Foto del docente

Uberto Pagotto

Full Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-08/A Endocrinology and Metabolism


Fanelli F.; Magagnoli M.; Mezzullo M.; Lispi M.; Limoncella S.; Tommasini A.; Pelusi C.; Santi D.; Simoni M.; Pagotto U.; Casarini L., Exploring the human chorionic gonadotropin induced steroid secretion profile of mouse Leydig tumor cell line 1 by a 20 steroid LC-MS/MS panel, «JOURNAL OF STEROID BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY», 2023, 229, Article number: 106270 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access

S. Bovo, G. Schiavo, F. Fanelli, A. Ribani, F. Bertolini, V. Taurisano, M. Gallo, G. Galimberti, S. Dall’olio, P.L. Martelli, R. Casadio, U. Pagotto, L. Fontanesi, How heritable are metabolomic features? An omic based approach in pigs, in: Book of Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 2023, pp. 515 - 515 (atti di: 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Lyon, France, 26 August – 1 September, 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Capelli I.; Ribichini D.; Provenzano M.; Vetrano D.; Aiello V.; Cianciolo G.; Vicennati V.; Tomassetti A.; Moschione G.; Berti S.; Pagotto U.; La Manna G., Impact of Baseline Clinical Variables on SGLT2i’s Antiproteinuric Effect in Diabetic Kidney Disease, «LIFE», 2023, 13, Article number: 1061 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]

Cecchetti, Carolina; Belardinelli, Elisabetta; Dionese, Paola; Teglia, Rita; Fazzeri, Roberta; D’ Apice, M. Rosaria; Vestito, Amanda; Pagotto, Uberto; Gambineri, Alessandra, Is it possible to achieve an acceptable disease control by dietary therapy alone in Berardinelli Seip type 1? Experience from a case report, «FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY», 2023, 14, Article number: 1190363 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access

Zavatta, Guido; Vicennati, Valentina; Altieri, Paola; Tucci, Lorenzo; Colombin, Giacomo; Coscia, Kimberly; Mosconi, Cristina; Balacchi, Caterina; Fanelli, Flaminia; Malagrinò, Matteo; Magagnoli, Matteo; Golfieri, Rita; Pagotto, Uberto; Di Dalmazi, Guido, Mild autonomous cortisol secretion in adrenal incidentalomas and risk of fragility fractures: a large cross-sectional study, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY», 2023, 188, pp. 343 - 352 [Scientific article]

Schena E.; Mattioli E.; Peres C.; Zanotti L.; Morselli P.; Iozzo P.; Guzzardi M.A.; Bernardini C.; Forni M.; Nesci S.; Caprio M.; Cecchetti C.; Pagotto U.; Gabusi E.; Cattini L.; Lisignoli G.; Blalock W.; Gambineri A.; Lattanzi G., Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonism Prevents Type 2 Familial Partial Lipodystrophy Brown Adipocyte Dysfunction, «CELLS», 2023, 12, Article number: 2586 , pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article]Open Access

Sciacovelli, Cristina; Moschione, Ginevra; Garelli, Silvia; Pagotto, Uberto, Semaglutide for Treating Obesity Induced by Craniopharyngioma Resection: A Successful Case Study, «JCEM CASE REPORTS», 2023, 1, Article number: luad074 , pp. 1 - 5 [Scientific article]Open Access

Bongiorno C.; Moscatiello S.; Baldari M.; Saudelli E.; Zucchini S.; Maltoni G.; Ribichini D.; Bruco A.; Lo Preiato V.; Laffi G.; Pagotto U.; Di Dalmazi G., Sleep quality and sex-related factors in adult patients with immune-mediated diabetes: a large cross-sectional study, «ACTA DIABETOLOGICA», 2023, 60, pp. 663 - 672 [Scientific article]Open Access

Salituro, N; Landi, G; Garelli, S; Balsamo, F; Rottoli, M; Cattivelli, R; Tossani, E; Grandi, S; Pagotto, U; Bernante, P; Agostini, A, The impact of psychological distress on weight regain in post-bariatric patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: A latent profile analysis, «JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH», 2023, 165, Article number: 111144 , pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]Open Access

