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Catia Arbizzani

Full Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHEM-02/A Physical Chemistry


Intermite, Stefania; Arbizzani, Catia; Soavi, Francesca*; Gholipour, Somayeh; Turren-Cruz, Silver-Hamill; Correa-Baena, Juan Pablo; Saliba, Michael; Vlachopoulos, Nickolaos; Morteza Ali, Abdollah; Hagfeldt, Anders; Grätzel, Michael, Perovskite solar cell - electrochemical double layer capacitor interplay, «ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA», 2017, 258, pp. 825 - 833 [Scientific article]

La Monaca, A.; De Giorgio, F.; Focarete, M.L.; Fabiani, D.; Zaccaria, M.; Arbizzani, C, Polyvinylidene difluoride-polyethyleneoxide blends for electrospun separators in Li-Ion batteries, «JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY», 2017, 164, pp. A6431 - A6439 [Scientific article]

Bigoni, Francesca; De Giorgio, Francesca; Soavi, Francesca; Arbizzani, Catia, Sodium alginate: AWater-processable binder in high-voltage cathode formulations, «JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY», 2017, 164, pp. A6171 - A6177 [Scientific article]Open Access

Santoro, Carlo; Arbizzani, Catia; Erable, Benjamin; Ieropoulos, Ioannis, Special Section: “Microbial fuel cells: From fundamentals to applications”: Guest Editors' note, in: Microbial fuel cells: From fundamentals to applications, Amsterdam, Elsevier B.V., 2017, pp. 223 - 224 [Preface]

Ruggeri, Irene; Arbizzani, Catia; Soavi, Francesca, A novel concept of Semi-solid, Li Redox Flow Air (O2) Battery: A breakthrough towards high energy and power batteries, «ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA», 2016, 206, pp. 291 - 300 [Scientific article]

Santoro, Carlo; Soavi, Francesca; Arbizzani, Catia; Serov, Alexey; Kabir, Sadia; Carpenter, Kayla; Bretschger, Orianna; Atanassov, Plamen, Co-generation of hydrogen and power/current pulses from supercapacitive MFCs using novel HER iron-based catalysts, «ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA», 2016, 220, pp. 672 - 682 [Scientific article]

Soavi, Francesca; Ruggeri, Irene; Arbizzani, Catia, Design Study of a Novel, Semi-Solid Li/O2 Redox Flow Battery, «ECS TRANSACTIONS», 2016, 72, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]

La Monaca, A.; Arbizzani, C.; De Giorgio, F.; Focarete, M.L.; Fabiani, D.; Zaccaria, M., Electrospun membranes based on PVdF-PEO blends for lithium batteries, «ECS TRANSACTIONS», 2016, 73, pp. 75 - 81 [Scientific article]Open Access

Soavi, Francesca; Bettini, Luca Giacomo; Piseri, Paolo; Milani, Paolo; Santoro, Carlo; Atanassov, Plamen; Arbizzani, Catia, Miniaturized supercapacitors: key materials and structures towards autonomous and sustainable devices and systems, «JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES», 2016, 326, pp. 717 - 725 [Scientific article]Open Access

Bigoni, F.; DE GIORGIO, Francesca; Soavi, Francesca; Arbizzani, Catia, New formulations of high-voltage cathodes for Li-ion batteries with water-processable binders, «ECS TRANSACTIONS», 2016, 73, pp. 249 - 257 [Scientific article]

Narvaez Villarrubia, Claudia W.; Soavi, Francesca; Santoro, Carlo; Arbizzani, Catia; Serov, Alexey; Rojas-Carbonell, Santiago; Gupta, Gautam; Atanassov, Plamen, Self-feeding paper based biofuel cell/self-powered hybrid μ-supercapacitor integrated system, «BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS», 2016, 86, pp. 459 - 465 [Scientific article]Open Access

Santoro, Carlo; Soavi, Francesca; Serov, Alexey; Arbizzani, Catia; Atanassov, Plamen, Self-powered supercapacitive microbial fuel cell: The ultimate way of boosting and harvesting power, «BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS», 2016, 78, pp. 229 - 235 [Scientific article]Open Access

Houghton J.; Santoro C.; Soavi F.; Serov A.; Ieropoulos I.; Arbizzani C.; Atanassov P., Supercapacitive microbial fuel cell: Characterization and analysis for improved charge storage/delivery performance, «BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY», 2016, 218, pp. 552 - 560 [Scientific article]

Houghton, Jeremiah; Santoro, Carlo; Soavi, Francesca; Serov, Alexey; Ieropoulos, Ioannis; Arbizzani, Catia; Atanassov, Plamen, Supercapacitive microbial fuel cell: Characterization and analysis for improved charge storage/delivery performance, «BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY», 2016, 218, pp. 552 - 560 [Scientific article]Open Access

Arbizzani, C; De Giorgio, F; Mastragostino, M, Battery parameters for hybrid electric vehicles, in: Advances in Battery Technology for Electric Vehicles, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing, 2015, pp. 55 - 72 (WOODHEAD PUBLISHING IN ENERGY) [Chapter or essay]