Foto del docente

Elvis Mazzoni

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

Academic discipline: PSIC-02/A Developmental and Educational Psychology

Director of Second Cycle Degree in School and Community Psychology


Francesco Raggiotto, Elvis Mazzoni, Mariagrazia Benassi, Sabrina Panesi, Martina Vacondio, Silvia Filippi, Alice Turati, Martina Benvenuti, Mind the Age Gap! How Problematic Internet Use Affects Adults’ and Emerging Adults’ Well-Being and Prosocial Consumer Behavior, «JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING», 2023, 58, pp. 268 - 279 [Scientific article]Open Access

Matteo Orsoni, Sara Giovagnoli, Sara Garofalo, Sara Magri, Martina Benvenuti, Elvis Mazzoni, Mariagrazia Benassi, Preliminary evidence on machine learning approaches for clusterizing students’ cognitive profile, «HELIYON», 2023, 9, Article number: e14506 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access

Martina Benvenuti, Elvis Mazzoni, Alice Tartarini, Robotica e sviluppo di competenze: prospettive teoriche e attività da svolgere, in: ROBOT SOCIALI E EDUCAZIONE: INTERAZIONI, APPLICAZIONI E NUOVE FRONTIERE, Milano, Raffello Cortina Editore, 2023, pp. 83 - 103 (PSICOLOGIA DELL'EDUCAZIONE) [Chapter or essay]

Agata Błachnio, Aneta Przepiorka, Andrzej Cudo, Alan Angeluci, Menachem Ben-Ezra, Mithat Durak, Krzysztof Kaniasty, Elvis Mazzoni, Emre Senol-Durak, Wai Kai Hou, Martina Benvenuti, Self-Control and Digital Media Addiction: The Mediating Role of Media Multitasking and Time Style, «PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH AND BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT», 2023, 16, pp. 2283 - 2296 [Scientific article]Open Access

Giuseppe De Luca, Martina Benvenuti, Elvis Mazzoni, Sviluppare funzioni esecutive e life skills in contesti educativi, in: Lo psicologo scolastico Aree e strumenti per l’intervento, Roma, Carocci, 2023, pp. 153 - 171 [Chapter or essay]

Martina Benvenuti, Sabrina Panesi2, Sara Giovagnoli, Patrizia Selleri, Elvis Mazzoni, Teens online: how perceived social support influences the use of the Internet during adolescence, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY OF EDUCATION», 2023, 1, pp. 1 - 22 [Scientific article]Open Access

Benvenuti Martina; Gianfrate Valentina; Prandi Catia; Bambi Martina; Cattabriga Andrea; Gambini Matteo; Bertani Samuele; Marzano Maricristina; Savito Francesco; Scaccia Paolo; Zambon Tommaso; Mazzoni Elvis, URBAN GAMERS LAB: Techniques and Tools to Develop Transversal Competences and Life Skills in Educational Context Using Technologies, in: ANNUAL REVIEW OF CYBERTHERAPY AND TELEMEDICINE, SAN DIEGO, INTERACTIVE MEDIA INST, «ANNUAL REVIEW OF CYBERTHERAPY AND TELEMEDICINE», 2023, 21, pp. 89 - 94 (atti di: 26th Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference (CYPSY26), Parigi, 11-13 luglio 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]Open Access

Elvis Mazzoni; Martina Benvenuti, Differences Between Emerging Adults’ and Adults’ Internet Use Before and During the COVID-19 Emergency: The Role of Well-Being and Mood Regulation, «ADVANCES IN COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY», 2022, 18, pp. 276 - 288 [Scientific article]Open Access

Martina Benvenuti; Sabrina Panesi; Alice Chirico; Isabel Cristina Dórdio Dimas; Humberto Pereira Rocha; Elvis Mazzoni, How Life Transitions Influence Emerging Adults’ and Young Adults’ Use of the Internet: A Developmental Perspective, in: 17th European Congress of Psychology - Book of Abstract, «PSIHOLOSKA OBZORJA», 2022, 31, pp. 251 - 251 (atti di: 17th European Congress of Psychology, Lubiana, 5-8 luglio 2022) [Abstract]

Martina Benvenuti;Elvis Mazzoni, Promoting Well-Being in School Context: The Role of Technologies – A Research/Intervention in an Italian Secondary School, in: 17th European Congress of Psychology - Book of Abstract, «PSIHOLOSKA OBZORJA», 2022, 31, pp. 274 - 274 (atti di: 17th European Congress of Psychology, Lubiana, 5-8 luglio) [Abstract]

Elvis Mazzoni, Martina Benvenuti, Matteo Orsoni, Robotica e tecnologie per lo sviluppo: come costruire le competenze del futuro, in: La società dei Robot, Milano, Mondadori Universitá, 2022, pp. 215 - 226 [Chapter or essay]

Marzano, Mariacristina; Mazzoni, Elvis; Benvenuti, Martina, The Role of Conscientiousness and Toxic Behaviors on Skills Development in Professional E-Sports, in: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for Extended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering (MetroXRAINE), IEEE, 2022, pp. 362 - 366 (atti di: IEEE MetroXRAINE 2022, Roma, 26-28 ottobre 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Agata Błachnio,Aneta Przepiórka,Oleg Gorbaniuk,Monika McNeill,Rebecca Bendayan,Mithat Durak,Emre Senol Durak,Menachem Ben-Ezra,Martina Benvenuti,Alan Angeluci,Ana Maria Abreu, Meiko Makita, María José Blanca,Tihana Brkljacic,Nenad Čuš Babič,Julia Gorbaniuk,Juraj Holdos,Ana Ivanova,Sadia Malik,Anita Milanovic,Bojan Musil,Igor Pantic,Belen Rando,Gwendolyn Seidman,Lancy D'Souza,Mariek M.P. Vanden Abeele,Mariusz Wołońciej,Anise M. S. Wu,Shu Yu, Elvis Mazzoni, Country Indicators Moderating the Relationship Between Phubbing and Psychological Distress: A Study in 20 Countries, «FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY», 2021, 12, Article number: 588174 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access

Agata Błachnio, Aneta Przepiórka, Oleg Gorbaniuk, Monika McNeill, Rebecca Bendayan, Mithat Durak, Emre Senol-Durak, Menachem Ben-Ezra, Martina Benvenuti, Alan Angeluci, Ana Maria Abreu, Meiko Makita, María J. Blanca, Tihana Brkljacic, Nenad Č. Babič, Julia Gorbaniuk, Juraj Holdoš, Ana Ivanova, Sadia Malik, Anita Milanovic, Bojan Musil, Igor Pantic, Belén Rando, Gwendolyn Seidman, Lancy D’Souza, Mariek M. P. Vanden Abeele, Mariusz Wołońciej, Anise M. S. Wu, Shu Yu, Elvis Mazzoni, Country Indicators Moderating the Relationship Between Phubbing and Psychological Distress: A Study in 20 Countries, in: Elias Aboujaoude, Daria Joanna Kuss, Mike Z. Yao and Louis W. Leung, ONLINE PSYCHOLOGY BEYOND ADDICTION AND GAMING: A GLOBAL LOOK AT MENTAL HEALTH AND INTERNET-RELATED TECHNOLOGIES, Losanna, Frontiers in Psychology and Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021, pp. 82 - 92 [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Martina Benvenuti; Elvis Mazzoni, Il ruolo delle tecnologie: una ricerca/intervento di psicologia scolastica in una scuola secondaria di secondo grado, «PSICOLOGIA DELL'EDUCAZIONE», 2021, 3 supplemento, pp. 11 - 23 [Scientific article]