Foto del docente

Caterina Lupini

Associate Professor

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

Academic discipline: MVET-03/A Infectious Diseases of Animals

Curriculum vitae

Associate professor at the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences of the University of Bologna (Academic discipline: VET/05 Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals)

-December 2011: Specialisation Diploma in “Technology and pathology of poultry, rabbit and game species”- Veterinary Medicine Faculty, University of Milan
-December 2008: “Doctor in Philosophy” (PhD) in “Epidemiology and Zoonosis Control” - Veterinary Medicine Faculty, University of Bologna
-November 2006: “Qualification in Veterinary Surgeon”; enrolled in Veterinary Professional Register of the Province of Forlì-Cesena (from January 2018)
-October 2005: Doctor in Veterinary Medicine (DVM) - Veterinary Medicine Faculty, University of Bologna

- December 2011-December 2021: Assistant professor at the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences of the University of Bologna (Academic discipline: VET/05 Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals),
- June 2010-December 2011: Technical staff of the Department of Veterinary Public Health and Animal Pathology-Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - University of Bologna (Italy)
- March 2009-March 2010: Grant Holder at Department of Veterinary Public Health and Animal Pathology - Veterinary Medicine Faculty - University of Bologna (Italy)
- June 2006-January 2009: Temporary research fellow at the Department of Veterinary Public Health and Animal Pathology - Veterinary Medicine Faculty - University of Bologna (Italy)

- August-Novembre 2006-January-February 2011-June 2012: Research work in the Department of Veterinary Pathology – University of Liverpool (UK) under the supervision of Dr. Clive Naylor. The work focused on the production of defined mutants of avian Metapneumovirus (aMPV) incorporating foreign genes using reverse genetics system as part of a programme leading to the development of stable live attenuated vaccines.

The major research fields focused on diseases of birds, in particular concerning epidemiology, diagnosis, pathogenesis, vaccines and vaccination. Topics of interest are mainly correlated to avian respiratory and immunosuppressive viral agents. Studies performed on these subjects, has involved: field molecular epidemiology studies; vaccines reversion to virulence; field strains evolution avoiding vaccine-induced immunity; development and testing of reverse genetics system for the expression of heterologous protein (in collaboration with Liverpool University); in vivo pathogenicity trials and tissue distribution; clinical and pre-clinical studies of efficacy and safety of live vaccines (regulatory studies) and new generation vaccines; market support trials for vaccines (in field and in poultry isolation facilities).
Acquired skills involves: molecular epidemiology and diagnosis; serology; isolation and propagation of avian pathogens on cells, eggs and chicken embryo organ cultures; reverse genetics system, in collaboration with Liverpool University; in vivo trials in field and in secure isolation conditions (poultry isolators) such as development of in vivo challenge models and in vivo pathogenicity trials.


2018 “Evaluation of Immunological parameters in SPF broilers after different IBDV vaccination protocols” funded by MSD Animal Health
2021-“Transfer of an Infectious Bronchitis 793B virus strain, propagated and titrated in tracheal organ cultures and characterized by sequencing of the S1 gene” Funded by Genera Inc. (part of the Dechra Pharmaceutical PLC group)
2021-“Use of ovotransferrin to control respiratory diseases in turkeys” Funded by OvoVet Pharma S.r.l. (Romania)
2021-"Suitability of subcutaneous day-of-hatch vaccination of commercial broilers with live Infectious Bursal Disease vaccines" funded by VetSpin Srl
2021-"“Titolazione di vaccini aviari per la Bronchite Infettiva, la Malattia di Newcastle e la Bursite infettiva su organocolture o uova embrionate SPF, con diverse concentrazioni del prodotto VAC-Safe®” funded by MSD Animal Health

2007 - Hougton Trust International Travel and Subsistence Grants
Grant for young researchers involved in the field of Avian Pathology devolved by "Hougton Trust ltd" (UK) to participate, as oral presenter, at the XV World Veterinary Poultry Congress (Beijing, China, 10-15 September 2007).
2008 - Complimentary Youth Program
Grant for young researchers devolved by “The World Poultry Association” to participate, as oral presenter, at the XXIII World’s Poultry Congress (Brisbane, Australia, 30 June - 4 July 2008) and be involved in a post-congress tour in Australian poultry farms.
2009 – Grant Maria, Giuseppe e Ing. Giuseppe Jr. Zanella for the best phD thesis in the field of Avian Pathology.

PARTECIPANTS of the International Working Group COST ACTION FA1207 "Towards Control of Avian Coronaviruse: for Diagnosis, Surveillance and Vaccination". Working groups: WG2 "Serology and immunology", WG3 "Clinic and Pathology". (2013-2017)

MEMBER of the “Working Group on Health and Welfare Management of Laboratory Chickens” of the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Association

- Italian Branch (SIPA) of the World Veterinary Poultry Association
- American Association of Avian Pathologists
- Associazione Nazionale Infettivologi Veterinari
- Associazione Italiana per le Scienze degli Animali da Laboratorio (sezione italiana della “Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations”)

Member of the Editorial Board of Birds
Member of the Topics Board of Vaccines
Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Poultry Vaccines” in Vaccines
Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Recent advances in poultry respiratory and immunosuppressive diseases” in Animals
Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Advances in diagnosis and control of poultry viral diseases" in Frontiers in Veterinary Science

Archives of Microbiology
Avian Pathology
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
British Poultry Science
Folia Microbiologica
Infection Ecology and Epidemiology
Veterinary Microbiology
Veterinary Record
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases

From A.Y. 2011/2012 to A.Y. 2012/2013 “Prophylaxis and Bio-Safety in Poultry and Rabbit Husbandry” in the degree course of Animal Production and Control of Wildlife of the University of Bologna
A.Y. 2012/2013 “Special Course on Avian Diseases” in the Internship on Avian Diseases, in the degree course of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Bologna
From A.Y. 2013/2014 to present “ Biomolecular Techniques Applied to Transmissible Diseases-Gene Delivery” in the degree course of Animal Biotechnology of the University of Bologna
A.Y. 2015/2016 “ Health Management of Wild Animals” in the first cycle degree programme in Animal production and wildlife management of the University of Bologna
From A.Y. 2017/2018 to present “Veterinary Epidemiology” in the Bachelor in Aquaculture and Fish Production Hygiene of the University of Bologna
From A.Y. 2021/2022 to present “Farm Biosecurity and Zoonotic Diseases Prevention” of the Master Degree Course “Farm Biosecurity and Foodborn Risk” Inter-University course (Università di Parma, Università di Bologna, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Università Cattolica di Piacenza, Università di Ferrara) Teaching course in english
From A.Y. 2021/2022 to present “STRATEGIES OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE CONTROL IN SUSTAINABLE FOOD-ANIMAL PRODUCTIONS” of the Master Degree Course “Food Animal Metabolism and Management in the Circular Economy” of the University of Bologna; Teaching course in english

Supervision/co-supevision of graduation thesis in degree courses of Animal Biotechnology, Animal Production and Control of Wildlife and Veterinary Medicine of the University of Bologna.

2017-2018 member of the committee of the teachers and supervisors of the PhD course in "Veterinary Sciences”, University of Bologna.
2015-2020, member of the "Working Group of Documentation" in charge of revision of general procedures, as a part of accreditation to international standard ISO 9001: 2008 of the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences, University of Bologna
2021-to present, member of the Research Commission of the Department of Medical Sciences of the University of Bologna
2022-to present, member of the Presidio di Qualità di Ateneo of Bologna of the University of Bologna

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