Salvatore, Marco; Torreri, Paola; Grugni, Graziano; Rocchetti, Adele; Maghnie, Mohamad; Patti, Giuseppa; Crinò, Antonino; Elia, Maurizio; Greco, Donatella; Romano, Corrado; Franzese, Adriana; Mozzillo, Enza; Colao, Annamaria; Pugliese, Gabriella; Pagotto, Uberto; Lo Preiato, Valentina; Scarano, Emanuela; Schiavariello, Concetta; Tornese, Gianluca; Fintini, Danilo; Bocchini, Sarah; Osimani, Sara; De Sanctis, Luisa; Sacco, Michele; Rutigliano, Irene; Delvecchio, Maurizio; Faienza, Maria Felicia; Wasniewska, Malgorzata; Corica, Domenico; Stagi, Stefano; Guazzarotti, Laura; Maffei, Pietro; Dassie, Francesca; Taruscio, Domenica, The Italian registry for patients with Prader–Willi syndrome, «ORPHANET JOURNAL OF RARE DISEASES», 2023, 18, Article number: 28 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mattiotti, M.; Capelli, I.; Ribichini, D.; Vetrano, D.; Vicennati, V.; Cianciolo, G.; Aiello, V.; Righini, M.; Bazzanini, N.; Mutalemwa, K.; Rehema, I.; Ndile, E.; Pagotto, U.; Azzimonti, G.; La Manna, G., WCN23-0462 DIABETIC KIDNEY DISEASE: A COMPARISON OF SELECTED COHORTS OF PATIENTS FROM LOW-MIDDLE AND HIGH INCOME COUNTRIES, in: World congress of nephrology 2023, «KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL REPORTS», 2023, 8, pp. 194 - 194 (atti di: World congress of nephrology 2023, Bangkok, Thailand, 30/03/2023) [Poster]

Raschi E.; Fusaroli M.; Giunchi V.; Repaci A.; Pelusi C.; Mollica V.; Massari F.; Ardizzoni A.; Poluzzi E.; Pagotto U.; Di Dalmazi G., Adrenal Insufficiency with Anticancer Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Targeting Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor: Analysis of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System, «CANCERS», 2022, 14, Article number: 4610 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access

Deutschbein, T.; Reimondo, G.; Di Dalmazi, G.; Bancos, I.; Patrova, J.; Vassiliadi, D. A.; Nekic, A. B.; Debono, M.; Lardo, P.; Ceccato, F.; Petramala, L.; Prete, A.; Chiodini, I.; Ivovic, M.; Pazaitou-Panayiotou, K.; Alexandraki, K. I.; Hanzu, F. A.; Loli, P.; Yener, S.; Langton, K.; Spyroglou, A.; Kocjan, T.; Zacharieva, S.; Valdes, N.; Ambroziak, U.; Suzuki, M.; Detomas, M.; Puglisi, S.; Tucci, L.; Delivanis, D. A.; Margaritopoulos, D.; Dusek, T.; Maggio, R.; Scaroni, C.; Concistre, A.; Ronchi, C. L.; Altieri, B.; Mosconi, C.; Diamantopoulos, A.; Iniguez-Ariza, N. M.; Vicennati, V.; Pia, A.; Kroiss, M.; Kaltsas, G.; Chrisoulidou, A.; Marina, L. V.; Morelli, V.; Arlt, W.; Letizia, C.; Boscaro, M.; Stigliano, A.; Kastelan, D.; Tsagarakis, S.; Athimulam, S.; Pagotto, U.; Maeder, U.; Falhammar, H.; Newell-Price, J.; Terzolo, M.; Fassnacht, M., Age-dependent and sex-dependent disparity in mortality in patients with adrenal incidentalomas and autonomous cortisol secretion: an international, retrospective, cohort study, «THE LANCET DIABETES & ENDOCRINOLOGY», 2022, 10, pp. 499 - 508 [Scientific article]Open Access

Zavatta, G.; Di Dalmazi, G.; Altieri, P.; Pelusi, C.; Golfieri, R.; Mosconi, C.; Balacchi, C.; Borghi, C.; Cosentino, E. R.; Di Cintio, I.; Malandra, J.; Pagotto, U.; Vicennati, V., Association Between Aldosterone and Parathyroid Hormone Levels in Patients With Adrenocortical Tumors, «ENDOCRINE PRACTICE», 2022, 28, pp. 90 - 95 [Scientific article]

De Leo, A; Vara, G; Paccapelo, A; Balacchi, C; Vicennati, V; Tucci, L; Pagotto, U; Selva, S; Ricci, C; Alberici, L; Minni, F; Nanni, C; Ambrosi, F; Santini, D; Golfieri, R; Di Dalmazi, G; Mosconi, C, Computerized tomography texture analysis of pheochromocytoma: relationship with hormonal and histopathological data, «JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION», 2022, 45, pp. 1935 - 1944 [Scientific article]Open Access