Foto del docente

Urszula Tylewicz

Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-07/A Food Science and Technology

Curriculum vitae

Senior Assistant Professor (fixed-term) (SSD AGR/15) at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the University of Bologna from 2021. Her research activity is mainly focused on the application of non-thermal technologies (pulsed electric field, ultrasound, vacuum impregnation, osmotic dehydration) for fruit & vegetables processing (added value product) and valorization of the vegetal by-products. Moreover, she deals with the physical, physico-chemical and metabolic characterization of different foodstuff.


She obtained her Master degree in food technology at the Warsaw University of Life Science (Warsaw, Poland) in 2006. Title of the Master thesis: “Study on the use of Computer Image Analysis to assess the quality of pig’s longissimus dorsi muscle and the detection of PSE defect”. Tutor: Prof. Mirosław Słowiński, Co-tutor: Dr. Krzysztof Dasiewicz.

During her master’s degree (February-July 2006) she spent a period of 6 months (Socrates Erasmus Project) at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Cesena.

She obtained her PhD in Food Science and Biotechnology in 2011 at the University of Bologna, defending a research thesis titled " Advances in understanding of osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation of fruits” (tutor: Dr. Pietro Rocculi, co-tutor: Dott.ssa Santina Romani).

Academic career

After several years as research fellow at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences and at the Interdepartmental Center for Agri-food Industrial Research of the University of Bologna, in 2018 she becomes a Junior assistant professor (fixed-term) at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the University of Bologna.

In March 2017, she obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor, sector 07/F1, SSD AGR/15, Food Science and Technology, valid from 28/03/2017 to 28/03/2023 (Article 16, paragraph 1, Law 240/10).

Since 2019, member of the Interdepartmental Center for Agri-food Industrial Research (CIRI-AGRO) of the University of Bologna; operative units OU4- Food products and processing.

Professional experience and research activities abroad

In 2009 she spent 5 weeks at Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) at the Institute of Food Engineering, supervised by Prof. Pedro J. Fito studying the SAFES methodology (Systematic Approach to Food Engineering System) applied to osmotic dehydration treatment.

In 2009/2010 she spent a period of 7 months (MARCO POLO PROJECT) at Lund University (Sweden) at the Department of Food Engineering, supervised by prof. Federico Gómez Galindo working on her PhD topic, related to the microstructure of minimally processed fruit and vegetables.

In December 2014 after winning a TRAVEL GRANT COST ACTION (TD1104) (Reference code: COST-STSM-ECOST-STSM-TD1104-031114-048593) within the COST Project- European network for development of electroporation-based technologies and treatments (EP4Bio2Med), she performed Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) of two weeks at German Institute of Food Technologies (DIL e.V.), Quakenbrueck (Germany) working on “Low voltage PEF applications on minimally processed fruit”, Responsible: Prof. Stefan Toepfl.

Teaching activities

Since 2008, she has been continuously supporting teachers (laboratory exercises and practical lessons) within the Bachelor Degree Programme in Food Technology at the University of Bologna.

A.A 2018-2019; 2017-2018 - Professor of the course in English on "Accessory Foods and Beverages" (6 Credits) at the International master's degree course: "Food and Beverage Innovation and Management" at the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences of the University Polytechnic of Marche, Ancona headquarters.

A.A 2016-2017; AA 2019/2020; AA 2020/2021; - Lecturer on "Innovative food technologies for sustainability and safety" (Module 3) (2 Credits) in the course "FOOD TECHNOLOGIES II AND PRINCIPLES OF PACKAGING-29414". Component of the integrated course: FOOD TECHNOLOGIES (C.I.). Degree in Food Technology from the Agricultural School and Veterinary Medicine of the University of Bologna - Cesena Campus.

Scientific activities

Participation in numerous national and international research projects including:

MILDSUSFRUIT- Innovative Mild Processing Tailored to Ensure Sustainable and High Quality Organic Fruit Products. Project “COREORGANIC/SUSFOOD2” 01.11.2020-31.10.2023. Co-coordinatator fo the project.

PASS – “Plasma assisted sanitation systems” for the inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 on food contact materials. Project “Kick EIT Food-Fast Call Covid-19”. 01.07.2020-31.12.2020. Member of research group.

NEWTECHAQUA – New Technbologies, Tools and Strategies for a Sustainable, Resilient and innovative European Aquaculture. Project H2020-BG-2018-2020 (Blue Growth) Type of action: IA (2019-2022). Member of research group.

