Full professor of Hydraulic Engineering and Hydrology at the University of Bologna, graduated with honors in Hydraulic Engineering from the University of Pisa, acquired his PhD in Hydraulic Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. From November 1987 to March 1993 was tenured assistant professor at the University of Basilicata and from 1993 to 1994 at the Politecnico di Milano.
Since November 1994 is professor at the University of Bologna where he teaches Hydraulic Construction and Flood Risk Management. At the University of Bologna has been member of the Ph.D School board for Civil and Environmental Engineering, Dean of the School of Civil Engineering from 1998 to 2007 and member of the Research Observatory of the university for two three-year-terms (2004-2010).
Author of more than 250 scientific pubblications, many of which have appeared in important international periodicals in the field of hydraulic engineering and hydrology.
Coordinator of numerous research projects and contracts, financed among others by the Ministry of Education University and Research, the National Research Council, the Foreign Affairs Ministry, the Infrastructure and Transport Ministry, the Istituto Italo Latino Americano, the EU, the Po river basin Authority, the Inter-regional Agency for the Po river and the Emilia-Romagna Region.
Director of fourteen graduate professional training courses on water resources management and protection from hydrogeological risks and four international four-month training reserved to engineers from Latin-American countries financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Istituto Italo Latino Americano.
Has for the past thirty years carried out an extensive professional consulting activity as Professional Engineer, developing specialized studies and engineering projects for both public and private entities. As an expert, has collaborated and participated in various technical committees of several government bodies: the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of infrastructure and Transport, the ISPRA, River Basin Authorities, the Strategic group of the Italian Government working on hydrogeological risk reduction and hydraulic infrastructures improvement #italiasicura.
He has been a member of the Technical Committee of the Po River Basin Authority from 2003 until termination of expert members; in the same period has been president of the Commission for Hydrogeological Assessment, assigned to set up the main issues for the Technical Committee; Member of the Coordinating and Consulting Unit for setting up the Basin Plan of the river Arno-Stralcio Hydraulic Risk from 2001 until termination. Member of the Technical Consulting Committee of the Inter-regional Agency of the River Po (formerly Magistrate of the Po river), from 2004 until termination. Since 1999 is member of the Regional Commission for Hydrogeological Risks at the Emilia-Romagna Civil Protection Regional Agency.
From 2014 to 2024 has been a member of the national Commission AIA-IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Authorization) of the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea Protection, and part of the Coordinating Board. From October 2014 to August 2024 has had the position of President of the national Commission AIA-IPPC.
From 2010 is President of the Padana Section of the Italian Hydrotechnical Association. From September 2015 is national President of the Italian Hydrotechnical Association.
From 2015 is responsible Director of “L’Acqua”, the main national technical-scientific periodical in the field of water engineering.