Foto del docente

Stefano Del Duca

Full Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-01/A General Botany

Curriculum vitae

Name                                       Stefano Del Duca

Current status                          Full Professor in Botany, School of Sciences,

                                                University of Bologna;

Place of work                          Department of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna, 42 Irnerio,

                                               40126  Bologna-Italy

                                               phone: ++39 051 209 1283  FAX: ++39 051 242576


Place of birth                             Bologna,  Italy

Education                                  Degree in Biological Sciences, July, 1987


Academic career

1994                                       Ph.D. in “ Cellular Biology & Physiology ” , Faculty of science, UniBo

1994:                                       Assistant technician at the “Istituto di Anatomia e Istologia Patologica”, Faculty of medicine, UniBo

1994-1996                              Post-doctoral fellowhip, UniBo

1996-1997                              Assistant technician at the Dip. clinico di Scienze radiologiche e istocitopatologiche

1997 to present:                      Researcher in Botany, Dip. BES, Faculty of science,  UniBo.

From 2005:                             Aggregate Professor

From 2008:                             Professor


Academic duties outside teaching and research

2001 to present:   member of the Executive board of the Dept. BES

2002-2005:          member of the Teaching board of the Dept. BES

2004-2009:  member of the FID commission of the Dept. BES; blame for the Botanical  Area of the  BES.

2007: Member of the board  for the final examination of the Ph.D course in “Scienze e tecnologie applicate all'ambiente” (XIX ciclo), University of  Siena.

from 01.11.2013 to 01-11-2019: Coordinator of the Biological Science degree course (first and (second                                                     term)

2014: Erasmus exchange manager with the University of Leon (ES) and in 2019 with Poznan University (Poland)

from 2016: Chairmen of the degree program in Biology and Biotechnology of the University of Bologna

From May 2018 to 2021: Chairman of the Didactic Committee of the BiGeA Department


Teaching activity

2000-2001:              Postgraduate school in teaching about Natural Science for the secondary schools (s.d. Evolutive biology & teaching of biology).

2000-2002:              Plant Biology (5 CFU) in the I.C. of Animal and Plant Biology,  in the graduate course of Pharmacy, UniBo.

2001-2006:              Plant Biology (5 CFU) in the the graduate course of  Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, UniBo

2002:                       Supervisor of an european master thesis in biotechnology (supported by European Science Foundation ) at the Nottingham Trent University (UK).

From 2002-:               Plant Biology Laboratory (1 CFU) for the I level degree in Biology, UniBo.

From 2004 :    Advanced Plant Biology (3 CFU) for the II level degree in Molecular & Cellular Biology, UniBo.

From 2009:   Advanced Plant Biology (4 CFU) for the II level degree in Molecular & Cellular Biology, UniBo.

From 2006 up to date:    General Botany (6 CFU) for the I level degree in Technologies for the Conservation and  Restoration, UniBo.                               

2005 e 2006:            Lectures for PhD schools at Torino and Siena Universities.

2007:                        Lectures for the Master course in Pediatric Allergology and Immunology at the Faculty of Medicine, UniBo.

2008:                        Plant Biodeterioration (3 CFU) in the I. C. of Biodeterioration and degradation of bioarcheological materials for the the II level degree in Science for the Conservation and  Restoration, UniBo.

2010:                     Plant Biology (M-Z) (C.I, 8 CFU) for the I level degree in biological sciences

2011:                     Plant biology and diversity (M-Z) (10 CFU) for the first year of the degrre course in biological sciences

from  2013:               Plant, Nutrition and Environment (6 CFU) for the third year of the degrre course                                    in biological sciences

from 2019: Laurea magistrale internazionale in Global Change Ecology; responsabile del Modulo 1 (3                       CFU) del coso "Plant Interactions with Global Change" (6 CFU)

from 2020: Laura magistrale DICOSN; responsabile del modulo di "FONDAMENTI E DIDATTICA DI                              BIOLOGIA VEGETALE - 6 cfu

Research fellowships

1995, January-December, Chiba (Japan): One year post-doc fellowship from the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS), at the  Faculty of Pharmaceutical science, Chiba University.

