Foto del docente

Beatrice Borghi

Associate Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: HIST-01/A Medieval History

Curriculum vitae

Beatrice Borghi is Associate Professor (M-Sto/01 -11/A1) since 2022 at the Department of Education 'Giovanni Maria Bertin', University of Bologna. Researcher from 2006 to 2022.

Teaching subjects at the Department of Educational Sciences: History and History Didactics (degree course in "Scienze della Formazione Primaria"), Mediterranean: crossroads of routes and cultures (master's degree course in "Progettazione e gestione dell'intervento educativo nel disagio sociale"); - Educare al patrimonio per un'educazione alla cittadinanza attiva, degree course in "Educatore sociale e culturale".

* Direction or participation in the activities of a research group characterised by national or international collaborations

Participation in the activities of the national research group "Le fonti normative dell'Italia del basso medioevo: censimenti, edizioni, ricerche", responsible local scientific unit: Prof. Rolando Dondarini, University of Bologna, PRIN 2003. from 01-01-2003 to 31-12-2005

Participation in the activities of the national research group "The mimesis of Jerusalem in Italy: evocations, reproductions, imitations between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance", PRIN 2007-2009, national coordinator: Prof. Franco Cardini. from 01-01-2007 to 31-12-2009

Participation as coordinator of the activities of the national research group of the Italian Committee for the Study and Editions of Normative Sources (CISEFN) of the second volume of the "Statutory Bibliography" 1996-2005, in collaboration with the Library of the Senate. from 01-01-2007 to 01-01-2009

Participation in the activities of the international research group "Spectrum-Visual Translation of Jerusalem". ERC grant agreement number 249466, coordinator: Prof. Bianca Kühnel, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel). from 01-05-2011 to 30-04-2016

Participation in the international research group "Códices y documentos", linked to the PhD program directed by Prof Carlos Pérez Gonzalez, Faculty of "Humanidades y Comunicación", University of Burgos (Spain). See also title f. (lecturer "Fuentes medievales" of the above mentioned Ph.
of research). from 01-01-2015 to date

Participation in the activities of the international research group "Estudios Inquisitoriales", director: Prof. Carlos Enrique Pérez González, Faculty of "Humanidades y Comunicación" of the University of Burgos (Spain). from 01-01-2015 to date

Member of the international research group "GID UBU en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, de las Lenguas y de las Literaturas en la formación inicial del profesorado de Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria (DiCSOL)" of the University of Burgos (Spain), director: Prof. Delfín Ortega Sánchez. from 23-06-2015 to date

Coordinator of the international research group "Grupo de Innovación Docente GID UBU en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, de las Lenguas y de las Literaturas en la formación inicial del profesorado de Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria", research line "Historia medieval y su didáctica", University of Burgos (Spain). from 01-04-2016 to date

Coordinator of the activities of the national research group of the Italian Committee for the Study and Editing of Normative Sources (CISEFN) of the III volume of the "Italian Statutory Bibliography 2006-2015", in collaboration with the Library of the Senate. from 01-03-2017 to 01-02-2018

Participation in the activities of the international research group "Enseñanza y aprendizaje de la historia en Educación Primaria: multiperspectiva y análisis de iconos culturales para la construcción de una ciudadanía crítica" (MINECO), coordinators: Prof. Sebastián Molina Puche, University of Murcia,
Prof. María Sánchez Agustí, University of Valladolid. Reference PID2020-114434RB-100, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain).
01-10-2021 to date

* Responsibility for studies and scientific research entrusted by qualified public or private institutions

Entrusted by the Patriarchal Convent of San Domenico in Bologna for studies and scientific research on the occasion of the celebration of the institution of the Dominican Order. In particular, the investigations concerned the collation of the relics, the comparison with the inventories preserved in the archives of the Convent's archives and at the State Archives of Bologna, of medieval pilgrimages to the complex (diaries). from 01-01-2011 to 30-12-2012

