the National Conference of University Rectors).

CURRENT ACADEMIC POSITION and teching responsibilities :

- Since September 2012, Assistant Professor of Private Law at the University of Bologna ‘Alma Mater Studiorum', Department of ‘Society, Law & Economics' (Sociologia e diritto dell'economia), in charge for the Institutions of Private Law course within the School of Economics Management and Statistics (Forli Campus).

- Starting from 2016/2017, has held the Principles of Law chair (courses taught in English language)

- Invited teacher at the Post-grad law schools in Camerino, Urbino, Ravenna and Ancona (torts, contracts, banking law, overindebtedness and consumer protection)


- Visiting Scholar, University of GRONINGEN, Centre of European Financial Services Law, within the project "Towards Sustainable Financial Practices". Invited lecturer on "Dealing with Excessive Onerousness in Banking Contracts. A comparative Outlook on Remedies".

- Visiting Scholar, University of DURHAM, Law School. Presented a study on "The EU regulatory approach to 'defective services' with special regard to financial and banking services".

- From August 2011 to April 2012, served as a Research Assistant at the European University Institute (EUI) of Florence (ALIAS Project);

- Internship in 2008 at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL), Product Liability Forum, London, UK. Sunsequently involved in several projects;

- A.Y. 2007/2008: personally in charge for a study on “Punitive damages and corporate liability”, financed by the Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche (Univ. of Salento).

- Involved, as a unit participant, in three Projects of Relevant National Interest (“PRIN”); namely:

1) PRIN 2004 "Regole dei rapporti e regole del mercato" (holder of two research contracts: on misleading advertising and on consumers' right of unilateral withdrawal from contracts);

2) PRIN 2006 "Regole ermeneutiche e riequilibrio del contratto fra codice civile e normativa comunitaria";

3) PRIN 2008 "Invalidità contrattuali e diritto comunitario".



- Member of the Scientific Committee for the "Rassegna di diritto civile"

- Co-Editor of the “Rivista di diritto bancario” (Banking Law Review);

- Member of the following Editorial Boards:

1) Rassegna di diritto ed economia dello sport (Sports Law & Economics Journal);

2) Atti della Società Italiana degli Studiosi del Diritto Civile (Collection of SISDiC Conferences proceedings);

3) The Italian Law Journal --

4) Rivista di Diritto Bancario

- Anonymous Referee for the following Law Journals: Giustizia Civile (Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre) and Diritto del mercato assicurativo e finanziario (E.S.I.)


LONDON, 27 September 2021 - British Institute of International and Comparative Law. Presented a paper at a conference on Corporate Accountability and Liability Mechanisms for Climate Change. Contributions downloadable at:

PERTH, Australia, 13 March 2020 - Curtin University. "Law Technology and Labour Governance Symposium". Presented a paper entitled “The Resistible Rise of Algorithmic Justice”.

PALERMO, 28 February 2020, Teatro Massimo: "ER@ DIGITALE Il consumatore incontra il web" (Digital Era: the Consumer meets the Internet). Presented a paper, based on case history, dealing with "sim swap frauds" (link to the conference)

MILANO, 31 January 2020, Enterprise Hotel, speaker at the "Phisical Body vs. Digital Body" conference - Presented a paper on the quality of the implementation of the PSD2 in Italy.

ANCONA, 26 November 2019, Business School, invited teacher on the principles of "sound and prudent management" and client protection by financial institutions and intermediaries.

GRONINGEN, 16 October 2019, Law School, invited teacher on "Excessive Onerousness in Credit Contracts"

MILAN, 17 May 2019, Fondazione Ambrosianeum, invited speaker at the conference on "Banking litigation: flawed amortization plans in loan agreements", organized by the Milan Association of financial analysts (link:

ROME, 10 May 2019, Workshop on "NPL, overindebtedness and fresh start" organized by ADUSBEF (consumer association) e AssoTAG (association of financial analysts). Presented a paper on “Creditworthiness assessment and prevention of overindebtedness: intermediaries' duties and judicial powers of investigation” (link: )

-SALERNO, 9 April 2019 (Business School - University), held a seminar on credit protection insurance and remedies (link to UNISA [] )

RIMINI (Romagna Chamber of Commerce), 30 November 2018: speaker at the conference on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms managed by the Chamber of Commerce. Focused on Arbitration and ADR in banking and financial affairs.

