Foto del docente

Stefania Lorenzini

Associate Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Curriculum vitae



Curriculum completo in inglese

Stefania Lorenzini
Born in Bologna on 9th March 1967, resident in Bologna, Italy
• Nationality: Italian;
• Address: Department of Educational Sciences “Giovanni Maria Bertin”, Via Filippo Re 6, 40126 Bologna, Italy;
• E-mail: stefania.lorenzini4;
• Office Phone: 051-2091510
Since 1993, she gained considerable experience in education as nursery teacher. At the same time, she received hers Degree in Pedagogy (AA 1997/98) at the Faculty of Sciences of Education, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna. Hers commitment to the university has developed to become a Ph.D. in Pedagogy (AA 2003/04), and in the work of Research Assistant.
Since 2002 she is Member of Editorial Committee of the Intercultural Education Review Cultures, projects, experiences.
Since 2005 she is Researcher in Intercultural Pedagogy, University of Bologna, Department of Educational Sciences, "Giovanni Maria Bertin", University of Bologna. Scientific and Disciplinary Sector M-Ped/01, General and Social Pedagogy.
She teaches Intercultural Pedagogy, Intercultural Education, Philosophy of Education: Intercultural Education.
Since 2009 she is member of Passages Commetee, transfers and second degree for the course of Educators in Services for Childrens.
Since 2009 she is member of CSGE - Center for Studies on Gender and Education, Educational Sciences Department.

Her research activities are mainly focused around the following themes: International Adoptions, successes and failures in the birth of adoptive multicultural families; Multiculturalism and Interculturalism; Stereotypes and Prejudices. Intercultural Education with children and native and foreign families in services to early childhood; Care and Intercultural Education in services for early childhood; Female Migration, the women's role in the current phenomena of international mobility; Foreign Prostitution in Italy and Sexual Tourism; human trafficking. Gender, relations, sexuality and Education. Gender, educative relations, early child-hood.

- Ferrara, 2005, Seminar organized by the Education Sector, Training and Family Policies of the Municipality of Ferrara, addressed to teachers of kindergarten and primary schools, cultural mediators, adoptive and not adoptive parents. Title of report: Outcomes research and sprout for thinking about the school intervention of the intercultural mediator with children and adolescents adopted.
- Bologna, 2005, participation in the cycle of meetings Children secluded, family in search. The various stories of adoption between reality and fantasy, held at the library for kids “Sala Borsa”. Speech on the book presentation of “Dreaming India” written by Manuela Nava.
- Bologna, 2005, speech on the book presentation of “The maestro of tango and other stories”, written by Miguel Angel Garcia.
- Ferrara, 2006, Seminar organized by the Education Sector, Training and Family Policies of the Municipality of Ferrara addressed to nursery educators and Kindergarten teachers. Title of report: From Multicultural trasformations to intercultural approach with young children.
- Bologna, 2006, at Docet presentation of the book “Di cultura in culture”, promoted by Regione Emilia-Romagna, Promotion Council for Social and Educationals Policies for Childhood and Adolescence. Policies for Immigration. Development of Volunteers, of associations and of the Third Sector.
- Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna, 2006, Seminar for nursery educators and kindergarten teacher, organized by the “Centro Educativo Territoriale Bruno Ciari”, Intercultural perspectives: identity and alterity. Title of report: Services for Children, Places for meetings and reports.
- Iesi, 2007, training seminar for the staff of Educational Services for young Children of the City of Iesi, Services for young children between multiculturalism and interculturalism. Title of report: “Stereotypes and prejudices; theory, relevance in working with children and families”.
- Bologna, 2007, Regional Seminar Children and families in post-adoption: for an integrated offering of interventions and services. Organized by the Family Policies Service, Childhood and Adolescent, Regione Emilia Romagna, which was addressed to operators of local psychosocial services and institutions which are allowed to follow the practices of adoption, to judges and juvenile court staff, and adoptive parents. Title of report: Meet different. International adoption and intercultural perspective.
- Bologna, 2008, Seminar organized by Pan Consortium PAN, education project and cultural challenges of cultural integration in services for young children, addressed to nurseries teachers of different regions of Italy. Title of report: Multicultural trasformations and intercultural education in the nursery: to welcome and put in value the culture of each child.
- Bologna 25 November, 2008, Seminar deepening the contribution of social teachers and educators against the violence on women. Held in the occasion of the World Day against Violence on Women, organized by the Study and Taining Group on gender of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Bologna. Title of report: Trafficking and sexual exploitation. Education emergency.
- Reggio Emilia 3 November, 2009, Seminar School of adoption: Preparation of teaching on issues related to children and adopted them into the school. Organized by parent's non-profit organization in cooperation with the Province of Reggio Emilia School Provincial Office of Reggio Emilia. Title of Report: International Adoptions: meet the difference in school.
- Firenze 12 November, 2009, National Seminar on post adoption placement in school, held at the Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence, in collaboration with the Commission International Adoptions. Report entitled: My schooling... from the autobiographical approach to intercultural education.