Responsible for coordinating the design and implementation of the third volume of the Italian Statute Bibliography (2006-2015), on behalf of the Senate Library in collaboration with the Italian Committee for the Studies and Editions of Normative Sources (CISEFN) of the University of
Bologna (Rome, 2017). Prot. 599/B/I/5. from 01-03-2017 to date

Responsible for the scientific didactic coordination for the European geo-history handbook "A global history of humanity" (authors Claudia Bernardi and Eric Vanhaute) and the editing of the introduction to the Italian edition of the handbook within the European project "Get Up and Goals. Global
Educational time: an international network of learning and Active schools for SDGs". from 01-01-2018 to 30-12-2021

Awarded by the Associazione Europea Romea Strata - AERS for studies and research in the field of pilgrimage and odeporean literature in the medieval age (see attachment: research strands "Testimonianze e diari di pellegrini" and "I luoghi dell'accoglienza"), in view of the candidature of the Romea strata as a Cultural Route of the Council of Europe. President of the Scientific Committee of AERS: Prof.ssa Fiorella Dallari of the University of Bologna. from 01-07-2019 to date

Scientific manager in history didactics for Giunti editore Scuola. In particular, carrying out activities of conception and/or design and/or development and/or realisation of works and contributions of an editorial nature within the framework of the programmes and publishing plans of Giunti Scuola s.r.l., including
didactic consulting on the subject "History" of the magazine "Vita scolastica". from 25-02-2021 to date

Treccani Giunti T.V.P. Editori has entrusted the responsibility of studies and scientific research for the design and creation of the history teaching part of the manual for secondary school, due to be published in 2023. from 01-11-2021 to date

Responsible for studies and researches for the project coordinated by CISP entitled "Edusah - Education and training: future of young Sahrawi refugees and liberated territories of Western Sahara (Id 21), cup n. E19J21010900009", Resolution n. 1855 of 08/11/2021, related to the call for international cooperation year 2021 as per D.G.R. 1033/2021 of 29/06/2021 and subsequent Resolution n.1855 of 08/11/2021, on issues relating to the history of Islamic Africa and on education and support for the skills of the Ministry of Saharawi Education in the drafting of school textbooks and the training of pedagogical advisors of the Ministry. Project contact person: Giulia Olmi, CISP Emilia-Romagna. from 08-11-2021 to date

Scientific responsibility for international and national research projects that have been accepted for funding on the basis of competitive calls for proposals involving peer review Local unit responsibility for the international research project: "Spectrum. Visual Translations of Jerusalem". ERC grant agreement number 249466. Coordinator Prof.ssa Bianca Kühnel, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel). from 01-05-2010 to 30-04-2016.

Local Unit Leader of the international research project: "Estrategias de formación del profesorado para educar en la participación ciudadana, EDU2011-23213. Coordinator: Prof. Francisco F. García Pérez, University of Seville (Spain). from 01-01-2011 to 31-12-2014

Responsible local unit of the international research project: "STEP. Citizenship pedagogy and teacher education: an alliance between school and territory - Citizenship pedagogy and teacher education: an alliance between school, territory, community", ref. 2015-1-IT02-KA201-015190 (2015-2018). Coordinator: Prof.ssa Elisabetta Nigris, University of Milan - Bicocca. from 01-04-2015 to 30-08-2018

Head of the local unit of the international research project: "Educación Patrimonial para la inteligencia territorial y emocional de la ciudadanía. Análisis de buenas prácticas, diseño e intervención en la enseñanza obligatoria" (EPITEC I), EDU2015-67953-P. Coordinator: Prof. Jésus Estepa,
University of Huelva (Spain). from 01-01-2016 to 30-12-2019

Local Unit Leader of the international research project: "HistoryLab for European Civic Engagement: open e-Toolkit to train History Teachers on Digital Teaching and Learning". Erasmus+Action: "Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Strategic partnerships HE - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness".
Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness" - 2020-1-ES01-KA226-HE-095430 (2021-2023). Coordinator: Prof. Cosme J. Gómez Carrasco, University of Murcia (Spain). from 01-03-2021 to date

