Date of birth: 30 aprile 1962
Place of birth: Conegliano (Treviso)
Citizenship: Italian
Speaking: French, English
Business Address:
Endocrinology and Prevention and Care of Diabetes Unit
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences
Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
Policlinic S. Orsola, Via Massarenti, 9
40138 – Bologna Italy
Phone office: +39- (051) 2145250 FAX: +39- (051) 636.3080
E-mail: []
Actual activity:
Dr. Pagotto is Head of the Endocrinology and Prevention and Care of Diabetes Unit in S.Orsola Policlinic. The activities of the Unit are related to all endocrinological and diabetes correlated diseases. The database of the Unit is composed by records of nearly 80000 patients affected by all types of endocrine diseases and by tipe I and II diabetes.
More than 1500 patients affected by endocrine or metabolic rare disease are followed in the Unit ( .
The Endocrinology Unit is at the 28th position in the recent World's Best Specialized 2021Hospitals/Endocrinology Ranking from Newsweek ( )
- 2012-today Member of the Collegio del Dottorato in Scienze Chirurgiche of Alma Mater University of Bologna
- 2013-2017 Member of the Ethical Committee of Policlinic S.Orsola
- 2012-2015 Member elected of Academic Senate of the University Alma Mater Bologna
- November 1st 2015-October 31 2021 Delegate of the Dean of the Alma Mater University of Bologna for the National Research
EDUCATION: College, Liceo Classico C. Marchesi, Conegliano,Italy
1981-1987 University of Padova, Medical School, Padova
November,1987: M.D. (110/110 summa cum laude) Faculty of Medicine, University of Padova, Italy.
December, 1987 Habilitation Faculty of Medicine, University of Padova, Italy.
March 1991: Boared in Endocrinology (70/70), Faculty of Medicine, University of Padova, Italy.
1983-1987: Intern, University of Padova Medical School, Padova,Italy.
1986: Visiting Student, Division of Pediatric Neuropsychiatry, Department of Pediatrics,
Tampere Hospital, Tampere, Finland.
1987: M.D. title at the University of Padova Medical School, Padova, Italy.
1987-1991: Resident in Endocrinology, University of Padova Medical School, Padova, Italy.
1993-1994: Stipendium at Max-Planck-Institute of Psychiatry, Department of Clinical Chemistry and Endocrinology, Munich sponsored by Max-Planck Society.
1995-1996: Postdoctoral Fellow, at Max-Planck-Institute of Psychiatry, Department of Clinical Chemistry and Endocrinology, Munich.
1996: Ph.D. at the University of Padova, Italy.
1997-October 2000: Postdoctoral Fellow (BAT II A), at Max-Planck-Institute of Psychiatry, Department of Clinical Chemistry and Endocrinology, Munich sponsored by DFG (Deutsche Forschungssgemeinschaft).
November 2000.October 2016: Tenure at the Endocrinology Unit, Dept. of Medical and Surgical Science. Santa
Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, School of Medicine. Alma Mater University of Bologna Italy.
January 2016 Full Professor of Endocrinology at Alma Mater University of Bologna
PRESENT POSITION November 2016: Head of the Endocrinology and Prevention and Care of Diabetes Unit Dept. of Medical and Surgical Science. Sant’Orsola Policlinic, School of Medicine. Alma Mater University of Bologna.
Member of Ordine Medici Bologna Inscription number 16175
Peer reviewed publications : 206
International Book Chapters: 15
Abstracts: >1000 (data not shown)
According to:
GOOGLE SCHOLAR (21.7.2021):
citations: 18.921, H-Index: 62
citations: 10.164, H-Index: 52
SCOPUS ( 21.7.2021)
citations: 11.461, H-Index: 54
According to Via-Academy Dr. Pagotto is included in the list of the top italian scientists ( )
- Roma, May 1995: Travel grant 25° Congresso Italiano della Società di Endocrinologia. For the abstract entitled: "Endothelin expression in pituitary adenomas".