GÖTTINGEN, 23 November 2018: participant in the round table "Towards Sustainable Credit Transactions: Responsible Lending as a Guiding Concept". Paper's title: The Perplexity of the Annual Percentage Rate of Charge (APRC) - on the debated relevance of Payment Protection Insurance policies in consumer credit and civil sanctions.

FORLI' (University of Bologna), 30 May/1 June 2018, organized an international conference on "Return to responsible lending. Banking contracts, management of overindebtedness, and remedies" Presented a paper on "Credit Protection Insurance, transparency, and remedies".

FORLI', 24 May 2018, held a two-hour lesson on the Italian law on overindebted consumers, analyzing the unilateral "consumer's plan" and the possibility to reach an agreement with the creditors. See program in pdf at .

BOLOGNA, 23 April 2018, presented a paper on complex financial instruments, focusing on derivatives and cryptocurrencies. Title of the cenference: "Paths of financial education: investment opportunities, risks and dispute prevention", organized by the Study Commission of the Bologna association of Financial Analysts and Accountants (Sala Biagi ODCEC, Piazza de’ Calderini 2, Bologna).

ROMA (Fondazione Lelio Basso), 29 January 2018, invited speaker at the Seminar on "Indici sintetici di costo e sindacabilità del pricing dei finanziamenti", organized by Italian Association of Financial Analysts assisting the Judicature (AssoTAG) - see flyer [].

FLORENCE (University), 9 November 2017, Invited speaker at the graduate school on medical professional liability and consent. Presented a paper on "The influence of negligence in the quantification of damages: towards punitive damages?" (

CESENA, 6 October 2017, organized a seminar on "Punitive Damages in the aftermath of the Supreme Court's Joint Divisions ruling. 'New' punitive powers at the intersection of private and criminal law". Presented a paper on "Extra-compensatory damages in defense of fundamental rights' effectiveness" (L’ultracompensazione a presidio dell’effettività dei diritti fondamentali).

FORLI' (University of Bologna), 24 November 2016, organized a conference on "The reform of third sector organizations. Regulation, operation and financing of social enterprises [] " (Regolazione, attività e finanziamento delle imprese sociali). Paper on "Investments, financing, and savings collection" (on the "banking" activities carried out by co-operatives in Italy). -- Has co-edited (with Filippo Cicognani) the book Regolazione, attività e finanziamento delle imprese sociali Studi sulla riforma del terzo settore in Italia, published by Giappichelli - link [].

RIMINI, 4 November 2016, presented a paper on "Anatocism in the aftermath of the reform (CICR decree 3 August 2016). Conference convened by the Rimini Association of Financial Analysts and Accountants. - see paper published on []

LONDON, 20 March 2014, invited to present a paper on “Hidden punitive damages in Italy”;

AL AIN (U.A.E.), 20-21 May 2013: “Tradable Instruments and Harmonization in the European Energy Market: An Italian Perspective” (21st international conference organized by the United Arab Emirates University devoted to «Energy between Law and Economics»);

FLORENCE, 10 April 2012: E.U.I. workshop on "Digital Technologies and Liabilities". Title of the presentation: "Software as a good and as a service: contractual and tort liability";

LONDON, 2 November 2011: "Punitive Damages – Europe Strikes Back!?" (BIICL conference);

LECCE, 17 October 2011: Speaker on quantification of “antitrust damages” at the conference on “Anti-competitive Strategies on Consumer Protection: Independent Authority's Powers and Civil Remedies”, organized by the Consumers Chamber, sponsored by the Lecce Bar Ass'n.

LONDON, 15 November 2010: "Extraterritoriality and Collective Redress" (Herbert Smith Private International Law Seminar Series). Paper on class actions and civil sanctions in Italy and in comparative perspective.

LECCE, 6-7 May 2010: "New Frontiers of Pharmaceutical Law", organized by the Dipartimento di Studi giuridici of the Università del Salento. Presentation's title: «Market Regulation through ‘Private Attorney General Actions'»;

TURIN, 23-24 October 2009: "Seminar on Product Liability", organized by the Dipartimento di studi d'impresa e del territorio of the University of Piemonte orientale'Amedeo Avogadro'. Author of a report on the implementation in Italy of the European Directive on product liability.



co-editor (with F. Cicognani) of the book "Regolazione, attività e finanziamento delle imprese sociali. Studi sulla riforma del terzo settore in Italia" (Social enterprises: Regulation, management and finance): Turin, Giappichelli, 2018.

