vai alle Pubblicazioni
Publications prior to 2004
Lavori in extenso 1988-2013
lavori (JCR 2011)
Tot I.F. 135,81
Tot I.F. 135,81
1. Serafini Fracassini D, Del Duca S and D'Orazi D (1988). First
evidence for polyamine
conjugation mediated by an enzymic activity in plants. Plant
Physiol 87, 757-761
2. Serafini Fracassini D., Del Duca S and Torrigiani P. (1989).
Polyamine conjugation during the
cell cycle of Helianthus tuberosus: non enzymatic and
transglutaminase-like binding activity.
Plant Physiol Biochem 5, 659-668.
3. Grandi B, Del Duca S, Serafini Fracassini D and Dinnella C.
(1992). Re-entry in cell cycle:
protein metabolism and transglutaminase-like activity in Helianthus
tuberosus. Plant Physiol
Biochem 30, 415-424
4. Dinnella C, Grandi B, Serafini Fracassini D and Del Duca S
(1992). The cell cycle in Helianthus
tuberosus. Analysis of polyamine-endogenous protein conjugates by
activity. Plant Physiol Biochem 30, 531-539
5. Del Duca S, Favali A, Serafini Fracassini D and Pedrazzini R
(1993). Transglutaminase-like
activity during greening and growth of Helianthus tuberosus
explants. Protoplasma, 174, 1-9
6. Falcone P, Serafini Fracassini D and Del Duca S (1993).
Comparative studies of
transglutaminase-like activity and substrates in different organ of
Helianthus tuberosus. J Plant
Physiol, 142, 265-273
7. Del Duca S and Serafini Fracassini D (1993). Bound polyamines in
plants. Current Topics in
Plant Physiology, 1, 83-102
8. Del Duca S, A M Bregoli, P Crosti, M Malerba and D.
Serafini-Fracassini (1993). Nuclear
behaviour during dormancy and cell cycle in Helianthus tuberosus.
Giorn. Bot. Ital., 127, 1186-
9. Del Duca S, Tidu V, Bassi R, Serafini-Fracassini D and C.
Esposito (1994). Identification of
transglutaminase activity and its substrates in isolated
chloroplast of Helianthus tuberosus,
Planta, 193, 283-289
10. Del Duca S, Beninati S. and Serafini-Fracassini D. (1995).
Polyamines in chloroplasts:
identification of their glutamyl and acetyl derivatives, Biochem.
J., 305, 233-237
11. Serafini-Fracassini D, Del Duca S and Bregoli A M (1995).
Comparison between amitotic and
mitotic cell cycles, Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer
Research, 14, 146-147.
12. Serafini-Fracassini D, Del Duca S and Beninati S. (1995) Plant
Phytochemistry 40, 355-365
13. Del Duca S, Bregoli AM, Bergamini C and Serafini-Fracassini D
(1997). Transglutaminasecatalyzed
modification of cytoskeletal proteins by polyamines during the
germination of Malus
domestica pollen, Sex Plant Reprod, 10, 89-95
14. Bregoli AM, Crosti P, Cavallini A, Cionini G, Del Duca S,
Malerba M, Natali L, Serafini-
Fracassini D and D'Amato F (1997). Nuclear DNA distribution and
amitotic processes in
activated Helianthus tuberosus tuber parenchyma, Plant Biosystems,
131, 3-12.
15. Serafini-Fracassini D, Dondini L, Del Duca S, Bregoli AM and
Beninati S (1997). Localization
and substrates of transglutaminases in plants. Ital. J. Biochem,
suppl. 1, vol 46, 75-83
16. M.P. Foschini, S. Macchia, L. Losi, A.P. Dei Tois, G.
Pasquinelli, L. Di Tommaso, S. Del Duca,
F. Roncaroli and P. Dal Monte (1998). Identification of
mitochondria in liver biopsies. A study
by immunohistochemistry, immunogold and western blot analysis,
Virchows Archives, 737, 1-
17. Antognoni F, Del Duca S, Kuraishi A, Kawabe E,
Fukuchi-Shimogori T, Kashiwagi K and
Igarashi K (1999). Transcriptional inhibition of the operon for the
spermidine-preferential uptake
system by the substrate-binding protein PotD, J. Biol. Chem. 274,
18. Del Duca S, Creus JA, D'Orazi D, Dondini L, Bregoli AM and
Serafini-Fracassini D (2000).