- Leipzig, Germany March 1995: Marius Tausk 1995 Award from the German Society of Endocrinology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie). Best Researcher under 32 for the work: "Endothelin-1: a new growth factor for pituitary adenomas and meningiomas".
- Sorrento, May 1997: Poster prize: 27°Congresso Italiano della Società di Endocrinologia, for the poster entitled: "new gene regulating apoptosis and cell cycle arrest, in mouse pituitary gland and brain".
- Gottingen, Germany, October 1999: Poster prize: 2nd German Congress of Neuroendocrinology and Molecular Endocrinology for the poster entitled: "ZAC: a new candidate for pituitary tumor pathogenesis".
- Munich, Germany, September 2002 Award from the European Neuroendocrine Association (ENEA). Best European Researcher in Basic Sciences
- Prague, Cech Republich April 2010 Senior Author of the abstract for the ESE Young Investigator Award from the European Society of Endocrinology (XII Congress) (Young Investigator: Carmelo Quarta)
- Montesilvano, Italy May 2011 SIE 2011 Prize. Award from the Italian Society of Endocrinology (SIE) to the most distinguished Italian Endocrinologist under 50 years.
- Firenze, Italy April 2012 Senior Author of the abstract for the ESE Young Investigator Award from the European Society of Endocrinology (XIV Congress) (Young Investigator: Carmelo Quarta)
He is member of:
- Italian Society of Endocrinology (SIE) member of the Council
- Italian Society of Diabetes (SID)
- Italian Society of Obesity (SIO), previous member of the Council
- European Society of Endocrinology (E.S.E.)
- Member of the European Society of Endocrinology Nominations Committee “-To ensure that there is an adequate range of nominations from the Executive Committee, taking into account the balance geographically, by special interest, by clinical/basic interest, and by gender. -To propose to the Executive Committee objective criteria for the posts of President and to propose suitable candidates for the Executive Committee to nominate (up to two per post) with explanation of how they meet the objective criteria. - To oversee development of nomination forms. - To complete nomination forms for the Executive Committee nominees. - To review all member nominations to ensure compliance with the rules and to report to the Executive Committee”
- Clinical Lead of the European Society of Endocrinology Diabetes/Obesity/Metabolism/Nutrition Focus Area
- Member of Obedis@ (Guidelines for Obesity Dietary Intervention Sharing), a new group of European experts who have to exchange and make concrete suggestions on the more relevant phenotyping criteria, their assessment methods, and their ontology that should be systematically collected in each clinical intervention study of obesity.
- Member of the Editorial Board of Acta Diabetologica
- Member of the Editorial Board of Eating and Weight disorders
- 2009 Athens 12th European Neuroendocrine Association (ENEA)
- 2014 Sofia 22th European Congress of Obesity (ECO)
- 2019 Lyon 21st European Congress of Endocrinology (ECE)
- 2020 Prague 22nd European Congress of Endocrinology(ECE)
2005-2009: Wellcome Trust, UK
2006-2008: Cyber e Retics PROJECTS, Instituto de Salud Carlos III Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación Spagna
2007: Belgium National Fund
2007: Israel Research National Fund
2007: European Association for Study on Diabetes (EASD)
2009 and 2012: Diabetes UK
2009 and 2013: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, China
2011: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Spagna CAIBER
2013: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA)
2015: ERC Advanced Grant 2015, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
2018, 2019, 2020 Swiss National Science Foundation
2109: European Science Foundation (ESF)
2001-2002: “The role of ZAC (Zinc finger protein inducing apoptosis and cell cycle arrest) in the pathogenesis of pituitary adenomas” (PA 64771-1) sponsored by Deutsche ForschungsGemeinschaft.
2001-2002: “Gene expression profile in animal models of obesity with different fat distribution” sponsored by Eli Lilly Foundation International, USA (together with Dr. M.Paez-Pereda).
