Foto del docente

David Neil Manners

Associate Professor

Department for Life Quality Studies

Curriculum vitae

  • Associate Professor in Methods and teaching of motor activity, a member of faculty since 2011, affiliated to the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences (DIBINEM).

He graduated in 1992 in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the College of St. Hild and St. Bede, University of Durham (UK). He gained his doctorate in 2001 from New College, University of Oxford (UK) while studying at the Department of Biochemistry.

Between 1993 and 2003, he worked at the Medical Research Council Biochemical and Clinical Magnetic Resonance Unit,affiliated with the University of Oxford, and from 2003 to 2011 at the Centro di Ricerca e Diagnostica Molecolare in vivo, at the Department of Clinical Medicine and Applied Biotechnology “D. Campanacci”, afterwards known as the Department of Internal Medicine, Ageing and Kidney Diseases, University of Bologna.

He currently teaches courses on the Theory and Methodology of Human Movement at the Rimini Campus, and course in both Italian and English related to Research Methodology Applied To Exercise And Sport, at both Rimini and the principle seat of Bologna University.