Foto del docente

Elena Malaguti

Full Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: PAED-02/A Didactics and Special pedagogy


Keywords: Inclusive education - ICF - ICF-CY Disability and trauma School - Family Vulnerability - Resilience School - Family and parent training Social inclusion ICF - ICF-CY Inclusive education Ecological Social and Human Approach on Dusability Human Rights Infancy and early childhood education

Her studies focus on Ecological Social and Human Resilience, Neuroscience and Education, Inclusive Early Childhood Education, Universal Design (UD), Life Project to enhance Quality of Life and Human Rights of disabled people, their families and groups experiencing social and cultural vulnerability or esclusion processes. Member of the executive board of Resilio (International Association for the Promotion and Dissemination of Research on Resilience); of Ce.D.E.I (Research Centre on Disability, Education, inclusion); member of C.S.G.E (The Centre for Studies on Gender and Education), member of SIPeS (Italian Society of Special Pedagogy). Editor in chief of the collection of Paideia e Alterità Aras Editor.Visiting Professor at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Visiting professor at the Institute for the Study and the Treatment of Trauma, Bucharest University. Visiting professor at "Children & Technology Lab (Chat Lab) School of Psychology University of Sussex Brighton. Visiting professor as Guest Speaker for the International Research Week conference Lyon Catholic University (UCLY Université Catholique de Lyon).