2003-2008: European Community Sixth Framework Programmes
Integrated project named “Diabesity” approved for funding by the European Community in the first call of European Framework 6. “Integrated Project: Identification of new drug targets for obesity and type 2 diabetes. Diabesity” nel quadro del Call EOI.FP6.2002
2008-2011: European Community Seventh Framework Programmes
Call: “HEALTH-2007-2.4.3-6: Nutritional signals and the development of new diabetes/obesity therapeutic agents. This project will focus on the effects of alternative compounds which improve carbohydrate/lipid metabolism or modify body weight, and could be used in the development of new therapeutics in the treatment of hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia. Funding scheme: Collaborative project. (Small or medium-scale focused research projects targeted to SMEs with maximum EC contribution of € 6,000,000/project)” Project entitled “Search For New Therapeutic Agents Against Complicated Obesity By Reprofiling Existing Drugs Proposal acronym: REPROBESITY”
2009-2014: European Community Seventh Framework Programmes KBBE-20092-2-01: Stress, addiction and eating. Collaborative Project, Large Scale Integrating project. Project entitled: “The integrated neurobiology of food intake, addiction and stress. Acronimo: NEUROFAST”.
ICH-GCP training performed
Principal Investigator or Participant in the following clinical trials according to ICH-GCP as:
- ACT 6355 (universal PPAR, phase II)
- Crescendo (CB1 antagonist, phase III)
- Adagio (CB1 antagonist, phase III)
- Claf 237a (DPPIV inhibitor, phase III)
- Record (PPARgamma, phase III)
- Rio-Lipids (CB1 antagonist, phase III)
- HypoCCS (GH)
- Lixisenatide (AVE 0010, GLP-1 analog, phase III)
- STEP-5 (NN9536-4378, GLP-1 analog phase III)
- SELECT (EX-9536-4388, GLP-1 agonist phase III)
- TransCon-PTH (PTH analogue, phase II)
- I8F-MC-GPGN(GLP-1 analog phase III)
- SURPASS-6 (GLP-1 analog phase III)
- SURE Italy (GLP-1, phase IV)
- Onwards 4 (Icodec phase III)
- BI456906 (GLP-GCGR, phase II)
- Path-TCP304 (PTH analogue, phase III)
- Consulting fee from Bayer (2016)
- Unrestricted Grant: Astra-Zeneca, Therascience, Mundipharma
- Member Advisory Board Member: Novo Nordisk, Havas Life Italy, UVET
- Speaker fee: Novo Nordisk, Astra-Zeneca, Medinfar, Bruno Farmaceutici
Patent n. 300059223 approved the April 24, 2012 Number PCT PCT/ES2012/070276. The patent has been presented to the Oficina Receptora Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, Madrid and Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio (Spagna). The patent is entitled: "TERAPIA COMBINADA PARA EL TRATAMIENTO DE ENFERMEDADES METABÓLICAS". The patent has been generated in the frame of the researches performed within REPROBESITY Project (7th European Framework)
- Venezia Invited lecture 15th International Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism
- Portofino Italia speaker 5th International Symposium on Growth Hormone Secretagogues
- Cancun Plenary Lecture at the 16th Scientific Meeting InterAmerican Society of Hypertension (IASH)
- Madrid Plenary lecture 47th Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola De Endocrinologia y Nutriciòn
- Bristol Plenary Lecture Congress of English Society of Physiology
- Stockolm Invited speaker Life Science Conference
- Napoli Invited speaker 14th EFES Postgraduate Course in Clinical Endocrinology
- Kyoto Plenary Lecture II Congress "Diabetes at limit"
- Athens Plenary Lecture PCOS International Congress
- Bruxelles Invited speaker 6th UPDATE BASO (Belgium Association Study on Obesity)
- Glasgow Invited speaker 8th European Congress of Endocrinology (ECE)
- Boston Invited speaker 88th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society (ENDO Society)
- Washington Invited speaker 66th Session of the American Diabetes Association (ADA)
