Foto del docente

Villiam Bortolotti

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering


Keywords: Geothermal reservoirs simulation Magnetic resonance imaging Characterization Porous Media Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Core analysis Nondestructive NMR analysis Numerical simulation Flux in Porous media Inversion Problems Cementitious paste Fast Field Cycling Subsurface Energy Systems

The research is mainly focused on the investigation of the structure of porous media and on the transport of fluids in porous media by means of NMR, FFC, MRI and also by numerical simulation. Normally rock samples used in research come from oil reservoirs, so this kind of studies is also of interest for Oil Companies, in the geothermal activities and for storage of CO2 and Hydrogen. The simulation of phenomena occurring in systems described by nonlinear equations, such as the mono or multiphase flow, also non-isothermal, in porous and fractured media, is of primary importance both in scientific research and in industry. The comparison of the MR, FFC and/or MRI results with those obtained from simulation allows one to increase the understanding of mathematical flow models and also to better understand the petrophysical properties of porous media. Another field of investigation, closely related to previous ones, is the so-called Inverse Problem, in 1 and 2 dimensions. One often wants to fit the data acquired in an experiment to a specific “model” characterized by some parameters. An inverse problem is the task where the values of model parameters are obtained from the observed data. The use and the development of fitting algorithms is an important task having many implications in different fields. These types of research have applications in many fields including petroleum engineering, groundwater engineering, geothermal engineering (for both high and middle enthalpy) and in all those problems where there is fluid movement in consolidated and unconsolidated porous media.

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