Tuber vegetative stages and cell cycle in Helianthus tuberosus:
protein pattern and their
modification by spermidine. J. Plant Physiol., 156, 17-25.
19. Del Duca S, Dondini L, Della Mea M, Munoz de Rueda P and
Serafini-Fracassini D (2000).
Factors affecting transglutaminase activity catalysing polyamine
conjugation to endogenous
substrates in the entire chloroplast. Plant Physiol. Biochem., 38,
20. Dondini L, Bonazzi S, Del Duca S, Bregoli AM and
Serafini-Fracassini D (2001). Acclimation
of chloroplast transglutaminase to high NaCl concentration in a
polyamine-deficient variant
strain of Dunaliella salina and in its wild type. J. Plant
Physiol., 158, 185-197.
21. Serafini-Fracassini D, Del Duca S, Monti F, Poli F, Sacchetti
G, Bregoli AM, Biondi S and
Della Mea M (2002). Transglutaminase activity during senescence and
programmed cell death in
the corolla of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) flowers. Cell Death and
Differentiation, 9, 309-
22. Serafini-Fracassini D, Del Duca S (2002). Biochemistry and
function of plant transglutaminases.
Minerva Biotec 14, 135-141
23. Dondini L, Del Duca S, Dall'Agata L, Bassi R, Gastaldelli M,
Della Mea M, Di Sandro A,
Claparols I and Serafini-Fracassini D (2003). Suborganellar
localisation and effect of light on
Helianthus tuberosus chloroplast transglutaminases and their
substrates. Planta 217, 84-95.
24. Della Mea M, Di Sandro A, Dondini L, Del Duca S, Vantini F,
Bergamini C, Bassi R and
Serafini-Fracassini D (2004). A Zea mays 39 kDa thylakoid
transglutaminase catalyses Light
Harvesting Complex II by polyamines in a light-dependent way.
Planta 219, 754-764.
25. Claparols M I, Bassie L, Mirò B, Del Duca S,
Rodriguez-Montesinos J, Christou P, Serafini
Fracassini D and Capell T (2004). Transgenic rice as a vehicle for
the production of the
industrial enzyme transglutaminase. Transgenic Res 13,
26. Capell T, Claparols M I, Del Duca S, Bassie L, Miro B,
Rodriguez-Montesinos J, Christou P and
Serafini-Fracassini D (2004). Producing transglutaminases by
molecular farming in plants.
Amino Acid 26, 419-423.
27. Del Duca S, Serafini-Fracassini D (2005). Transglutaminases of
higher, lower plants and fungi.
Progress in Experimental Tumor Research, 38, 223-247.
28. Del Duca S., Della Mea M., Di Sandro A. and Serafini Fracassini
D. (2005). La transglutaminasi
vegetale: un enzima multifunzionale coinvolto nel differenziamento
e nella crescita cellulare. Inf
Bot Ital, 3, 708-709
29. Della Mea M., De Filippis F., Genovesi V., Serafini Fracassini
D. and Del Duca S. (2007). The
acropetal wave of developmental cell death (DCD) of Nicotiana
tabacum corolla is preceded by
activation of transglutaminase in different cell compartments.
Plant Physiol. 144, 1-13.
30. Sobieszczuk-Nowicka E, Di Sandro A, Del Duca S,
Serafini-Fracassini D, Legocka J (2007).
Plastid-membrane-associated polyamines and thylakoid
transglutaminases during etioplast-tochloroplast
transformation stimulated by kinetin. Physiol Plant. 130,
31. Del Duca S, Betti L, Trebbi G, Serafini-Fracassini D,
Torrigiani P (2007). Transglutaminase
activity changes during the hypersensitive reaction (HR), a typical
defence response of tobacco
NN plants to TMV. Physiol Plant. 131, 241-250.