- Berlin Invited speaker 1st World Congress on Controversies in obesity, diabetes and hypertension (CODHY)
- Turku Plenary lecture Finnish Diabetes Research Society
- Orlando Invited speaker VBWG National Faculty Meeting Contemporary Management of Cardiometabolic Risk
- Helsinky Invited speaker ESPE Working group on Obesity 46th European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology
- (ESPE)
- Helsinky Plenary lecture 46th European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology (ESPE)
- Santiago Cile Plenary Lecture IX Congreso Internacional de Obesidad
- Les Diablerets Plenary lecture Gordon Research Conferences "Cannabinoid function in the CNS"
- Barcelona Plenary Lecture Catalan Society Endocrinology meeting
- Baveno Italia Invited speaker 5° Ferring Pharmaceuticals International Paediatric Symposium
- Roma Invited speaker 7° Congress European Federation of Internal Medicine
- Quebec City Invited speaker 6° Bi-Annual Meeting of the International Chair on Cardiometabolic Risk
- Santiago de Compostela Invited speaker Congress "Diagnosing and treating diabesity"
- Antalya, Turchia Invited speaker 13th Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association (ENEA)
- Barcelona Invited speaker 2nd World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension (CODHy)
- Rio de Janeiro Invited speaker 13th International Congress of Endocrinology
- Athens Plenary Lecture 1° Pan-Hellenic Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology
- Montreal Invited speaker 20th World Congress of Diabetes (IDF)
- Rouen Invited speaker 7th International Congress of Neuroendocrinology (ICN)
- Amsterdam Invited speaker 23° Congress European College of NeuroPsychopharmacology (ECNP)
- Tokyo Plenary lecture 6th Forum on growth hormone Research 2010
- Rotterdam Speaker at the Meet the Expert 13th European Congress of Endocrinology
- Munich Speaker at the 4° Testosterone conference
- Bologna Invited lecture at the 4th European Congress on Narcolepsy concomitant to the 3rd European Narcolepsy Day
- Lyon Invited speaker at the 19th European Congress on Obesity (ECO)
- Belgrad 3° Serbian Congress of Endocrinology Lecture “Future trends in obesity therapy”.
- Parma Menarini Foundation Symposium #247 “Obesity and its metabolic and digestive consequences” Lecture: “Endocrine function in obesity”.
- Wroclaw 16th European Congress of Endocrinology (ECE 2014) Lecture: “PCOS and OBESITY: Unveiling the basic links”.
- Boston 16th International Congress of Endocrinology/98th Endocrine Society Congress (ICE/ENDO) Presentation of “Pharmacological Management of Obesity: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline”.
- Sofia 16° Congress of European Neuroendocrine Association (ENEA 2014) Plenary Lecture: “Neuroendocrine control of appetite by gut hormones: a critical view”.
- Vienna 50th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the study of Diabetes (EASD 2014) Lecture: “Neuroendocrine actors connecting homeostatic and hedonic control of food intake”.
- Zlatibor Serbia 5th Serbian Congress of Endocrinology Plenary lecture: “Obesity and PCOS”.
- El Escorial – Madrid VI Symposium CIBER Fisiopatologia de la Obesidad y Nutricion Lecture: “Food addiction exists: real or fake?”.
- Torino Endocrinology and Turin: Passion is here! Past, present and future around a dreamer. Plenary lecture: “Addicted to food?”.
- Prague 22nd European Congress of Obesity (ECO 2015) Lecture: “Brain imaging and phenotyping”.
- Malaga 12th Congreso Nacional Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Obesidad (SEEDO) Lecture: “Addiciones, cerebro y psicobesidad”
- Munich 18th European Congress of Endocrinology (ECE 2016) Lecture: ”Are we ready for pharmacological therapy of obesity? Against”
- Goteborg European Obesity Summit Lecture: “ How do you manage weight re-gain and comorbidities after surgery?”
