Foto del docente

Cristina Brasili

Associate Professor

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"

Academic discipline: SECS-P/02 Economic Policy


Brasili C., Review of: La crescita delle nazioni: fatti e teorie, «QA», 2009, n.3, pp. 177 - 182 [Review]

C. Brasili; A. Bertazzoli; S. Bertuzzi; R. Ghelfi, Produzione e redditività del settore agricolo, in: IL SISTEMA AGRO-ALIMENTARE DELL’EMILIA-ROMAGNA Rapporto 2008, RIMINI, Maggioli Editore, 2009, pp. 73 - 96 (OSSERVATORIO AGRO-ALIMENTARE) [Chapter or essay]

Brasili A.; Brasili C, Sincronia e distanza nel ciclo economico delle regioni italiane, «POLITICA ECONOMICA», 2009, 25, pp. 211 - 232 [Scientific article]

Brasili C.; Fanfani R.; Monasterolo I.; Ricci Maccarini E., A Comparative Analysis of the Meat Sector in Hungary and Emilia-Romagna: Performance and Effiency, in: Agricultural Economics and Transition: What was expected, what we observed, the lesson learnerd, BUDAPEST, s.n, 2008, 2, pp. 361 - 372 (atti di: IAAE-ESSE Seminar "Agricultural Economics and Transition: What was expected, what we observed, the lesson learnerd ", Budapest - Hungary, 6-8 settembre 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Fanfani R.; Brasili C.;, A Mosaic Type of Development: Food Discricts and SME's in the Italian Experience, in: Knowledge, Sustainability and Bioresources in the further Development of the Agri-food System., BOLOGNA, Bononia University Press, 2008, pp. 647 - 678 (atti di: Knowledge, Sustainability and Bioresources in the further Development of the Agri-food System., Londrina - Paranà, Brasile, 23-25 luglio 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Brasili C.; Fanfani R.; Gutierrez L., Convergence in the Agricultural Incomes: a Comparison between the US and EU, in: Competitiveness in Agriculture and Food Industry: US and EU Perspectives, BOLOGNA, Bononia University Press, 2008, pp. 423 - 442 (atti di: 1st USDA-AIEA2 International meeting 2006, Bologna, Università di Bologna, Dip. di Scienze Statistiche, 15-16 giugno 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Brasili C., Crescita vicina allo zero ma l'occupazione tiene, «IL SOLE-24 ORE CENTRONORD», 2008, 12, pp. 2 - 2 [Scientific article]

Brasili C., In Emilia-Romagna la corsa dell'export, «IL SOLE-24 ORE CENTRONORD», 2008, 8, pp. 1 - 1 [Scientific article]

Brasili C.; Fanfani R.; Rastoin J.L., Knowledge, Sustainability and Bioresources in the further Development of the Agri-food System, Bologna, BUP (Bononia University Press), 2008, pp. 701 . [Editorship]

Brasili C., La fiammata dei prezzi fa rallentare l'economia, «IL SOLE-24 ORE CENTRONORD», 2008, 26, pp. 3 - 3 [Scientific article]

Brasili C., Le esportazioni volano in Emilia-Romagna, «IL SOLE-24 ORE CENTRONORD», 2008, 3, pp. 1 - 1 [Scientific article]

C. Brasili; A. Bertazzoli; S. Bertuzzi; R. Ghelfi, Produzione e redditività del settore agricolo, in: IL SISTEMA AGRO-ALIMENTARE DELL’EMILIA-ROMAGNA Rapporto 2007, RIMINI, Maggioli Editore, 2008, pp. 75 - 96 (OSSERVATORIO AGRO-ALIMENTARE) [Chapter or essay]

Brasili C.; Fanfani R., Structural Changes and the Role of Districts in the Development of the Italian Food Industry, in: Pathways to the High-tech Valleys and Research Triangles: Innovative Enterpreneurship, Knowledge, Transfer and Cluster Formation in Europe and the United States, WAGENINGEN, Springer, 2008, pp. 181 - 207 [Chapter or essay]

Brasili C.; Fanfani R., The Globalization of Italian Agro-food Industry. International Trrade, Delocalisation and the Emergence of "Mini-Multinational", in: Knowledge, Sustainability and Bioresources in the further Development of the Agri-food System, BOLOGNA, BUP, 2008, 1, pp. 135 - 153 (atti di: Knowledge, Sustainability and Bioresources in the further Development of the Agri-food System, Londrina-Parana, Brasile, 23-25 luglio 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Mazzocchi M.; Brasili C.; Sandri E., Trends in dietary patterns and compliance with World Health Organization recommendations: a cross-country analysis, «PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION», 2008, 11(5), pp. 535 - 540 [Scientific article]

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