Aloisi, Iris; Del Duca, Stefano; De Nuntiis, Paola; Mandrioli, Paolo; Fernández-González, Delia, Comparison of extraction methods for Poaceae pollen allergens, «AEROBIOLOGIA», 2019, 35, pp. 195 - 200 [Scientific article]
Mandrone M.; Antognoni F.; Aloisi I.; Potente G.; Poli F.; Cai G.; Faleri C.; Parrotta L.; Del Duca S., Compatible and incompatible pollen-styles interaction in Pyrus communis l. Show different transglutaminase features, polyamine pattern and metabolomics profiles, «FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE», 2019, 10, Article number: 741 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access
Stefano Del Duca, Iris Aloisi, Luigi Parrotta, Giampiero Cai, Cytoskeleton, Transglutaminase and Gametophytic Self-Incompatibility in the Malinae (Rosaceae), «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES», 2019, 20, Article number: 209 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access
Piccini, Chiara*; Parrotta, Luigi; Faleri, Claudia; Romi, Marco; Del Duca, Stefano; Cai, Giampiero, Histomolecular responses in susceptible and resistant phenotypes of Capsicum annuum L. infected with Phytophthora capsici, «SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE», 2019, 244, pp. 122 - 133 [Scientific article]
Scarnato L.; Gadermaier G.; Volta U.; De Giorgio R.; Caio G.; Lanciotti R.; Del Duca S., Immunoreactivity of gluten-sensitized sera toward wheat, rice, corn, and Amaranth flour proteins treated with microbial transglutaminase, «FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY», 2019, 10, Article number: 470 , pp. 470 - 479 [Scientific article]Open Access
Cai G.; Del Duca S., Pollen tube and plant reproduction, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES», 2019, 20, Article number: 531 , pp. 531 - 533 [Scientific article]Open Access
Aloisi, Iris*; Del Duca, Stefano; De Nuntiis, Paola; Vega Maray, Ana M.; Mandrioli, Paolo; Gutiérrez, Pablo; Fernández-González, Delia, Behavior of profilins in the atmosphere and in vitro, and their relationship with the performance of airborne pollen, «ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT», 2018, 178, pp. 231 - 241 [Scientific article]
Parrotta, Luigi*; Faleri, Claudia; Del Duca, Stefano; Cai, Giampiero, Depletion of sucrose induces changes in the tip growth mechanism of tobacco pollen tubes, «ANNALS OF BOTANY», 2018, 122, pp. 23 - 43 [Scientific article]
Del Duca, S.*; Bonner, P.L.R.; Aloisi, I.; Serafini-Fracassini, D.; Cai, G., Determination of transglutaminase activity in plants, in: Del Duca, S.*, Methods in Molecular Biology, New York, Humana Press Inc., 2018, pp. 173 - 200 [Chapter or essay]
Iris Aloisi, Stefano Del Duca, Paola De Nuntiis, Paolo Mandrioli, Delia Fernández-González, Behavior of pollen allergens in the atmosphere and in vitro, and their relationship with the performance of airborne pollen, in: RIUNIONE GRUPPI PER LA B IOLOGIA CELLULARE E MOLECOLARE E PER LE B IOTECNOLOGIE E DIFFERENZIAMENTO, 2017, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: RIUNIONE GRUPPI PER LA B IOLOGIA CELLULARE E MOLECOLARE E PER LE B IOTECNOLOGIE E DIFFERENZIAMENTO, Milano, 14-16 Giugno 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Paris, Roberta; Pagliarani, Giulia; Savazzini, Federica; Aloisi, Iris; Iorio, Rosa Anna; Tartarini, Stefano; Ricci, Giampaolo; Del Duca, Stefano, Comparative analysis of allergen genes and pro-inflammatory factors in pollen and fruit of apple varieties, «PLANT SCIENCE», 2017, 264, pp. 57 - 68 [Scientific article]
Scarnato, Lucilla; Montanari, Chiara; Serrazanetti, Diana Isabella; Aloisi, Iris; Balestra, Federica; Del Duca, Stefano; Lanciotti, Rosalba, New bread formulation with improved rheological properties and longer shelf-life by the combined use of transglutaminase and sourdough, «LEBENSMITTEL-WISSENSCHAFT + TECHNOLOGIE», 2017, 81, pp. 101 - 110 [Scientific article]Open Access
Sandrini S., Aloisi I., De Nuntiis P., Facchini M. C., Del Duca S.,Fernández-González D., POLLEN PROTEINS IN THE ATMOSPHERE: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THREE METHODS, in: Mediterranean Palynology 2017, APLE-GPPSBI-APLF Symposium, 2017(atti di: Mediterranean Palynology 2017 | APLE-GPPSBI-APLF Symposium, Barcelona, 4-7 September 2017) [Poster]
Del Duca, Stefano; Cai, Giampiero*, Signaling-dependent cytoskeletal dynamics and plant cell growth, in: Del Duca, Stefano, Molecular Cell Biology of the Growth and Differentiation of Plant Cells, Boca Raton, CRC Press, 2017, pp. 139 - 155 [Chapter or essay]
Aloisi, Iris; Cai, Giampiero; Faleri, Claudia; Navazio, Lorella; Serafini-Fracassini, Donatella; Del Duca, Stefano, Spermine regulates pollen tube growth by modulating Ca2+-dependent actin organization and cell wall structure, «FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE», 2017, 8, Article number: 1701 , pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article]Open Access