- Mantova 6th Mantua WORKSHOP on DIABETES MELLITUS and Related Disorders Lecture : “Brain imaging and control of food intake”
- Cordoba Congress : New Frontiers in Obesity Research: Lecture“Does food addiction exists? implication in treating obesity”
- Cesena 5th International Conference on Foodomics ICF2018:from Data to Knowledge Lecture: Molecular basis of food addiction
- Noordwijkerhout (Holland) The Dutch Endocrine Meeting 2018 Lecture: Pharmacological management of obesity
- Minsk(Belarus) 23rd ESE Postgraduate Training Course on Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Lecture: "Prevention and treatment of obesity”
- Lisbon (Portugal) 22°Congress Portuguese Association for the Study of Obesity (SPEO) Lecture: “Mysimba: Mechanism of Action And Clinical Experience”
- Antalya (Turkey) Endo Bridge Congress: Lecture: “Central mechanisms in control of body weight and their implications for obesity treatment”
- Athens (Greece) 47th Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Endocrine Society Plenary lecture: “Guidelines of Obesity”
Uberto Pagotto began his career in the lab of G.K. Stalla (Munich, Germany). He initially worked on pituitary and meningioma tumorigenesis, after studying the role of endocannabinoids: first in pituitary modulation and then in the formation and development of obesity. On his return to Italy Dr. Pagotto began working in Bologna under the direction of Prof. Renato Pasquali, who was a world expert in obesity, and thus continued investigating the endocannabinoid system in terms of its role in obesity. Pagotto was the first to recognize that the putative anti-obesity action of cannabinoid type 1 receptor antagonists was not only related to cerebral targets but also to peripheral targets, such as adipocytes and skeletal muscles. These findings helped change the vision and the market allocation of a novel class of drug as CB1 antagonists that were at that time considered to be a new frontier for the treatment of metabolic disorders. During the same period, nearly 15 years ago, he developed an in-house method to measure circulating endocannabinoids using mass spectrometry, and exploited the same technique to measure serum steroids in humans.
He was the first in Italy, and among the first in Europe, to apply this method to measure circulating steroids in normal subjects in order to provide reference range values and in patients carrying PCOS, adrenal incidentalomas and obesity. His work on adrenal masses was of particular relevance, as witnessed by the series of publications in Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, European Journal of Endocrinology, and Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
Since 2017 he has been the head of the Unit of Endocrinology and Prevention and Care of Diabetes, which has a clinic with more than 80000 patients on record file.
His current areas of focus remain obesity in its various phenotypic and genotypic determination and the clinical evaluation of adrenal masses. In addition, following the path of his former head, Prof. Pasquali, he and his team are now still investigating PCOS and hyperandrogenic states in women.
With regard to rare diseases, in collaboration with Prof. Giuseppe Plazzi, Pagotto has studied the endocrinological and metabolic related problems reported by narcoleptic patients. Moreover, with the other members of the group, he has used LC-MS/MS to better clinically and biochemically phenotype adult congenital adrenal hyperplasia patients and he initiated some work on metabolic profile of adult women affected by Turner’s syndrome.
Dr. Pagotto's research group is particularly well suited to detailed phenotypic analyses of patients (body composition by DEXA, physical activity monitored by portable Actiheart, psychologist group, dietician group), for measuring hormones, endocannabinoids, gut peptides, and neuropeptides using HPLC and API Q-TRAP 4000 techniques.
