Foto del docente

Claudia Sebastiana Nobili

Full Professor

Department of Cultural Heritage

Academic discipline: ITAL-01/A Italian Literature

Curriculum vitae

Sebastiana Nobili studied Classical and Medieval Literature at the University of Bologna, and graduated in 1993 with a dissertation on Boccaccio's Corbaccio. In 1997 she had her PhD in Literature Theory (University of Bergamo), with a dissertation on Luigi Pirandello's theatre and narrative; then she was the recipient of a post-doctoral fellowship in Medieval Literature, for a project on Salimbene da Parma, at the Department of Italian (University of Bologna); in 2002 she published the complete edition of Salimbene's latin Chronicle, with an essay of introduction, a translation and a commentary (Roma, Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato).

In the same year, she obtained the academic position of Research Associate in Italian Literature at the Faculty of Cultural Heritage's Conservation (University of Bologna, seat of Ravenna); from 2014 she is Associate Professor in Italian Literature.

Her research ranges from the italian literature of the Middle Age to the late modernity (XIVth and XXth centuries): she wrote her first book, Il lavoro della scrittura. Analisi e retorica del testo (Milano, Sansoni, 1999), about rhetoric and the art of writing in modern italian novel, then she dedicated two books to Pirandello (Pirandello: Guida al “Fu Mattia Pascal” , Roma, Carocci, 2004 e «La materia del sogno». Pirandello tra racconto e visione, Pisa, Giardini, 2007). She published several articles and essays on Boccaccio's Decameron and Genealogia deorum gentilium (Inizi difficili. La struttura retorica della Genealogia, 2011; "Tu non pensavi ch'io loico fossi". Boccaccio e l'eredità della Scolastica, 2011; La consolazione della letteratura: una proposta per il Decameron, 2013; Il senso delle lacrime. Una teoria del pianto nel Decameron , 2013, La Genealogia dalla Romagna al Parnaso. Sugli alberi genealogici del manoscritto autografo, 2015). In 2014, she wrote a book on Giovanni Boccaccio, with an anthology of his complete works (Milano, Unicopli); in 2017, she published the book La consolazione della letteratura. Un itinerario fra Dante e Boccaccio (Ravenna, Longo). She's now going to publish a new edition of the Genealogia deorum gentilium (Fondazione Lorenzo Valla).