"RISARCIMENTO E SANZIONE NELL'ILLECITO CIVILE" (Compensation and Punishment in Civil Liability Law), Naples, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2013, 432 pages (ISBN: 978-88-495-2696-7) -- In May 2015, the monograph was awarded the "Scientific Excellence Prize", promoted by the Italian Society of Civil Law Scholars ;


L’EVOLUZIONE DEL “PRESTITO SOCIALE” NELLE COOPERATIVE (The evolution of shareholders lending in co-operative enterprises), in F. Cicognani & F. Quarta (Eds.), Regolazione, attività e finanziamento delle imprese sociali Studi sulla riforma del terzo settore in Italia, 2018, pp. 146-176 (ISBN 9788892114753)

Credito irresponsabile e soluzioni al sovraindebitamento. Note su prassi bancarie «riottose al diritto», tecniche di ammortamento e costi inespressi (Irresponsible Credit and Solutions to Overindebtedness. Notes on "Lawless Banking Practices", Amortization Techniques, and Hidden Costs), in: Scritti in onore di Vito Rizzo, Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2017, pp. 1815 - 1832.

Foreign Punitive Damages Decisions and Class Actions in Italy, in D. FAIRGRIEVE & E. LEIN (EDS.), EXTRATERRITORIALITY AND COLLECTIVE REDRESS, OXFORD University Press, 2012, pp. 269–284 (ISBN: 9780199655724);

Una proposta di rilettura dell'art. 2059 c.c. quale fonte di sanzione civile ultracompensativa (A proposal to re-conceptualize Art. 2059 It. Civil Code as a source of extracompensatory civil sanctions), in R. DI RAIMO, M. FRANCESCA, A.C. NAZZARO (Eds.), PERCORSI DI DIRITTO CIVILE. STUDI 2009/2011, Naples, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2012, pp. 301 - 340 (ISBN: 9788849523317);


ASSICURAZIONE E COSTO TOTALE DEL CREDITO. RILEVANZA DELLA PAYMENT PROTECTION INSURANCE NEL COMPUTO DEL TAEG (Relevance of Credit-Protection Insurance in Determining the Total Cost of Credit and the APRC), in «BANCA BORSA E TITOLI DI CREDITO», 2019, 1/2019, pp. 17.

Effettività dei diritti fondamentali e funzione deterrente della responsabilità civile (Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights: The Deterrent Effect of Private Law Remedies), «DANNO E RESPONSABILITÀ», 1/2019, pp. 88 - 101

Gestione in forma cooperativa di beni e servizi d’interesse pubblico. Il finanziamento dell’impresa alla prova di blockchain e criptovalute, in «RIVISTA DI DIRITTO BANCARIO», 3/2019, pp. 341 - 372 [Co-operative enterprises managing public services: the challenges of Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies in corporate finance]

L’EVOLUZIONE DELL’ARBITRO BANCARIO FINANZIARIO, in «DIRITTO DEL MERCATO ASSICURATIVO E FINANZIARIO», 1/2019, pp. 139 - 161 [The boundaries of ADR mechanisms in Banking & Financial Disputes]

Book Review: Carla Pernice, Digital currency e obbligazioni pecuniarie, in «RASSEGNA DI DIRITTO CIVILE», 2019, 2/2019, pp. 282 - 286

Rimedi civilistici in funzione pro-concorrenziale nel settore bancario. Spunti dalle discipline sulla «portabilità» dei mutui e dei servizi di pagamento (Pro-Competitive Effects of Private Law Remedies in the Banking Sector: Hints from the Payment Services and Loan Portability Regulations), in OSSERVATORIO DEL DIRITTO CIVILE E COMMERCIALE, 2018, 1, pp. 127 - 146

Anatocismo nei finanziamenti: nessuna generalizzata deroga all’art. 1283 c.c. a seguito del decreto CICR (The Italian Banking Law Reform Dealing with Anatocism), in RIVISTA DI DIRITTO BANCARIO, 11/2016, pp. 1 - 10

Autonomia privata e violazione di norme imperative di «rilievo esclusivamente tributario» (Private Autonomy Facing the Violation of Norms "Relevant Only" to Tax Law (on the impact of the taxpayers' Bill of rights on contract law)), in CONTRATTO E IMPRESA», 4-5/2016, pp. 1066 - 1095

Punitive Damages in Europe: A Plea for the Recognition of Legal Pluralism (with Erdem Büyüksagis, Ina Ebert, Duncan Fairgrieve e Renée Charlotte Meurkens), European Business Law Review, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2016.

