Foto del docente

Angelo Fabbri

Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-04/B Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization


Cevoli C.; Iaccheri E.; Fabbri A.; Ragni L., Data fusion of FT-NIR spectroscopy and Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging to predict quality parameters of yellow flesh “Jintao” kiwifruit, «BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING», 2024, 237, pp. 157 - 169 [Scientific article]Open Access

Eleonora Iaccheri; Chiara Cevoli; Patrick Davison; Angelo Fabbri, Pallets and bags, in: Transporting Operations of Food Materials Within Food Factories. Unit Operations and Processing Equipment in the Food Industry, Cambridge, MA, Elsevier - Woodhead Publishing, 2023, pp. 31 - 60 [Chapter or essay]

Iaccheri, E; Cevoli, C; Ragni, L; Rosa, MD; Fabbri, A, Physical Stability of Frozen Eggplant: Emphasis on State Diagram, Sorption, Thermal, Mechanical, and Dielectric Properties, «FOOD AND BIOPROCESS TECHNOLOGY», 2023, 16, pp. 1582 - 1594 [Scientific article]Open Access

Cevoli C.; Evangelisti A.; Gradari P.; Fabbri A., Storage of wafer cookies: Assessment by destructive techniques, and non-destructive spectral detection methods, «JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING», 2023, 336, Article number: 111209 , pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]Open Access

Cevoli, C; Di Cecilia, L; Ferrari, L; Fabbri, A; Molari, G, Evaluation of cut alfalfa moisture content and operative conditions by hyperspectral imaging combined with chemometric tools: In-field application, «BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING», 2022, 222, pp. 132 - 141 [Scientific article]

Benelli A.; Cevoli C.; Fabbri A.; Ragni L., Hyperspectral imaging to measure apricot attributes during storage, «JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING», 2022, 53, Article number: 1311 , pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]Open Access

Alessandro Benelli; Chiara Cevoli; Angelo Fabbri; Luigi Ragni, Ripeness evaluation of kiwifruit by hyperspectral imaging, «BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING», 2022, 223, pp. 42 - 52 [Scientific article]

Cevoli C.; Casadei E.; Valli E.; Fabbri A.; Gallina Toschi T.; Bendini A., Storage time of nut spreads using flash gas chromatography E-nose combined with multivariate data analysis, «LEBENSMITTEL-WISSENSCHAFT + TECHNOLOGIE», 2022, 159, Article number: 113217 , pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article]Open Access

Benelli A.; Cevoli C.; Ragni L.; Fabbri A., In-field and non-destructive monitoring of grapes maturity by hyperspectral imaging, «BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING», 2021, 207, pp. 59 - 67 [Scientific article]Open Access

Cevoli C.; Fabbri A., Inversion of a numerical model to predict the effective moisture diffusivity of fruits during drying as a function of temperature and moisture content, «ACTA HORTICULTURAE», 2021, 1311, pp. 385 - 393 [Scientific article]

Purlis, Emmanuel; Cevoli, Chiara; Fabbri, Angelo, Modelling Volume Change and Deformation in Food Products/Processes: An Overview, «FOODS», 2021, 10, Article number: 778 , pp. 1 - 32 [Scientific article]Open Access

Chiara Cevoli; Luca Di Cecilia; Luca Ferrari; Angelo Fabbri; Giovanni Molari, Potential of in-field Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging to monitor quality parameters of alfalfa, in: 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry (MetroAgriFor), 2021, pp. 341 - 345 (atti di: International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry (MetroAgriFor), Trento-Bolzano, Italy, 3-5 Novembre 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Iaccheri, Eleonora; Cevoli, Chiara; Romani, Santina; Dalla Rosa, Marco; Molari, Giovanni; Fabbri, Angelo, Simple and efficient approach for shelf-life test on frozen spinach and parsley, «JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING», 2021, 52, Article number: 1199 , pp. 262 - 270 [Scientific article]Open Access

Iaccheri E.; Cevoli C.; Dalla Rosa M.; Fabbri A., Thermophysical properties of frozen parsley: A state diagram representation, «JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING», 2021, 44, Article number: e13651 , pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article]Open Access

Cevoli C.; Panarese V.; Catalogne C.; Fabbri A., Estimation of the effective moisture diffusivity in cake baking by the inversion of a finite element model, «JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING», 2020, 270, Article number: 109769 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access