From Current position
Full professor at Bologna University, Department of Chemistry "Ciamician"
1991 PhD in Chemical Science (Pavia University) "Physical -chemical properties of electronic and ionic conductive polymers for rechargeable batteries“
1987 Degree in Chemistry (Bologna University) "Electron conductive polymers: active cathode materials for advanced batteries" (110/110).
Work experience
2014-2022: Associate professor of Physical Chemistry at Bologna University, Dept. of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"
2001-2014: Assistant professor and since 2005 aggregate professor at Bologna University
1991-2001 Technical position at Bologna University, Dept. of Chemistry "G. Ciamician"
1987-1989 Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI) Fellowship at Bologna University, Dept. of Chemistry "G. Ciamician"
Main research interests
Since the degree thesis on conducting polymers, my research activity has been focused on materials for energetics, in particular on polymeric (electronic conducting polymers and ionic conducting polymers), inorganic (metal oxides and alloys) and carbonaceous materials for fuel cells, lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors, and also on materials for biomedical applications (conducting polymers for drug eluting stents, cathode materials for primary lithium batteries for implanted devices) and for bio-fuel cells. The studies have included the synthesis and the physical-chemical characterization of the materials as well as the electrochemical characterization of materials and whole devices, in the frame of national and European Projects, in which I have been involved since 1988. The most recent activities have seen the study of the contribution of graphene-derived materials as additives in high-potential cathode materials for Li-ion batteries, of the role of binders in high-potential cathodes with aqueous formulations and of the properties and reactivity of electrode and electrolyte interface, with particular focus on superconcentrated electrolytes in lithium-ion, Li/O2 and Li/sulphur batteries. The in-situ protection of cathodes in high-voltage Li-ion, Na-ion and Li/S batteries was investigated, At present I am focusing on Li metal interphase with liquid and solid electrolytes. The study of binder for the aqueous processing of the electrodes, and sustainable separators and polymer solid electrolytes is ongoing as research activity in the framework of PNRR.
I am the Scientific Head of the Laboratory of Electrochemical Materials for Energetics (LEME) at the Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician" (UNIBO) since 2014. The group has 30 years of experience in the field of materials for energy storage / conversion systems electrochemistry, in particular for lithium batteries, supercapacitors and fuel cells, and I have participated in numerous national and international projects which also involved industrial partners. The research group has specific skills in the preparation of materials and electrolytes, inorganic, carbonaceous and polymeric electrodes and in their electrochemical characterization in view of their application in final devices.
Coauthor of 134 peer-review papers, 8 book chapters, 4 Special issues, 1 encyclopedia entry on invitation and 2 patents. I attended to more than 100 national and international Conferences, mainly with oral contributions, some of which on invitation. The total number of abstracts presented in national and international conference is more than 200.
Research Projects in progress 2011-:
2022 to present: UNIBO Reference person of Spoke 6 Energy Storage in PE2-NEST (PNRR)
2022 to present: UNIBO Responsible of Deliverable 2.2.4 of Ecosister (PNRR). D2.2.4: Spoke 2 Clean energy production, storage and saving, WP2, Task 4 Technologies and systems for energy transport, distribution and storage. Smart sector integration: flexible, integrated, resilient and digitalised energy networks (HPC), Task 4 Testing and Performance evaluation.
