D'Assergio, Caterina; Manchanda, Puneet; Montaguti, Elisa; Valentini, Sara, The Race for Data: Utilizing Informative or Persuasive Cues to Gain Opt-in?, «JOURNAL OF MARKETING», 2024, non ancora definito, pp. 1 - 50 [Scientific article]
alessandra zammit / elisa montaguti / angelo manaresi, Waste production and consumer behavior:
literature review and future research, in: Proceeding of International Marketing Trends Conference IMTC 2024, 2024, pp. 1 - 11 (atti di: International Marketing Trends Conference VENICE 18-20 January 2024, Venice, Italy, 18-20 January 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Stefania Farace,
Cristoforo Losito,
Elisa Montaguti,
Annamaria Tuan, Communicating sustainability on TikTok: does it really work?, in: Atti del convegno XX^ SIM Conference Firenze, 2023, pp. 1 - 5 (atti di: Marketing per il benessere, la salute e la cura, Firenze, 20-21 ottobre 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Montaguti, Elisa; Valentini, Sara; Vecchioni, Federica, Content That Engages Your Customers: The Role of Brand Congruity and Promotions in Social Media, «JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING», 2023, 58, pp. 16 - 33 [Scientific article]Open Access
Alessandra Zammit . Elisa Montaguti, Social preferences and Context effects, in: Marketing per il benessere, la salute e la cura XX^ SIM Conference Firenze, 20-21 ottobre 2023, 2023, pp. 1 - 5 (atti di: Marketing per il benessere, la salute e la cura XX^ SIM Conference Firenze, 20-21 ottobre 2023, Firenze, 20-21 ottobre 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Carla Freitas Silveira Netto , Elisa Montaguti , Sara Valentini, Users’ registering to websites: Is it honeymoon? And how long does it last?, in: sim, Atti del convegno XX^ SIM Conference Firenze, 2023, pp. 1 - 15 (atti di: Marketing per il benessere, la salute e la cura, Firenze, 20-21 ottobre 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Alessandra Zammit, Elisa Montaguti, Veronica Valli, When does customization increase satisfaction? The risk of self-expressive choices, in: Proceedings 2021 EMAC Conference "Marketing for Growth" May 25-28, 2021 Madrid, Spain, 2021, pp. 1 - 5 (atti di: EMAC 2021 "Marketing for Growth" May 25-28, 2021 Madrid, Spain, Online, 25-28 May 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Valentini, S.; Neslin, S. A.; Montaguti, E., Identifying omnichannel deal prone segments, their antecedents, and their consequences, «JOURNAL OF RETAILING», 2020, 96, pp. 310 - 327 [Scientific article]
Caterina D'Assergio, Elisa Montaguti, Sara Valentini, How do firms ask for consumers’ data permission? And how do customers react, in: EMAC Conference Proceedings, 2019, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: 48th EMAC Annual Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 28-31 May 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Federica Vecchioni, Elisa Montaguti, Sara Valentini, Exploring the Acquisition Funnel: The Role of Marketing Activities and Searching Behavior in Driving New Users Toward Acquisition, in: People Make Marketing, 2018, pp. 81 - 86 (atti di: 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, UK, May 29- June 1, 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Sara Valentini; Elisa Montaguti; Alessandra Zammit, Gamification: A Way to Increase Customer Base Value?, in: People Make Marketing, 2018, pp. 128 - 133 (atti di: 47th EMAC Conference, Glasgow, UK, May 29- June 1, 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Alessandra Zammit; Elisa Montaguti, Self-Expressive Choices, Customization and Satisfaction: When Does Customization Enhance Self-Expression?, in: People Make Marketing Proceedings EMAC 2018, 2018, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: EMAC 2018, Glasgow, UK, 29 maggio-1 giugno 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
veronica valli ; itaman Simonson; Florian Stahl; elisa montaguti, The Compromise Effect in Post-Purchase Consumption Behavior, in: Geuens M., Pandelaere M., Pham M. T., and Vermeir I. (Ed.),, European Advances in Consumer Research,, 2018, 11, pp. 289 - 289 (atti di: European Advances of Consumer research, Ghent, June 21st -23rd) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Sara Valentini, Elisa Montaguti, Scott Neslin, The Omnichannel Deal Prone Consumer, in: Proceedings INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, 2018, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 40th Marketing Science Conference, Fox School of Business, Temple University, Philadelphia (USA), June 13-16 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Sara, Valentini; Elisa, Montaguti; Scott, Neslin, Are Online Deal Prone And Offline Deal Prone Consumers The Same Consumers?, in: EMAC 2017 Leaving Footprints, Brussels, 2017, pp. 36 - 41 (atti di: Emac Conference 2017, Groningen, Netherlands, 23-26 Maggio 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]