Foto del docente

Villiam Bortolotti

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-02/D Hydrocarbons and Underground Fluids

Short Bio

Full professor at the DICAM department of the University of Bologna, he carries out his research in the field of characterization of porous media and saturating fluids using advanced techniques of Magnetic Resonance (MR) both of relaxometry and imaging. In particular, he works on the development of inversion algorithms, new MR sequences and on the realization of interpretive models. He also works with numerical modelling of reservoirs (geothermal, aquifers and hydrocarbons), with particular attention to the development and improvement of software used in numerical simulations.

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+39 051 20 9 0236

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+39 051 20 9 0458

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali
Via Terracini 28, Bologna - Go to map

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