32. Della Mea M, Serafini Fracassini D, Del Duca S (2007).
Transglutaminase, an enzyme involved
in flower senescence and developmental cell death. Caryologia 60,
33. Della Mea M., Serafini-Fracassini D. and Del Duca S. (2007).
Programmed Cell Death:
similarities and differences in animals and plants. A flower
paradigm. Amino Acids, 33, 395-
34. Iorio RA, Di Sandro A, Scarpellini A, Del Duca S,
Serafini-Fracassini D and Verderio E (2008).
Visualisation of transglutaminase-mediated cross-linking activity
in germinating pollen by laser
confocal microscopy. Plant Biosystems 142 (2), 360-365.
35. Serafini-Fracassini D and Del Duca S. (2008).
Transglutaminases: widespread cross-linking
enzymes. Annals of Botany, 102, 145-152.
36. Di Sandro A, Serafini-Fracassini D, Del Duca S, Della Mea M, De
Franceschi P, Dondini L,
Faleri C, Cai G and Sansavini S (2008). Pollen Transglutaminase in
Pear Self Incompatibility
and Relationship with S-RNases and S-Allele Variability. Acta
Horticulturae. 800 (1), 423-429
37. Serafini-Fracassini D, Della Mea M, Tasco G, Casadio R and Del
Duca S. (2009). Plant and
animal transglutaminases: do similar functions imply similar
structures? Amino Acids, 36: 643-
38. Del Duca S., Serafini-Fracassini D., Bonner P.L.R., Cresti M,
Cai G (2009). Effects of posttranslational
modifications catalyzed by pollen transglutaminase on the
functional properties of
microtubules and actin filaments. Biochem J., 418, 651-664.
39. Pagliarani G., Paris R., Tartarini S., Serafini-Fracassini D.,
Del Duca S., Iorio A.R., Ricci G.,
Belotti T., Sansavini S. (2009). Gli allergeni della mela. Rivista
di Frutticoltura e di
Ortofloricoltura 12, 30-39.
40. Del Duca S, Cai G, Di Sandro A, Serafini-Fracassini D. (2010)
Compatible and selfincompatible
pollination in Pyrus communis displays different polyamine levels
transglutaminase activity. Amino Acids, 38: 659-667.
41. Serafini-Fracassini D, Di Sandro A, Del Duca S. (2010) Spermine
delays leaf senescence in
Lactuca sativa and prevents the decay of chloroplast photosystems.
Plant Physiol Biochem 48:
42. Di Sandro A, Del Duca S, Verderio E, Hargreaves AJ.,
Scarpellini A, Cai G., Cresti M, Faleri C.,
Iorio RA, Hirose S, Furutani Y, Coutts IGC., Griffin M, Bonner
PLR., Serafini-Fracassini D.
(2010) An extracellular transglutaminase is required for apple
pollen tube growth. Biochem J.,
429, 261-271.
43. Iorio R A, Di Sandro A, Paris R, Pagliarani G, Tartarini S,
Ricci G, Serafini Fracassini D,
Verderio E and Del Duca S (2012) Simulated environmental
criticalities affect transglutaminase
of Malus and Corylus pollens having different allergenic potential.
Amino Acids, 42, 1007–
1024 .
44. Gentile A, Antognoni F, Iorio R A, Distefano G, Las Casas G, La
Malfa S, Serafini-Fracassini
D, Del Duca S. (2012) Polyamines and transglutaminase activity are
involved in compatible and
self-incompatible pollination of Citrus grandis. Amino Acids, 42,
45. Pagliarani, G., Paris, R., Iorio, A.R., Tartarini, S., Del
Duca, S., Arens, P., Peters, S., van de
Weg, E. (2012). Genomic organisation of the Mal d 1 gene cluster on
linkage group 16 in apple.
Molecular Breeding, 29:759–778.
