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Elvis Mazzoni

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

Academic discipline: PSIC-02/A Developmental and Educational Psychology

Director of Second Cycle Degree in School and Community Psychology


Benvenuti, M.; Chirico, A.; Gaggioli, Andrea; Mazzoni, E., Networks and creativity: the socio-cultural side of being creative., in: Michael S. Vitevitch, Network Science in Cognitive Psychology, Oxford, OX14 4RN, UK, Routledge - Taylor & Francis Group Ltd, 2019, pp. 117 - 135 [Chapter or essay]

Agata Błachnio, Aneta Przepiorka, Martina Benvenuti, Elvis Mazzoni, Gwendolyn Seidman, Relations Between Facebook Intrusion, Internet Addiction, Life Satisfaction, and Self-Esteem: a Study in Italy and the USA, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTION», 2019, 17, pp. 793 - 805 [Scientific article]Open Access

Benvenuti, Martina; Giovagnoli, Sara; Mazzoni, Elvis, Using educational robot to enhance the potential of creative thinking in children, in: 1st Symposium on Psychology-Based Technologies (PSYCHOBIT 2019), Aechen, CEUR-WS, 2019, 2524, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: PSYCHOBIT 2019, Napoli, 25-26 September 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]Open Access

Veronica Richichi; Alessandro Chinello; Francesca Parma; Luigi Enrico Zappa; Elvis Mazzoni; Fiorella Monti, Anoressia nervosa e internet. Uno studio sui blog Pro-Ana in Italia, «PSICOLOGIA CLINICA DELLO SVILUPPO», 2018, 22, pp. 499 - 514 [Scientific article]

Elvis Mazzoni; Martina Benvenuti, Crescere nell'era dei new media, in: Psicologia dello sviluppo e dell'educazione, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018, pp. 207 - 221 (MANUALI. PSICOLOGIA) [Chapter or essay]

Benvenuti Martina; Selleri Patrizia; Mazzoni Elvis, Online and offline life: The functional use of the internet during the life cycle, «ANNUAL REVIEW OF CYBERTHERAPY AND TELEMEDICINE», 2018, 2018, pp. 36 - 42 [Scientific article]

Benvenuti, M; Mazzoni, E., Surfing the Web: the role of Social-Support in the adolescents’ Internet use, «PROGRESS IN HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION», 2018, 1, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mancini, Giacomo; Andrei, Federica; Mazzoni, Elvis; Biolcati, Roberta; Baldaro, Bruno; Trombini, Elena, Brief report: Trait emotional intelligence, peer nominations, and scholastic achievement in adolescence, «JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE», 2017, 59, pp. 129 - 133 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mazzoni, E.; Cannata, D.; Baiocco, L., Focused, not lost: the mediating role of Temporal Dissociation and Focused Immersion on the Problematic Internet Use, «BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY», 2017, 36, pp. 11 - 20 [Scientific article]

Alice, Chirico; Andrea, Gaggioli; Luca, Milani; Giuseppe, Riva; Elvis, Mazzoni, NETWORKED FLOW IN MUSICAL BANDS, «PSYCHOLOGY OF MUSIC», 2017, 45, pp. 283 - 297 [Scientific article]

Benvenuti, M.; Piobbico, G.; Mazzoni, E., Robots and Socio Cognitive Conflict Enhance Wayfinding in Children, «ANNUAL REVIEW OF CYBERTHERAPY AND TELEMEDICINE», 2017, 15, pp. 33 - 38 [Scientific article]

Błachnio, A.; Przepiorka, A.; Benvenuti, M.; Cannata, D.; Ciobanu, A.M.; Senol-Durakd, E.; Durak, . M.; Giannakos, M.N.; Mazzoni, E.; Pappas, I.O.; Popa, C.; Seidman, G.; Yu, S.; Wu, A.M.S.; Ben-Ezra, M., An international perspective on Facebook intrusion, «PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH», 2016, 242, pp. 385 - 387 [Scientific article]

Benvenuti, Martina; Mazzoni, Elvis; Piobbico, Gioele, Being Online in Emerging Adulthood: Between Problematic or Functional Use of the Internet, in: Michelle F. Wright, Identity, Sexuality, and Relationships among Emerging Adults in the Digital Age, Hershey, IGI GLOBAL, 2016, pp. 226 - 246 [Chapter or essay]

A. Błachnio; A. Przepiorka; M. Benvenuti; D. Cannata; A. M. Ciobanu; E. Senol-Durak; M. Durak; M. N. Giannakos; E. Mazzoni; I. O. Pappas; C. Popa; G. Seidman; S. Yu; A.M.S. Wu; M. Ben-Ezra, Cultural and Personality Predictors of Facebook Intrusion: A Cross-Cultural Study, «FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY», 2016, 7, Article number: 1895 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mazzoni, Elvis; Baiocco, Lucia; Cannata, Davide; Dimas, Isabel, Is internet the cherry on top or a crutch? Offline social support as moderator of the outcomes of online social support on Problematic Internet Use, «COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR», 2016, 56, pp. 369 - 374 [Scientific article]