2022-2024: PI of UNIBO Partner in INSTM of the Project ORANGEES ORgANics for Green Electrochemical Energy Storage
2022-2023: PI of UNIBO Partner of the Project EIT Raw materials KAVA 8 CO2CARBON (Project no. 21081) Upscaling carbon nanomaterial production from CO2 emissions
2020-2024: PI of UNIBO Partner of the LC-BAT-4-2019 Project CUBER (Copper-Based Flow Batteries for energy storage renewables integration)
01/01/19-31/12/21: Supervisor of a research contract in the Project "Development of stable electrolytes in sodium-ion batteries and characterization of the lithium interphase" - Program Agreement between the Italian Ministry for Economic Development and ENEA in the frame of Electric System Research PAR2019-2021
2018-2023: Co-PI of UNIBO Partner of the FETOPEN-01-2016-2017 Project MAGNIFY (From nano to macro: a groundbreaking actuation technology for robotic systems)
2018-2019: Supervisor of a research contract in the Project “Materiali Funzionali per uno sviluppo sostenibile” cofunded by Regione Emilia Romagna in the framework of the “Piano triennale integrato Fondo Sociale Europeo (FSE), Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale (FESR) e Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo Sviluppo Rurale (FEASR) - Alte Competenze per la ricerca, il trasferimento tecnologico e l'imprenditorialità”
01/10/18-31/12/18: Scientific Responsible for the activity “Improved electrode interface of cathodes in Na-ion batteries” - Program Agreement between the Italian Ministry for Economic Development and ENEA in the frame of Electric System Research PAR2018
20/05/16 - 19/05/18: Scientific Responsible for MIUR-DAAD Joint Mobility Program "Interface properties of electrode materials"
01/09/17-30/09/18: Scientific Responsible for the activity “Thin polymer films for a stable interface in Li/S batteries”- Program Agreement between the Italian Ministry for Economic Development and ENEA in the frame of Electric System Research PAR2017
01/10/16 - 30/09/17: Scientific Responsible for the activity “Selection and characterization of electrolytes for sulphur-based batteries”- Program Agreement between the Italian Ministry for Economic Development and ENEA in the frame of Electric System Research 2015-2017
01/10/15 - 30/09/16: Scientific Responsible for the activity “Selection and characterization of electrolytes for sulphur-based batteries”- Program Agreement between the Italian Ministry for Economic Development and ENEA in the frame of Electric System Research 2015-2017
01/10/12 - 30/09/15: Scientific Responsible for the activity “Cathodic Materials for high voltage lithium-ion batteries” - Program Agreement between the Italian Ministry for Economic Development and ENEA in the frame of Electric System Research 2012-2014;
01/11/11 - 30/09/12: Scientific Responsible for the activity “Cathodic Materials for lithium-ion batteries, operating in commercial organic electrolytes, with higher energy than the batteries on the market, and their characterization in lab cells” Program Agreement between the Italian Ministry for Economic Development and ENEA in the frame of Electric System Research 2009-2011
Since 2011, tutor of 28 research grant in the framework of European and national Projects
Teaching and didactic activity at Bologna University
From AY 2014-2015 to present: Electrochemical systems for energy storage and conversion of the Second cycle International degree program (LM) in Photochemistry and molecular materials of Bologna University
From AY 2019-2020 to present: Biosensors of the Second cycle International degree program (LM) in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology of Bologna University.
From AY 2011-2012 to 2018-19: Electrochemical and Piezoelectric Biosensors of the Second cycle degree program (LM) in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology of Bologna University.
From AY 2009-2010 to present: Physical Chemistry for Environment of the First cycle degree program (L) in Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences of Bologna University
From AY 2017-2018 to present: Physical Chemistry of Devices for the Environment and Energy of First cycle degree program (L) in Chemistry and Materials Chemistry
From AY 2018-2019 to present: Electrochemistry First cycle degree program (L) in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering.
From AY 2012-2013 to 2016-17: Physical Chemistry modulus in the course General Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry in the First cycle degree programmes (L) in Quality control of health products of Bologna University - Campus of Rimini
AY 2010-2011: Physical-Chemical Basis of Pharmaceutical Systems of the Second cycle degree programmes (LS) in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology of Bologna University.