Local Unit Leader of the international research project: "Patrimonios controversiales para la formación ecosocial de la ciudadanía. Una investigación de educación patrimonial en la enseñanza reglada" (EPITEC2). Ref. PID2020-116662GB-I00. Coordinator: Prof. José María Cuenca López,
University of Huelva (Spain). See annex for project content. 01-09-2021 to date

* Direction or participation in editorial committees of prestigious journals, series, encyclopaedias and treatises

Editorial board of the journal "I quaderni del M.Æ.S - Mediæ Ætatis Sodalicium", Bologna. The journal is a tool for deepening and disseminating knowledge of the Middle Ages in all its aspects, accepting analysis and dissertations in a multidisciplinary approach to all issues related to historical research.
related to historical research. ISSN (in print) 1593-8999. from 01-01-2005 to 30-11-2017

Co-director of the series of the "Centro internazionale di Didattica della Storia e del Patrimonio" -DiPaSt, University of Bologna. The series includes monographs and curatorships of studies and research in the field of history teaching, history teaching and historical, artistic and cultural heritage.
cultural heritage. Pàtron editore, Bologna. from 01-01-2008 to date

Scientific Committee of the journal "ÍBER. Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia", Graó, Barcelona (Spain).
The journal is a professional tool for knowledge, communication and action in the teaching of social sciences, in particular history and geography. ISSN (in print): 2014-475X. 01-01-2009 to date

Scientific Committee of the journal "Hábitat y Sociedad", University of Seville (Spain). The journal, which is interdisciplinary in nature, includes contributions aimed at studying the dynamic interactions of physical, social, cultural, historical, economic, legal, environmental and political situations of societies
societies as a whole. ISSNe: 2173-125X. from 01-01-2010 to date

Editorial and Scientific Committee of the journal "Hermus. Heritage and Museography", University of Leiden (Spain). The journal includes articles on research in the field of history and heritage didactics, with a focus on national, European and Latin American museums. ISSNe: 2462-6457, ISSN (in print): 2171-3731. from 01-01-2013 to date

Scientific Committee of the journal "I quaderni del M.Æ.S - Journal of Mediæ Ætatis Sodalicium", University of Bologna, AlmaDL. The journal is a tool for deepening and disseminating knowledge of the Middle Ages in all its aspects, accepting analyses and dissertations that in a multidisciplinary
multidisciplinary approach to all issues related to historical research. ISSNe: 1593-8999. from 01-01-2017 to date

Scientific Committee of the Editorial Series "Education to Cultural Heritage and Knowledge Formation", Franco Angeli, Rome. The series explores, within the international debate, research through the study of sources, the exploration of works, objects and artefacts, and more generally of tangible and intangible cultural assets in the historical, artistic and scientific fields.
In the international debate, the series explores research through the study of sources, the exploration of works, objects and artefacts, and more generally of tangible and intangible cultural heritage in the historical, artistic and scientific fields.
and methodology for cognitive immersion. from 01-02-2017 to date

Editorial board of the journal Inquire. Revista de Estudios Inquisitoriales, University of Burgos (Spain). The journal welcomes in particular contributions related to the critical editing, translation and study of European and Hispano-American inquisitorial texts in Latin and vernacular languages; the analysis of procedures, testimonies and
the analysis of procedures, testimonies and crimes in the trial acts produced by the various Inquisition tribunals in the Old and New Worlds; the didactic approach of the above-mentioned contents in the processes of teaching-learning history in primary and secondary education, and their relevance for
civic education. ISSN: 2340-7689. from 01-05-2017 to date

Scientific Committee of the journal "ALMATOURISM - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development", University of Bologna, AlmaDL, an innovative platform for studies and research between culture and territorial development in the different disciplinary fields of tourism. ISSNe: 2036-5195. from 16-11-2017 to date

