Pagotto U.; Theodoropoulou M.; Renner U., Klassifikation und pathogenese von hypophysenadenomen, in: Therapieleitfaden hypophysenerkrankungen, BREMEN, UNI-MED Verlag, 2004, pp. 28 - 41 [Chapter or essay]
Ceroni L.; Pagotto U.; Cacciari M.; Pasquali R., Le masse incidentali del surrene: gestione clinica e follow-up, «BULLETTINO DELLE SCIENZE MEDICHE», 2004, 176, pp. 11 - 20 [Scientific article]
VICENNATI V.; CERONI L.; GAGLIARDI L.; PAGOTTO U.; GAMBINERI A.; GENGHINI S.; PASQUALI R., Response of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to small dose arginine-vasopressin and daily urinary free cortisol before and after alprazolam pre-treatment differs in obesity., «JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION», 2004, 27, pp. 541 - 547 [Scientific article]
Pagotto, Uberto; Gambineri, Alessandra; Pelusi, Carla; Genghini, Silvia; Cacciari, Mauro; Otto, Baerbel; Castañeda, Tamara; Tschöp, Matthias; Pasquali, Renato, Testosterone replacement therapy restores normal ghrelin in hypogonadal men, «THE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM», 2003, 88, pp. 4139 - 4143 [Scientific article]
Gambineri, A; Pelusi, C; Vicennati, V; Pagotto, U; Pasquali, R, Obesity and the polycystic ovary syndrome, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY», 2002, 26, pp. 883 - 896 [Scientific article]
Gambineri, A; Pelusi, C; Vicennati, V; Pagotto, U; Pasquali, R, Testosterone in ageing men, «EXPERT OPINION ON INVESTIGATIONAL DRUGS», 2001, 10, pp. 477 - 492 [Scientific article]