46. Iorio, R.A., Serafini-Fracassini, D., Aloisi, I., Del Duca, S.,
De Franceschi, P., Dondini,
L., Sansavini, S., Cai, G., Faleri, C. (2012) Post-translational
modification by transglutaminase
of proteins involved in pear self-incompatibility. Acta
Horticulturae Volume 967, 6 November
2012, 141-148.
47. Cai, G., Faleri, C., Cresti, M., Di Sandro, A.,
Serafini-Fracassini, D., Del Duca, S. (2012). Pollen
tube cytoskeleton, transglutaminases and self-incompatibility. Acta
Horticulturae 967, 149-
48. Cai G, Del Duca S, Serafini-Fracassini D, Cresti M. (2012)
Deposizione e citoscheletro della
parete, crescita del tubetto pollinico e successo riproduttivo.
Atti del convegno all'Accademia
dei Georgofili: “Riproduzione sessuata delle piante a fiore e
produttività agricola”. I Georgofili
(ISSN 0367-4134) Firenze, 30 Marzo 2012, pp 1-21
49. Cai G, Serafini-Fracassini D and Del Duca S (2013) Regulation
of pollen tube growth by
transglutaminase. Plants, 2, 87-106;
50. Beninati S, Iorio RA, Tasco G, Serafini-Fracassini D, Casadio
R, Del Duca S (2013). Expression
of different forms of transglutaminases by immature cells of
Helianthus tuberosus sprout apices.
Amino Acids, 44(1):271-283.
51. Iorio R A, Del Duca S, Calamelli E, Pula C, Lodolini M,
Scamardella F, Pession A and Ricci G
(2013) Citrus allergy from pollen to clinical symptoms. PLoS ONE
52. Del Duca S, Faleri C, Iorio RA, Cresti M, Serafini-Fracassini
D, Cai G (2013) Distribution of
transglutaminase in pear pollen tubes in relation to cytoskeleton
and membrane dynamics. Plant
Physiol, 161(4):1706-21
53. Del Duca S, Serafini-Fracassini D, Cai G. (2013) An
unconventional road for the secretion of
transglutaminase in pollen tubes? Plant Signal Behav. Apr 19;8(6).
doi:pii: e24446
Capitoli di libri
54. Mossetti U, Serafini Fracassini D and Del Duca S (1987).
Conjugated polyamines during
dormancy and activation of tuber of Jerusalem artichoke. In:
Conjugate plant hormones,
structure, metabolism and function (K Schereiber, H R Schuette and
G Sembdner eds),
Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, GDR, pp 369-375
55. Serafini Fracassini D, Del Duca S, D'Orazi D and Mossetti U
(1988). Conjugation of polyamines
by an enzyme activity in dividing cells of Helianthus tuberosus. In
Perspectives in polyamine
research (A. Perin, D. Scalabrino, A. Sessa and L. Ferioli eds)
Wichtig editore, Milano, pp 89-92
56. Del Duca S and Serafini Fracassini D (1993). Polyamines and
protein modification during the
cell cycle. In: Molecular and Cell Biology of the Plant Cell Cycle,
J. C. Omrod and D. Francis
eds, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, pp 143-156.
57. Dondini L, Serafini-Fracassini D, Del Duca S and Bregoli A M
(1994). Polyamines in saltstressed
halotolerant Dunaliella salina: free, TCA-soluble, -insoluble and
forms. In: Polyamines: Biological and Clinical Aspects (Caldarera C
M, Clò C,
Moruzzi M S eds) CLUEB,.Bologna, pp. 183-194.
58. Della Mea M, Serafini-Fracassini D, Iorio R. and Del Duca S.
(2009). Interpreting the action of
polyamines: the role of transglutaminase. In: Biologically Active
Amines and Related Enzymes:
Biochemical, Physiological and Clinical Aspects (Toninello A. ed.)
Transworld Research
Network, pp 265-285.
Pubblicazione Didattica
Contributo originale per il testo universitario
“Botanica-Fondamenti di Biologia delle piante”,
Mauseth. (2006). Casa Editrice Idelson-Gnocchi, Napoli. ISBN