Scientific and editorial board of the journal "Interuniversity Journal of Teacher Training", RIFOP. The international journal publishes research articles related to teacher education from a broad and multidisciplinary perspective, University of Murcia (Spain). from 01-01-2018 to date

Scientific Committee of the Series "THE MEDIOEVAL - Contexts, communities, encounters". The series includes publications of monographic studies and sources for the history of the Middle Ages in a multidisciplinary perspective. Pàtron publisher, Bologna. from 01-01-2018 to date

Editor of the journal "Didattica della Storia. Journal of Research and Didactis of History", University of Bologna, AlmaDL. The journal aims to be a tool for in-depth analysis and dissemination of research and experiences in the field of teaching history, also in a multidisciplinary perspective. ISSNe:
2704-8217 from 01-01-2019 to date

Co-director of the series "Raccontare il Medioevo", Minerva edizioni, Argelato (Bo). The series includes essays aimed at deepening and disseminating scientifically to students of secondary schools, with a didactic look for teachers in training, issues of the medieval world. from 01-01-2019 to date

Participation in the "research Topic" entitled "Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Education" (, published in the scientific journals Frontiers in Psychology (Gender, Sex and Sexualities) [JCR IF 2.990, Scopus CiteScore 3.5). Frontiers in Education (Teacher
Education) [Scopus CiteScore 1.3], and Frontiers in Sociology (Gender, Sex and Sexualities) [Scopus CiteScore 1.2], with: Delfín Ortega-Sánchez, Esther Sanz de la Cal, Jaime Ibáñez Quintana, University of Burgos (Spain). from 01-01-2020 to date

* Participation in the teaching board or assignment of teaching assignments, within the framework of research doctorates accredited by the Ministry

Member of the board of teachers of the PhD programme in "Humanidades y Comunicación" at the University of Burgos (Spain); lecturer and researcher of the line of investigation "Fuentes medievales" of the aforementioned PhD programme. Doctoral coordinator: Prof. D. Carlos Pérez
González. from 01-01-2017 to date

Co-director together with Prof. Sebastian Molina Puche of doctoral thesis (see attachment) of the "Escuela Internacional de Doctorado" (Education) of the University of Murcia and co-director with the PhD in "Historical and archaeological sciences. memory, civilization and heritage" (coordinator Prof. Andrea Augenti) of the University of Bologna. Research line: "Medieval history" and "History didactics". PhD coordinator: Prof. María Rosario Bermejo García, University of Murcia (Spain). from 01-01-2018 to date

Teaching assignments within the framework of the PhD in "Historia y Crítica de la Arquitectura, el Diseño y el Urbanismo", seminar "Lecturas Historiográficas del Urbanismo", Faculty of "Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo", University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) on the topic "Peregrinaciones en la Edad Media y la cuenca euromediterránea" and "Didactica de la historia". Doctoral coordinator: Prof. Damián Sanmiguel. Contact person for the assignment: Prof. Miguel Alberto Guérin. from 12-07-2019 to 26-07-2019

Lecturer at the doctoral seminar in "Special pedagogy, interdisciplinarity and research methodology", held as part of the PhD programme in "Pedagogical sciences" at the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Bologna, with a lecture on "The times of history" (a.y. 2020/2021).
PhD coordinator: Prof. Tiziana Pironi. from 11-05-2021 to 11-05-2021

Formal awarding of teaching or research fellowships at qualified universities and foreign or supranational research institutes

Invited intensive seminar entitled "Investigación y metodología de la historia medieval", held at the Department of "Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, de las Lenguas y las Literaturas", Faculty of Education of the University of Extremadura (Spain), as part of the course "Las fuentes de la historia medieval".
historia medieval". from 14-01-2008 to 18-01-2008

Research stay at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Department of History, Chair of Medieval History, for scientific exchanges with colleagues of the Institute (referent Prof. Carlos Barros) and research in archives and libraries of Galicia. from 01-03-2008 to 31-03-2008

