Course contents for students attending Criminal law by Professor Vittorio Manes – A.A. 2016/17
For those students who regularly attended classes and seminars, the exam focuses on the topics discussed and analysed during the course – eventually completed by specific materials (judgements, papers) indicated as part of the course programme.
In particular, the exam focuses on criminal law’s fundamental principles, that is to say the principle of legality (nullum crimen sine lege, non-retroactivity, void of vagueness, retrospective application of the more lenient law), the mens rea, the harm principle, the principle of proportionality, the punishment’ scopes.
On this topic, see, in particular, the judgements of the Constitutional Court on the offence of stalking, psychological manipulation, the decision no. 364 of 1988 and no. 32 of 2014.
The course programme also includes the fundamental aspects of the “teoria generale del reato”, focusing on the actus reus, the mens rea and the main features of offences (in particular, attempted crimes and conspiracy).
The students attending classes can complete their notes, studying the corresponding chapters of the handbook:
- G. FLORA- P. TONINI, a cura di, Diritto penale per operatori sociali, vol. I, seconda edizione, Giuffré, Milano, 2013.
or, as an alternative, the students can choose one of those handbooks:
- A. CADOPPI- P. VENEZIANI, Elementi di diritto penale, Parte generale, quinta edizione, CEDAM, Padova, 2012; - G. INSOLERA- N. MAZZACUVA- M. PAVARINI- M. ZANOTTI, a cura di, Introduzione al sistema penale, quarta edizione, Giappichelli, Torino, 2012 (Parte III, Parte IV, ad eccezione del capitolo VI; Parte V); - S. CANESTRARI- L. CORNACCHIA- G. DE SIMONE, Manuale di diritto penale- Parte generale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007; - G. FIANDACA- E. MUSCO, Diritto penale- Parte generale, sesta edizione, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2009.
The attending students are required to acknowledge the norms related to the exam programme, the Constitution, the Criminal Code and the complementary laws. Thus, it is necessary the constant use of an updated Criminal Code, including the complementary laws.