- Sant'Ilario d'Enza (Reggio Emilia), 22 January 2010, evening theme aimed at couples waiting to adopt, organized by NPO's parents. Title of intervention: Accepting the difference in the adoption.

• A.A. 2008/09: Teaching at the Course of Philosophy of Education: Intercultural Education, Degree Course for Educators in services for early childhood at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Bologna.
• From A.A 2008/2009: Teaching at the Laboratory Instruments for Training of Women between contexts of origin and migration, Degree Course for Educators, professionals, trainers, at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Bologna.
• From A.A. 2006/07 to the A.A. 2008/2009: Teaching at the Course of Intercultural Education Course, for Nursery Educators and Childhood Community Course, at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Bologna.
• A.A. 2006/07: Teaching at the Intercultural Pedagogy Course, Degree in Social Educators at the Faculty of Educational Sciences placed in Rimini.
• A.A. 2005/06: Teaching at the Intercultural Pedagogy Course, Degree Course in Cultural Operator, at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Bologna.
• A.A. 2005/06: Lecturer of 2 Interdisciplinary Seminars about Interculturality, Degree Course for Educators of Nursery and Childhood Community, at the Faculty of Educational of Bologna
• A.A. 2004/2005: Teaching at the Interdisciplinary Seminar about Intercultulality, Degree Course for Educators of Nursery and Childhood Community, at the Faculty of Education of Bologna.
- A.A. 2006/07: Teaching Intercultural Education at the "Special Courses for the University to achieve the approval of Children in School", organized by the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Bologna and Foundation Alma Mater.
- A.A. 2006/07: Teaching Intercultural Education at the "University Courses for the achievement of fitness education in Primary School", organized by the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Bologna and Foundation Alma Mater.
- A.A. 2005/06: Teaching Intercultural Education at the "Special Courses for the University to achieve the approval of Children in School", organized by the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Bologna and Foundation Alma Mater.
- A.A. 2005/06: Teaching Intercultural Education at the "University Courses for the achievement of fitness education in Primary School", organized by the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Bologna and Foundation Alma Mater.
- A.A. 2005/06: Teaching at the Intercultural Education in the Master's Degree in Political skills and socio intercultural strategies on international adoption issues.

- 2004/2005: training/teaching activity as didactic support in the course of intercultural education, Project “Arcobaleno”, aimed to kindergarten teachers, municipality of Bologna.

- 2005: training/teaching activity as didactic support in the course of intercultural education, Project “Arcobaleno”, aimed to kindergarten teacher, municipality of Bologna focused on international adoption issues.
- 2006: training/teaching activity as didactic support in the course of intercultural education, aimed to nursery teachers, municipality of Padova. 