2001, May-June, Nottingham (UK): Short Term Scientific Mission (COST-Action 844) Department of Life Sciences, Nottingham Trent University.

2002, March-May, Nottigham (UK): Marco Polo fellowship (UniBo), at the Department of Life Sciences, Nottingham Trent University (Nottingham, UK).

2003, March, Schmallenberg (Germania): a fellowship from the European Project “Programma Leonardo” at the Fraunhofer.

2005, June, Lleida (Spain): Short Term Scientific Mission (COST-Action 844), at the Departament de Producció Vegetal i Ciència Forestal, Universitat de Lleida.

2006, September, Nottingham (UK): Italia-UK Project, at the School of Biomedical and Natural Sciences, Nottingham Trent University.


Scientific activity as Reviewer

 Reviewer of : Plant Physiol, Plant & Cell Physiol, Plant Physiol & Biochem, Plant Cell Tissue & Organ Culture, Plant Biosystems, Frontiers in plant science;


Invited speaker  

2002:  “7th International Conference on transglutaminase and protein crosslinking”, Ferrara.

2003:  “8th International Congress on Amino Acids and Proteins”, Roma.

2005: “8th International Conference on protein crosslinking and transglutaminase”, Lubeck (Germany). 

2005: "XXXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Istochimica", Pisa

2007: “9th International Conference on transglutaminases and protein crosslinking”, Marrakech (Morocco)

2009: ""Biogenic amines: Biochemical, Physiological and clinical aspects", Bertinoro (Forlì)

2009: "55° convegno GEI", Certosa di Pontignano, Siena

2010: "Transglutaminases in Human Disease Processes", Davidson (NC, USA)

2010: "2nd International Conference on the role of polyamines and their analogs in cancer and other diseases", Tivoli (Roma)

2011: Workshop “floral biology and self-incompatibility in fruit species”,San Michele all'Adige (Trento), 21-25 June 2011.

2011: International Congress: Biogenic Amines: Biochemical, Physiological and Clinical Aspect,  Alberè di Tenna (Trento), ITALY, September 21–25

2011: International Congress: Biogenic Amines: Biochemical, Physiological and Clinical Aspect,  Alberè di Tenna (Trento), ITALY, September 21–25,

2012: Polyamine in Istanbul 2012; Polyamine: biological and clinical perspectives, September 2-7, 2012

2013: 2nd International APLE-APLF Congress in Madrid, 17-20 September 2013

2014: Società Botanica Italiana “INTERNATIONAL PLANT SCIENCE CONFERENCE” 109° Congresso, Firenze, 2-5 settembre 2014

2015: Medpalyno. Mediterranean Palynology Symposium GPSBI-APLE. Rome 8-10 September 2015

2019: Relatore al MACFRUIT 2019 “Selezione di mele ipoallergeniche per un’alimentazione di qualità e attenta alla salute dei consumatori”

2022: Società Botanica Italiana “INTERNATIONAL PLANT SCIENCE CONFERENCE” 117° Congresso, Bologna, 7-10 settembre 2014


Organizer  of International Scientific Meetings

2002: “7th International Conference on Transglutaminase and Protein Crosslinking”, Ferrara (in the framework of the ESF).

2004: “Programmed cell death across kingdoms, similarities and differences”, Bertinoro (Forlì),   (in the framework of the European COST  action 844).

2009: "Biogenic amines: Biochemical, Physiological and clinical aspects", Bertinoro (Forlì), with support of Società Italiana di Biochimica e Biologia Molecolare,  CeUB and UniBO.

2017: "MEDPALYNO 2017 ", international Mediterranean Palynology Symposium 2017 that will be held in Barcelona city center (UPF School of Management, Balmes 132-134), in September 4 - 6, 2017.

2022: Società Botanica Italiana “INTERNATIONAL PLANT SCIENCE CONFERENCE” 117° Congresso, Bologna, 7-10 settembre 2014