Foto del docente

Aurora Ricci

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: PAED-02/B Experimental Pedagogy


CASINI E.; SARCHIELLI G.; TODERI S.; RICCI A., N.E.T. New E-Tools New Tools For Blended Permanent Learning To Develop Technical Skills Of Low Qualified SME’s workers, PARMA, Tipolitografia Tipocolor, 2008, pp. 70 . [Editorship]

SARCHIELLI G.; TODERI S.; RICCI A., Storyboard relating to on-line tutors' training, in: N.E.T. New E-Tools New Tools For Blended Permanent Learning To Develop Technical Skills Of Low Qualified SME’s workers, PARMA, Tipolitografia Tipocolor, 2008, pp. 35 - 40 [Chapter or essay]

SARCHIELLI G.; TODERI S.; RICCI A., Testing of the training model for on-line tutors, in: N.E.T. New E-Tools New Tools For Blended Permanent Learning To Develop Technical Skills Of Low Qualified SME’s workers, PARMA, Tipolitografia Tipocolor, 2008, pp. 41 - 58 [Chapter or essay]

RICCI A.; SARCHIELLI G., Mediation effects of sujective variables: critical aspects in an E-portfolio implementation, in: Proceeding E-Portfolio 2007, CHAMPLOST, EIfEL, 2007, pp. 184 - 188 (atti di: E-Portfolio 2007 5th International E-Portfolio Conference, Maastricht, 17-19 Ottobre 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]