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David Neil Manners

Associate Professor

Department for Life Quality Studies


Examination procedure for the winter session 2023/2024

Except for the case of International Exchange (Erasmus) students not currently residing in Bologna, candidates must be present during exams.

To make the examination mode as similar as possible for all candidates, the EOL application will be used in all cases administer the quiz, while the students who participate remotely must also use a second device to monitor the room in which they take the exam.

In the exam hall

Bring a computer with an internet connection (wi-fi), with sufficient charge for the duration of the test. The size of the screen must be such to allow the display of any figures to be analyzed.

Online participation

Arrange a closed room in which it will be possible to take the exam without being disturbed by other people. You need a computer equipped with internet connection. Apart from the computer, white paper, pens/pencils, handkerchiefs and water can remain on the work table.

A mobile device with video camera and internet connection is also needed to show the candidate's activities during the test; this must be positioned in order to frame the workstation and the computer screen used for the provision of the test. It is important that the screen is oriented in order to avoid reflections that make it difficult to visible.

For the entire duration of the session, it is not possible to use other electronic devices or accessories such as headphones, earphones, Smart Watch, Google Glass, microphones.

For monitoring during the quiz, and the oral exam remotely, the Microsoft Teams application will be used. A link to the Teams meeting will be transmitted shortly before the start of the exam.

Published on: January 09 2024