Teacher of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the School of Medicine and Surgery. Course of Mediacal Biotechnology (Laurea Magistrale)
Teacher of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the School of Medicine and Surgery. Course of Mediacal Biotechnology (Laurea Magistrale)
Director of the School of Specialization in Endocrinology and Metabolism of Alma Mater University of Bologna
- Cota D, Marsicano G, Tschoep M, Grubler Y, Flachskamm C, Schubert M, Auer D, Yassouridis A, Thone-Reineke C, Ortmann S, Tomassoni F, Cervino C, Nisoli E, Linthorst AC, Pasquali R, Lutz B, Stalla GK, Pagotto U. The endogenous cannabinoid system affects energy balance via central orexigenic drive and peripheral lipogenesis. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 112:423-431; 2003
- Pagotto U, Marsicano G, Cota D, Lutz B, Pasquali R. The emerging role of the endocannabinoid system in endocrine regulation and energy balance. Endocrine Reviews. 27:73-100; 2006
- Quarta C, Bellocchio L, Mancini G, Mazza R, Cervino C, Braulke LJ, Fekete C, Latorre R, Nanni C, Bucci M, Clemens LE, Heldmaier G, Watanabe M, Leste-Lassere T, Maitre M, Tedesco L, Fanelli F, Reuss S, Klaus S, Srivastava RK, Monory K, Valerio A, Grandis A, De Giorgio R, Pasquali R, Nisoli E, Cota D, Lutz B, Marsicano G, Pagotto U. CB1 signaling in forebrain and sympathetic neurons is a key determinant of endocannabinoid actions on energy balance. Cell Metabolism. 11:273-85; 2010
- Bellocchio L, Soria-Gomez E, Quarta C, Metna-Laurent M, Cardinal P, Binder E, Cannich A, Delamarre A, Häring M, Martín-Fontecha M, Vega D, Leste-Lasserre T, Bartsch D, Monory K, Lutz L, Chaouloff F, Pagotto U, Guzman M, Cota, Marsicano G. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system mediates hypophagic and anxiety-related effects of CB1 receptor blockade. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A). 110:4786-91, 2013
- Di Dalmazi G, Vicennati V, Garelli S, Casadio E, Rinaldi E, Giampalma E, Mosconi C, Golfieri R, Paccapelo A, Pagotto U, Pasquali R. Cardiovascular events and mortality in patients with adrenal incidentalomas that are either non-secreting or associated with intermediate phenotype or subclinical Cushing's syndrome: a 15-year retrospective study. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinology. 2:396-405, 2014
- Apovian CM, Aronne LJ, Bessesen DH, McDonnell ME, Murad MH, Pagotto U, Ryan DH, Still CD Pharmacological management of obesity: an endocrine society clinical practice guideline. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 98:3058-67, 2015.
- Ruiz de Azua I, Mancini G, Srivastava RK, Aparisi Rey A, Cardinal P, Tedesco L, Zingaretti CM, Sassmann A, Quarta C, Schwitter C, Conrad A, Wettschurech N, Vemuri VK, Makriyannis A, Hartwig J, Mendez-Lago M, Bindila L, Monory K, Giordano A, Cinti S, Marsicano G, Offermanns S, Nisoli E, Pagotto U, Cota D, Lutz B. Adipocyte CB1 receptor regulates energy homeostasis and alternatively activated macrophages. Journal of Clinical Investigation 127:4148-4162; 2017
- The Steroid Profile of Adrenal Incidentalomas: Subtyping Subjects With High Cardiovascular Risk. Di Dalmazi G, Fanelli F, Zavatta G, Ricci Bitti S, Mezzullo M, Repaci A, Pelusi C, Gambineri A, Altieri P, Mosconi C, Balacchi C, Golfieri R, Cosentino ER, Borghi C, Vicennati V, Pasquali R, Pagotto U. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 104:5519-5528, 2019
- Mezzullo M, Di Dalmazi G, Fazzini A, Baccini M, Repaci A, Gambineri A, Vicennati V, Pelusi C, Pagotto U, Fanelli F. Impact of age, body weight and metabolic risk factors on steroid reference intervals in men. European Journal of Endocrinology. 182:459-471; 2020.
- Di Dalmazi G, Vicennati V, Pizzi C, Mosconi C, Tucci L, Balacchi C, Cosentino ER, Paolisso P, Fanelli F, Gambineri A, Pelusi C, Repaci A, Garelli S, Galiè N, Borghi C, Golfieri R, Pagotto U. Prevalence and Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation in a Large Cohort of Adrenal Incidentalomas: A Long-Term Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 105:dgaa270; 2020.
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