Volontà e consolidamento sociale della filiazione. A proposito del controllo di meritevolezza sull’impugnazione del riconoscimento consapevolmente falso (Social consolidation of the parental status: the roles of consent and practice), in RASSEGNA DI DIRITTO CIVILE, 3/2016, p. 978-1002-

Diritti inviolabili, gravità dell'offesa e rimedi civilistici (Inviolable rights, gravity of the offense and civil remedies), in Danno e responsabilità, 5/2015 [Fundamental Rights, gravity of the offence and private law remedies]

Book Review: Maria Rita Nuccio, Conflitto di interessi e autonomia negoziale [Conflicts of interest and Private Autonomy], ESI, Napoli, 2016, in RASSEGNA DI DIRITTO CIVILE, 3/2017, pp. 1101-1105.

Tutela civilistica della vita e risarcimento del danno non patrimoniale. Questioni comuni e questioni specifiche del danno tanatologico (Protecting life through civil remedies: notes on the assessment of damages for wrongful death), in LE CORTI SALERNITANE, E.S.I., n. 2/2014, pp. 22 [Wrongful Death Actions in the Italian Civil Process: Controversial Rationales for Imposing and Quantifying Non-Pecuniary Damages] (download it here [] )

Fatto e diritto nella prova del danno non patrimoniale da immissioni sonore (Factual and legal elements in proving nuisance), in GIUSTIZIA, Giuffrè, 2014.

La pubblicità commerciale nella professione forense. Tra spinte innovatrici europee e residue resistenze domestiche (Commercial Advertisement for Lawyers: between European promotional instances and residual domestic resistance), in GIUSTIZIA, Giuffrè, 2014.

Legittimità e operatività dei danni punitivi nell'art. 96, comma 3, c.p.c. (Legitimacy and working of Punitive Damages for Malicious Prosecution), in GIUSTIZIA, Giuffrè, 2014.

Azioni di classe e mass torts. A proposito di un dibattito statunitense sulla quantificazione del «danno alla società» (Class Actions for Mass Torts. Notes about an American Debate on the Assessment of "Societal Damages"), in RASSEGNA DI DIRITTO CIVILE, 2013, 4, pp. 1211–1239 (ISSN: 0393-182X);

Estinzione anticipata dei finanziamenti a tempo determinato e modulazioni del costo del credito (commissioni di intermediazione, oneri assicurativi e penalità) (Early termination of Loan Agreements by the Borrower and Modulation of the Cost of Credit: Fees, Insurance Premiums and Penalties), in RIVISTA DI DIRITTO BANCARIO, 2013, 10, pp. 1–18 (ISSN: 2279-9737);

Patti di non concorrenza e impresa sociale (Social Enterprise: Non-compete Agreements in Labor Contracts), in IL FORO NAPOLETANO, 2013, 2-3, pp. 557–573 (ISSN: 0015-7848);

Private Enforcement and the Deterrent Effect of Private Actions: An Overview, in RIVISTA DI DIRITTO DELL'IMPRESA, 2011, 1, pp. 89–100 (ISSN: 1593-9502);

Recognition and Enforcement of U.S. Punitive Damages Awards in Continental Europe: The Italian Supreme Court's Veto, in HASTINGS INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW REVIEW, 2008, Vol. 31, No. 2 – Summer, 2008, pp. 753–782 (ISSN: 0149-9246);

Responsabilità della Pubblica Amministrazione per la manutenzione del demanio e autoresponsabilità dei cittadini (Municipalities' and Citizens' Responsibility for Damages Caused by State-Owned Property), in LE CORTI PUGLIESI, 2007, 2, pp. 400 – 412 (ISSN: 1970-5506).

TRANSLATION WORK (from Italian to English) :

- On Abuse of Rights and Judicial Creativity (by Nicolò Lipari), in THE ITALIAN LAW JOURNAL, 2017, 3, pp. 55 - 74. Original title: «Ancora sull’abuso del diritto Riflessioni sulla creatività della giurisprudenza», in Questione giustizia, n. 4/2016.

- Corte di Cassazione, Joint Divisions, 5 July 2017, n. 16601, in THE ITALIAN LAW JOURNAL, 2017, 3, pp. 593 - 604.

- Constitutional Norms and Civil Law Relationships (by Pietro Perlingieri), in THE ITALIAN LAW JOURNAL», 2015, 1, pp. 17 - 49 . Opera originale: Autore: - Titolo: NORME COSTITUZIONALI E RAPPORTI DI DIRITTO CIVILE,


Italian, English, French