Foto del docente

Francesco Orsini

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-02/B Vegetable and Ornamental crops

Curriculum vitae

Dr. Francesco Orsini, is currently employed at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Technologies of the University of Bologna as Full Professor.


He owns the title of Doctor of Philosophy in "Science and Technology of food and agriculture productions", (University of Naples, 19/12/2007), with a thesis entitled "Unraveling Salt Stress Tolerance: Physiological, Morphological and Genetic components in Crop Species and Model Plants ".

He owns Master titles in Cooperation for Development in Rural Areas (17/12/2004); Master and Bachelor degree in Agricultural Science and Technology, (19/12/2003, 110/110 cum laude and 19/12/2002, 110/110) both achieved at the University of Padua. He took the courses "Training school on urban agriculture" (Athens, 2015), "Vegetable grafting" (Catania University, Italy, 2014), "Basic and Advanced Training on the use of Hortivar" (FAO, Rome, Italy, 2012) , "Basic and Advanced Training on Security in the Field" (FAO, Rome, Italy, 2011), "Modeling crop growth, development and yield" (Pisa University, Italy, 2005), and "Post-harvest of vegetable crops" ( Foggia University, Italy, 2005).

Teaching activities in Italy and abroad

Currently in charge of the courses on Greenhouse and Vertical Farming Systems (Master degree in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies), Smart Horticulture (International Master in Horticultural Sciences), and Urban Agriculture (Master Degree in Global Change Ecology).He is a member of the Board of the PhD school on "Future Earth, Climate Change and Societal Challenges".

He was visiting scientist at Purdue University (Indiana, USA), Universidade Federal Rural do Pernambuco (Brazil), Universidade Federal do Piaui (Brazil), Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (Peru), Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena (Spain), IRTA (Spain), and Wageningen University and Research (The Netherland).

In 2024 he will convene the 3rd International Workshop on Vertical Farming (VertiFarm2024, Bologna), and he previously convened in 2019 the First International Workshop on Vertical Farming (VertiFarm2019) at the University of Wageningen (The Netherlands), altogether with prof. Leo Marcelis (Wageningen University) and prof. Murat Kacira (University of Arizona), and in 2017 the 1st International Symposium on Greener Cities for More Efficient Ecosystem Services in a Climate Changing World (GreenCities2017), together with Prof. Giorgio Prosdocimi Gianquinto (University of Bologna).

From 2018, Dr. Orsini coordinates the International Student Challenge UrbanFarm.