Foto del docente

Catia Arbizzani

Full Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHEM-02/A Physical Chemistry


Barbarella G.; Favaretto L.; Sotgiu G.; Zambianchi M.; Arbizzani C.; Bongini A.; Mastragostino M., Controlling the electronic properties of polythiophene through the insertion of nonaromatic thienyl S,S-dioxide units, «CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS», 1999, 11, pp. 2533 - 2541 [Scientific article]

Arbizzani C.; Cerroni M.G.; Mastragostino M., Polymer-based symmetric electrochromic devices, «SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS», 1999, 56, pp. 205 - 211 [Scientific article]

Barbarella G.; Favaretto L.; Zambianchi M.; Pudova O.; Arbizzani C.; Bongini A.; Mastragostino M., From easily oxidized to easily reduced thiophene-based materials, «ADVANCED MATERIALS», 1998, 10, pp. 551 - 554 [Scientific article]

Arbizzani C.; Barbarella G.; Bongini A.; Favaretto L.; Mastragostino M.; Ostoja P.; Pudova O.; Zambianchi M., Oligothiophene S,S-dioxides: Towards n-type semiconductor oligothiophenes?, «OPTICAL MATERIALS», 1998, 9, pp. 43 - 45 [Scientific article]

Barbarella G.; Pudova O.; Arbizzani C.; Mastragostino M.; Bongini A., Oligothiophene-S,S-dioxides: A new class of thiophene-based materials, «JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY», 1998, 63, pp. 1742 - 1745 [Scientific article]

Arbizzani C.; Catellani M.; Mastragostino M.; Cerroni M.G., A spectroelectrochemical study of poly(dithienothiophenes), «JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY», 1997, 423, pp. 23 - 28 [Scientific article]

Arbizzani C.; Catellani M.; Luzzati S.; Mastragostino M., Modulation of the electronic properties in polydithienothiophene materials, «MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIA PROCEEDINGS», 1997, 488, pp. 317 - 322 [Scientific article]

Arbizzani C.; Catellani M.; Cerroni M.G.; Mastragostino M., Polydithienothiophenes : Two new conjugated materials with narrow band gap, «SYNTHETIC METALS», 1997, 84, pp. 249 - 250 [Scientific article]

Arbizzani C.; Mastragostino M.; Meneghello L.; Paraventi R., Electronically conducting polymers and activated carbon: Electrode materials in supercapacitor technology, «ADVANCED MATERIALS», 1996, 8, pp. 331 - 334 [Scientific article]

Arbizzani C.; Mastragostino M.; Meneghello L., Polymer-based redox supercapacitors: A comparative study, «ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA», 1996, 41, pp. 21 - 26 [Scientific article]

Arbizzani C.; Mastragostino M.; Meneghello L.; Morselli M.; Zanelli A., Poly(3-methylthiophenes) for an all polymer electrochromic device, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROCHEMISTRY», 1996, 26, pp. 121 - 123 [Scientific article]

Arbizzani C.; Mastragostino M.; Meneghello L., Characterization by impedance spectroscopy of a polymer-based supercapacitor, «ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA», 1995, 40, pp. 2223 - 2228 [Scientific article]

Arbizzani C.; Mastragostino M.; Zanelli A., Electrochromic devices: A comparison of several systems, «SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS», 1995, 39, pp. 213 - 222 [Scientific article]

Arbizzani C.; Catellani M.; Mastragostino M.; Mingazzini C., N- and P-doped Polydithieno[3,4-B:3′,4′-D] thiophene: A narrow band gap polymer for redox supercapacitors, «ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA», 1995, 40, pp. 1871 - 1876 [Scientific article]

Arbizzani Catia; Mastragostino Marina; Meneghello Luca, Performance of polymer-based supercapacitors, «MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIA PROCEEDINGS», 1995, 369, pp. 605 - 612 [Scientific article]