2020- in charge of the archaeological mission in Sirolo (AN)- Necropolis "I Pini" for the University of Bologna.
2019- in charge of the archaeological mission in Agrigento- Artisanal area near "Porta V" for the University of Bologna.
2017 - today: PI of the research project "Dal reperto al paesaggio: analisi archeologica e modellazione virtuale nelle necropoli picene di Numana (AN)" (2017-2020), thanks to the Alma Idea research grant of the University of Bologna (in collaboration with scholars of the same University). Member of the équipe of the research project "Archeo-Nevola", Corinaldo (AN).
Since 2016 he has been appointed to the office of director for the research project on the Picenian necropoleis of the Davanzali Area, Numana and collaborator of the archaeological mission in Agrigento- Hellenistic-Roman Quarter-insula III for the University of Bologna.
Since the academic year 2021-22, he has been teaching Trade and Consumption in Antiquity (second cycle degree program Archeologia e Culture del Mondo antico, Università di Bologna, curriculum Applied critical archaeology and heritage).
Since the academic year 2014/2015, he has been teaching Archaeology and History of Ancient Greek Art (first and second cycle degree programs), Iconology and Iconography of the Greek World (second cycle degree program) as Junior Assistant Professor; he has participated to several international conferences as lecturer, held conferences and seminaries, even at university level, spent studying periods at Research Organizations, in Italy and abroad, among which the Beazley Archive in Oxford; he has been supervisor and co-examiner for several dissertation of first and second cycle degree programs.
In 2010-2012 he was entitled of research grants for the project "Production, Diffusion and Reception of Attic Figured Pottery with Mythological Subject: Improving a Database and Developing an Analysis Model" at the Department of Archaeology, University of Bologna (tutor: Professor A. M. Brizzolara).
In 2007-2009 he received a post-doctoral fellowship in Sciences of Antiquities at the Department of Archaeology, University of Bologna.
Since 2005, he has been reckoned as an Expert of the Subject and qualified as a Member of the Examination Committee for Archaeology and Greek Art History, carrying out teaching activities (Master in Historical and Scientific Museology: 2005/2006) and holding seminaries in different university courses (starting from 2008/2009).
In 2004-2006 he completed his PhD in Archaeological Sciences at the University of Padua, writing a dissertation called Attic pottery from Marzabotto from the XIXth Century Excavations, while in 2002 he completed the Master in Classical Archaeology at the University of Bologna and in 1998 he obtained the Degree in Classical Arts at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy.
During his education as well as when working, he has took part to many excavation campaigns for the Department and for other organizations, chiefly in Marche Region, where he worked as a supervisor in some of them. With other institutions, especially with the Superintendency (Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici), he has collaborated as cataloguer of archaeological goods.