ECOBERRIES - Innovative and eco-sustainable processing and packaging for safe and high quality organic berry products with enhanced nutritional value. Era Net CORE ORGANIC PLUS (EU grant agreement n° 618107). The Italian partners of project has received funding from Mipaaf. (2015-2018). Partner: UNIBO, Coordinator WP3: Prof. M. Dalla Rosa. Member of research group.

Since 2010, referee and editor of different scientific national and international journals in Food Science and Technology.

Co-author of 67 scientific papers in indexed Journals, 9 in not indexed Journals, 3 book chapters; 164 abstracts in book of abstracts of national and international conferences (Scopus Author ID: 25628744800; h index = 21, total citations = 1145, from Database Scopus Accesso of 20.01.2021).

Institutional activities and academic appointments

Member of PhD Examinating Comittee of Claudia Conesa Domínguez (Universitat Politècnica de València) PhD thesis title "Desarrollos tecnológicos para la mejora y control del proceso de obtención de bioetanol a partir de residuos agroalimentarios"21.07.2017, Valencia, Spain.

Member of PhD Examinating Comittee of Clara Talens Vila (Universitat Politècnica de València) PhD thesis title "Desarrollo de técnicas combinadas de secado con aire caliente y microondas en la producción de fibra alimentaria a partir de subproductos cítricos"21.07.2015, Valencia, Spain.

Since 2017, assistant supervisor of several students’ final elaborates within the Bachelor Degree (15) Programme of Food Technology and the Master Degree (18) in Food Science and Technology, University of Bologna.

Since 2014, co-tutor of 3 PhD thesis in Food Science and Biotechnology, University of Bologna.

Membership of scientific and editorial committees

Member of Scientific Committee of "4th Word Congress of Electroportaion- Pulsed Electric fields in Biology, Medicine, Food and Environmental Technologies", 9-13.10.2022, Copenhagen (Denmark) ( ).

Member of Scientific Committee of “The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Foods 2021 — Future Foods and Food Technologies for a Sustainable World”, 15.10.2021 – 30.10,2021 (

Chairperson of Organization Committee of 6th edition of the PEF School (School on Pulsed Electric Field Applications in Food and Biotechnology), 3-7.06.2019, Cesena, Italy.

Member of Scientific Committee of "3rd Word Congress of ELectroportaion- Pulsed Electric fields in Biology, Medicine, Food and Environmental Technologies", 3-5.09.2019, Toulouse, France (

Member of Organization and Scientific Committee of International Conference on Food Innovation – FoodInnova 2017, Cesena, Italy (

2018-2019 Guest Editor for the Special Issue "Safety, Quality and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables" in FOODs, Open Access Journal. Indexed in: PubMed.

Since 2017, Associate Editor for Engineering Sciences and Technologies ( Publishing House: Wroclaw University of Economics.

Since 2014, Guest Associate Editor & Review Editor for Nutrition and Food Science Technology (Frontiers in Nutrition)

Prices and awards


Winner of the travel grant from Cost Action (TD1104) - Reference code: COST-STSM-ECOST-STSM-TD1104-031114-048593, for Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) on “Low voltage PEF applications on minimally processed fruit”, at German Institute of Food Technologies (DIL e.V.), Quakenbrück (Germania), supervised by Prof. Stefan Toepfl.

Winner of the travel grant from Nestlé Product Technology Centre Singen for the participation of the “6th European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology,” Singen, Germany Nestlé Product Technology Centre, (7-8 March 2012) as an excellent PhD Student, with the paper “Exploring metabolic consequences of vacuum impregnation: vesiculation of cell membranes” (paper nominated as “excellent candidate” for the Julius Maggi Research Award 2012, sponsored by Nestlé PTC Singen).


Winner of the award sponsored by ELSEVIER during the participation in the international competition held at the fifth edition of the ISEKI_Food 2018 International Conference "The Food System Approach: New Challenges for Education, Research and Industry" at the University of Hohenheim (3-7 July 2018 , Stuttgart, Germany). The award was given to the poster presentation of the work entitled "Metabolic response of organic fruits subjected to PEF assisted-osmotic dehydration" (Authors: Tylewicz U., Tappi S., Genovese J., Romani S, Dalla Rosa M., Rocculi P.).

Other activities

Since 2015, Member of International Society for Electroporation-Based Technologies and Treatments (ISEBTT)

Since 2016, Member of ISEKI Food Association “Integrating Food Science and Engineering Knowledge Into the Food Chain”.

Since 2019, Member of Member of Italian Society of Food Science and Technology-Società Italiana di Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari (SISTAL).