Curriculum breve in italiano (massimo 2000 car.) Ricercatrice confermata in Pedagogia Interculturale - Settore Scientifico Disciplinare M-PED/01 Pedagogia Generale e Sociale Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione “Giovanni Maria Bertin”, Via Filippo Re, 6 - 40126 Bologna. Tel. 051.2091510 E-mail: Dal 1993 “Istruttore Educatore degli asili nido”, per il Comune di Bologna Area Educativa e Sociale, a tempo indeterminato. Laurea in Pedagogia (A.A. 1997/98), Facoltà di Magistero, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, votazione 110 e lode. Dottorato di Ricerca in Pedagogia e Assegnista di Ricerca (A.A. 2003/04). Dal 2002: membro del Comitato di Redazione rivista Educazione interculturale. Culture, progetti, esperienze Dal 2005: Ricercatrice in Pedagogia generale e Sociale (Pedagogia Interculturale). Dal 2009: membro Commissione Passaggi, trasferimenti e seconde lauree per CdL in Educatore nei Servizi per l'Infanzia Dal 2009: membro del CSGE - Centro di Studi sul Genere e l'Educazione, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione "G. M. Bertin" TEMI DI RICERCA: Adozioni internazionali; Multiculturalità e Interculturalità; Stereotipi e Pregiudizi; Educazione interculturale con bambini e famiglie, di origine italiana e straniera, nei Servizi per la prima infanzia; Cura ed educazione interculturale nei Servizi per la prima infanzia. Migrazioni al femminile; Prostituzione straniera e Turismo Sessuale; Tratta degli esseri umani. Genere, relazioni, sessualità ed Educazione. Dall'A.A. 2008/09: Docente del Corso di Filosofia dell'Educazione: Educazione all'Interculturalità, CdL per Educatore nei Servizi per l'Infanzia, Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Bologna. Dall'A.A. 2008/2009: Docente del Laboratorio Strumenti per la Formazione professionale dell'operatore, Donne tra contesti di origine e migrazioni, CdL per Educatore Sociale, Operatore, Formatore, Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, B... 

Curriculum breve in inglese (massimo 2000 car.) Department of Educational Sciences “Giovanni Maria Bertin”, Via Filippo Re 6, 40126 Bologna, Italy; Office Phone: 051-2091510 E-mail: stefania.lorenzini4; Since 1993, she gained considerable experience in education as nursery teacher. At the same time, she received hers Degree in Pedagogy (AA 1997/98) at the Faculty of Sciences of Education, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna. Hers commitment to the university has developed to become a Ph.D. in Pedagogy (AA 2003/04), and in the work of Research Assistant. Since 2002 she is Member of Editorial Committee of the Intercultural Education Review Cultures, projects, experiences. Since 2005 she is Researcher in Intercultural Pedagogy, University of Bologna, Department of Educational Sciences, "Giovanni Maria Bertin", University of Bologna. Scientific and Disciplinary Sector M-Ped/01, General and Social Pedagogy. Since 2009 she is member of Passages Commetee, transfers and second degree for the course of Educators in Services for Childrens. Since 2009 she is member of CSGE - Center for Studies on Gender and Education, Educational Sciences Department. CURRENT RESEARCHINTERESTS (KEYWORDS): International Adoptions; Multiculturalism and Interculturalism; Stereotypes and Prejudices; Intercultural Education with children and native and foreign families in services to early childhood; Care and Intercultural Education in services for early childhood; Female Migration; Foreign Prostitution in Italy and Sexual Tourism; Human trafficking. Gender, relations, sexuality and Education. ACADEMIC AND DIDACTIC EMPLOYMENT • A.A. 2008/09: Teaching at the Course of Philosophy of Education: Intercultural Education, Degree Course for Educators in services for early childhood at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Bologna. • From A.A 2008/2009: Teaching at the Laboratory Instruments for Training of Women between contexts of origin and migration, Degree Cours...