Serena Baiesi, Leigh Hunt’s Parlour at Surrey Gaol, 2020. [Exhibition]
Baiesi Serena, Schiavitù e abolizionismo nei romanzi di Jane Austen, «DUE POLLICI D'AVORIO», 2020, 12, pp. 184 - 199 [Scientific article]
Maurizio Ascari; Serena Baiesi; David Levente Palatinus, Why Yet Another Book on the Gothic?, in: Gothic Metamorphoses across the Centuries: Contexts, Legacies, Media, Bern, Peter Lang, 2020, pp. 9 - 31 [Brief introduction]
Serena Baiesi, A Prison Without Bars: Female Narratives in Late Nineteenth-Century Australia, in: ’TWIXT LAND AND SEA ISLAND POETICS IN ANGLOPHONE LITERATURES, Roma, Artemide, 2019, pp. 121 - 142 [Chapter or essay]
Serena Baiesi, Colonial Picturesque and Indian Women in Letitia Elizabeth Landon's Oriental Poems, «LA QUESTIONE ROMANTICA», 2019, Nuova Serie Volume 10 anno 2018 numero 1-2, pp. 105 - 116 [Scientific article]
Serena Baiesi, Review of: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, La ballata del vecchio marinaio, «LA QUESTIONE ROMANTICA», 2019, Nuova Serie Volume 10 anno 2018 numero 1-2, pp. 192 - 194 [Review]
Serena Baiesi, Theatre is ‘a pleasure for most social kind’: Illegitimate Performances as Personal Enjoyment and Social Improvement in Leigh Hunt’s Reviews., in: Worlds of Words: Complexity, Creativity, and Conventionality in English Language, Literature and Culture, PIsa, Pisa University Press, 2019, pp. 15 - 25 [Chapter or essay]
Serena Baiesi, ‘It is only Cecilia, or Camilla, or Belinda’: Meta-Discourses and Female Genealogies in Late Eighteenth-Century English Novels, in: Women’s Voices and Genealogies in Literary Studies in English, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019, pp. 70 - 88 [Chapter or essay]
Serena Baiesi, Introduction, in: Romantic Dialects: Culture, Gender, Theater, Bern, Peter Lang, 2018, pp. 11 - 14 (ROMANTIC STUDIES) [Chapter or essay]
Serena Baiesi, Presentazione a "Nel Cuore di Jane: Ri-Leggendo Persuasion", in: Beatrice Battaglia, Nel Cuore di Jane Austen: Ri-Leggendo "Persuasion", Napoli, Liguori Editore, 2018, pp. x - xiii [Preface]
Serena Baiesi, Romantic Dialects: Culture, Gender, Theater, Bern, Peter Lang, 2018, pp. 252 (ROMANTIC STUDIES). [Editorship]
Serena Baiesi, “I will Tell my Story, and my Reader shall Judge for Me”: Mary Shelley’s Stories for The Keepsake, in: Romantic Dialectics: Culture, Gender, Theater, Bern, Peter Lang, 2018, pp. 151 - 164 (ROMANTIC STUDIES) [Chapter or essay]
Serena Baiesi, Felicia Hemans and the Social Coalition in Liverpool, «LA QUESTIONE ROMANTICA», 2017, Nuova Serie: Volume 8, n. 1-2, Article number: 4 , pp. 67 - 82 [Scientific article]
Serena Baiesi, Review of: Gioia Angeletti, Lord Byron and Discourses of Otherness. Scotland, Italy, and Femininity. Kilkerran: Humming Earth, 2012. Pp. 167. £ 14.95. ISBN 1846220386., «LA QUESTIONE ROMANTICA», 2017, Nuova Serie: Volume 7, n. 1-2, pp. 183 - 184 [Review]
Baiesi Serena, Lord Byron e Letitia Elizabeth Landon. Maschere romantiche a confronto, in: LA LETTERATURA DAL PUNTO DI VISTA DEGLI SCRITTORI, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017, pp. 253 - 268 (PERCORSI) [Chapter or essay]