Intensive seminar on invitation entitled "Historia, Didactica y Fuentes medievales", held at the Department of Medieval and Modern History, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), within the degree course in "Medieval History". Teaching Professor Prof. Carlos Barros
(a.y. 2007/2008). from 03-03-2008 to 07-03-2008

Intensive seminar on invitation entitled "Pilgrimages to the Holy Land in the Middle Ages", held at the Department of Medieval and Modern History, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), within the degree course in "Medieval History". Course holder Prof. Carlos
Barros (a.y. 2007/2008). from 17-03-2008 to 21-03-2008

Teaching of "Historia Medieval y didáctica de la Historia" in the course of "Ciencias Sociales y su Didáctica" by Prof. M. Consuelo Diez Bedmar, of the Degree Course "Magistero", specialization "Educación Primaria", Faculty of "Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación", University of Jaén.
(Spain). from 13-03-2011 to 19-03-2011

Research stay in collaboration with the Faculty of "Humanities and Sciences of Education" in the research "Peregrinaciones en la Edad Media", in particular on the history of the relic of the Holy Rosto, University of Jaén (Spain). from 13-03-2011 to 19-03-2011

Intensive seminar by invitation entitled "Along the paths of the pilgrims: the historical and environmental heritage told in the travel diaries of the late Middle Ages", held at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the Department of Art History, Archaeology and Music (area of art history), University of Cordoba
(Spain). from 14-01-2017 to 18-01-2017

Intensive seminar by invitation entitled "History, Historiography, Sources: teaching medieval history in school contexts", held at the Faculty of Education, Department of Social Sciences Teaching, University of Malaga (Spain). from 04-12-2018 to 08-12-2018

Teaching assignments (fellowship) and research, in the framework of the International Cooperation Agreement and Mobility Project of the University of Bologna (visiting professor, research scholar); in the course of "Maestría en Historia y Crítica de la Arquitectura, el Diseño y el Urbanismo". Seminars in
"Lecturas Historiográficas del Urbanismo", Faculty of "Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo" entitled: "History of medieval Bologna" and "History of pilgrimage in the medieval age and in the Euro-Mediterranean area", University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). from 12-07-2019 to 26-07-2019

* Achievement of prizes and awards for scientific activity, including affiliation to academies of recognised prestige in the field

Recognition by the National Agency Erasmus Plus INDIRE of the research project "Erasmus Plus, Strategic Partnership for School Education (2015-1-IT02-KA201-015190) entitled: "Step. Pedagogy of citizenship and teacher training: an alliance between school and territory" as an exemplary project by virtue of the quality of the project. exemplary project by virtue of the quality of the activities carried out and the results achieved. Contact person of the local unit (University of Bologna) of the international partnership (Spain, France, Switzerland - 2015-2018). Lead partner: Prof. Elisabetta Nigris, University of Milan - Bicocca. Award ceremony on 19 October 2019. from 01-04-2015 to 30-08-2018

Affiliation with the "Società italiana per lo Studio e le Edizioni delle Fonti Normative" - De Statutis Society, founded by the Comitato per lo Studio e le Edizioni delle Fonti Normative (CISEFN), founded in Bologna in 1993. The SISEFN-De Statutis Society aims, in the wake of the initiatives promoted by the
the Committee in 25 years of activity, to promote the historical and historical-legal study of the normative sources of particular orders, from the Middle Ages to the whole of the centuries of their force. Member of the Society's Executive Board. 28-03-2019 to date

Acknowledgement for the scientific activity of the III Mission (TM) project of the "International History Festival" for which I am scientific referent, promoter and organiser. The project has been selected by the University of Bologna among the case studies (public engagement) to be submitted to the evaluation of the ANVUR. The project has been selected by the University of Bologna among the case studies (public engagement) to be submitted to the evaluation of III Mission activities, pursuant to art. 9, paragraph 1 of the VQR 2015/2019 call. from 01-12-2021 to date