Antonio Clemente Domenico PANAINO
Personal Data born in Busto Arsizio (VA),
July 24, 1961
- Specialist in the field of Ancient Iranian Linguistics, Philology, and Religions
- Full Professor of Iranian Studies at the University of Bologna
- Teaching experience in the field since 1992 (Avestan, Old Persian, Pahlavi, Sogdian, etc.)
in Italy and abroad
- Active in research in the field since 1985 with more than 300 publications, of which around 150 in peer-review journals or publishing houses
- Supervision of more than 50 Master theses and 15 PhD theses
- Member of national and international committees in the field
- Secretary and subsequently President of the Societas Iranologica Europaea
- Founder of the Melammu Project, Vice-Chairman and Chairman
- President of the ASIAC (Italian Association for the Study of Caucasus and Central Asia)
- Director of the Emilia-Romagna Branch of the Is.M.E.O. and Is.I.A.O. for 10 years
- 6 years of service as Dean of the Faculty of Preservation of Cultural Heritage
- Director of the Italian Archaeological and Ethno-Linguistic Mission in Tajikistan for 7 years
- Full member of the Doctoral School of the University of Bologna
- External Examiner for the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien
- Organizer and director of many international and national conferences and seminars in Iranian studies
- Director of national and European research projects
- Administrative Experience in the governing boards of museums and foundations
- Experience in the organization of teaching programs and faculty management
- Coordination of large group research projects
- Cooperation with public institution and state bodies (Town, Army, Police, etc.) in adult education programs about Western and Central Asia
- Fluent in Italian (native), English and French; competent in German and Spanish; basic knowledge of Modern Persian and Tajik; expert reading knowledge of these langauges and of ancient Iranian and Indic languages
- Classical Lyceum in Milan (5 years)
- Laurea in Classical Studies (with a dissertation on Avestan) at the State University of Milan 110/110 cum laude in 1984 (4 years)
- PhD program in Iranian studies (3 years) at “l’Orientale”, the University of Naples (1985-89)
- In the framework of the PhD programs period of studies in Liège, Cambridge (UK) and London (SOAS)
- Diploma Is.M.E.O. of Persian Studies (1989)
- Post-doctoral Scholarship (1991)
- Full Professor of Iranian Studies at the University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage (since 2000)
- External Affiliate to the Pourdavoud Center for the Study of the Iranian World, the University of California, Los Angeles
- Member of the Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum
- Member of the Advisor Commettee of the Encyclopædia Iranica
- Consulting Editor of the Encyclopædia Iranica
- Fellow of the excellence Center Einstein, Project Chronoi, Freie Universität zu Berlino and of the Max Planck Institute für Wissenschaftsgeschicte di Berlino (2018 e 2019;
- Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris (2020).
- Directeur d’études invité en Histoire et philologie de l'Iran pré-islamiquechez l'EPHE Paris.
- – Consulting editor of the Encyclopaedia Iranica.
- Associate Professor at the University of Bologna since 1992
- Dean of the Faculty of Preservation of Cultural Heritage (6 years)
- Member (and director) of the International Commission of the University of Bologna
- Member of the Commission for the Relation with the External Institutions at the University of Bologna
- Professeur invité à l’Ecole pratique des hautes études, Paris (1998)
- Invited to deliver the Quatre leçons au Collège de France, Paris (2001)
- Director of Master classes (Yaghnobi Language; Ancient Economy; Cultural Heritage I Crisis Areas)
- He has been Director of the Is.I.A.O. Classes of Oriental Languages in the Ravenna branch of the University of Bologna
- Director of the Avesta Project for the Is.M.E.O.;
- Director of the Project for the History of Sciences and Pseudo-Sciences in the Ancient and Eastern world
- Lecturer at the Military School of Turin in at the Post Conflict Operation Centre
- The Founding Member of the Medical Research at the Fondazione del Monte of Bologna and Ravenna (a bank)
- Member of the Administrative Board of the Ravenna Festival
- Scientific Director of the official periodical of the Grand Orient (Italy) for ten years (25,000 copies each three months)
- Accademia delle Scienze di Bologna (corresponding member)
- Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti (Messina)
- Associazione per lo Studio in Italia dell’Asia Centrale e del Caucaso (ASIAC, ex Chairman)
- Associazione Biblica Italiana (Rome)
- Association pour l’Avancement des études iraniennes, Paris
- International Association of Manichaean Studies
- International Association for Intercultural Studies of the Melammu Project (former Chairman)
- Istituto Gramsci, Bologna
- Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente. Roma (ordinary member, director of the Division Emilia-Romagna. Member of the Board, Lombard Division)
- Philological Society (London)
- Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (London)
- Societas Iranologica Europaea (former Chairman)
- Società Italiana degli Orientalisti
- Società Italiana di Storia delle Religioni (ex member of the board)
- Société Asiatique (Paris)
- Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese (Milan)
- Prize R. et T. Ghirshman for the Iranian Studies by the French Academy (1998)
- Laurea ad honorem by the New Bulgarian University of Sophia (2011)
- Publication of Kleine Schriften, 3 volumes, edited by pupils and colleague
- Sackler Lecturer (2021/22) at the Faculty of Arts of the Tel Aviv University
- Ida Bean Visiting Professor at the Iowa University, 2022
- Member of the Advisor Commette of the Encyclopædia Iranica
- Consulting Editor of the Encyclopædia Iranica
- Sīmorγ, Milano, Mimesis (since 1999)
- Si vis pacem, Milano, Mimesis (since 2005)
- Indo-Iranica et Orientalia. Series Purpurea (with Velizar Sadovski), Milano – Udine, Mimesis (since 2009)
- Indo-Iranica et Orientalia. Series Lazur (with Velizar Sadovski), Milano – Udine, Mimesis (since 2011)
- Iranica et Mediterranea (with Paolo Ognibene)
- Diadema, Milan (with Fr. Muccioli)
- Member of the Scientific Committee of Iran and the Caucasus, Bizantinistica, Acta Iranica
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Series Ancient Cultures of Knowledge", Mohr Siebeck (Tübingen)