From AY 2004-2005 to 2008-09: Physical Chemistry of Molecular Interactions of the Second cycle degree programmes (LS) in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology of Bologna University
AY 2003-04: teaching of Physical Chemistry I of the Integrated Course of Chemistry V of the one-long cycle 2° Degree Course in Biotechnology (Pharmaceutical curriculum) of Bologna University
From AY 2001-02 to AY 2012-13 (12 years): Supplementary didactic activity for Physical Chemistry and Member of the Examination Commissions of the Physical Chemistry Course and General and Inorganic Chemistry at Pharmacy Faculty
From AY 1991-92 to AY 2000-01 (10 years): support teaching activity for Physical Chemistry Laboratory courses and Member of the Examination Commissions for Physical Chemistry Courses as teaching assistant at Science Faculty
Bachelor Theses (2017 to present): 39 theses as Supervisor
Master Theses (2003 to present): 27 theses (2014-today: 19 as Supervisor, 2003-2014: 12 as co-supervisor)
PhD theses (2013 to present): 9 theses: 7 as Supervisor, 2as co-supervisor.
Academic responsibilities
2024-2027: Member (representative of Chemical Sciences Area 03) in the Scientific Board of Institute of Advanced Studies of UNIBO
2022-2027: Member of GTA Climate Energy and Mobility of UNIBO
2021 to present: Delegate to Internationalization of the Detp. of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"
2019 to present: Member of the Quality Assurance Board and Secretary of the 2° Level Degree Course in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
2018 to present: Member of "Giunta" of Department
2016-2021: Member of the Quality Assurance Board and Teaching Committee of the 2° Level Degree Course in Photochemistry and Molecular Materials
2017 to present: Member of Interdepartimental Center of Industrial Research (CIRI) Fonti Rinnovabili Ambiente Mare Energia
2017 to present: Member of Interdepartimental Center of Industrial Research (CIRI) Meccanica Avanzata e dei Materiali
2017-2021: Member of the Teaching Committee of the Department
2013 to present: Member of the Quality Assurance Board of the 2° Level Degree Course in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
2012 to 2018: Secretary of the Board of the 2° Level Degree Course in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
2008-2011: Researcher Representative in Faculty of Pharmacy Council
2004-2009: Secretary of the Board of the 2° Level Degree Course in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
2004-2007: member of the Chemical Science Committee of Bologna University for the distribution of MIUR funds for Fundamental Oriented Research (RFO)
1992-1998 Technician Representative in the Council of the Department of Chemistry "G. Ciamician"
Extra-academic responsibilities - Editorial Activity
2021-2024: Regional Representative for Italy at International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)
2020 to present: Founder member of Gruppo Italiano Sistemi di Accumulo Elettrochimico (GISEL)
2020-2021: Coopted Member of the Electrochemical Division Board of the Italian Chemical Society
2019-2021: Regional Representative for Italy at International Society of Electrochemistry
2018 to present: Editorial Board of La Chimica e L'industria
2017 to present: Editor of Journal of Power Sources
2016-2017 : Associate Editor of Journal of Power Sources
2015 to present: Academic Editor of Batteries (MPDI)
2014 to present: Editorial Board of Advances in Energy Research, An International Journal (Techno Press)
2012-2015: Delegate of EnerCHEM (Chemistry for Renewable Energy) Group , an interdivisional group of the Italian Chemical Society, in the specific sector of batteries, fuel cells and supercapacitors.
2008-2010: Secretary-Treasurer of the Electrochemical Division Board of the Italian Chemical Society
2005-2007: Councilor of the Electrochemical Division Board of the Italian Chemical Society
Organizing and Scientific Committee of several national and international Conferences
Referee in several Electrochemistry and Physical Chemistry journals (mainly Elsevier, Springer and Wiley)
Reviewer of national and international research Projects
Member of Società Chimica Italiana, Electrochemical Society, International Society of Electrochemistry, INSTM, Gruppo Italiano Sistemi di Accumulo Elettrochimico (GISEL)
Distinctions and honors
1995: "Mario Lazzari" award of the Electrochemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society for the best PhD thesis in Electrochemistry