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Sara Zaniboni

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"


Patrizia Villotti; Corbière Marc; Zaniboni Sara; Leconte Tania; Fraccaroli Franco, Evaluating the motivation to obtain ans sustain employment in people with psychiatric disability, «PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE», 2015, 10, pp. 57 - 69 [Scientific article]

Zaniboni, S.; Fraccaroli, F.; Truxillo, D. M., Older workers and sustainable late careers: Job characteristic effects, in: A. De Vos; B. Van der Heijden, Handbook of research on sustainable careers, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015, pp. 272 - 286 [Chapter or essay]

Savadori Lucia; Caovilla Jessica; Zaniboni Sara; Fraccaroli Franco, The affect heuristic in occupational safety, «LA MEDICINA DEL LAVORO», 2015, 106, pp. 239 - 249 [Scientific article]

Zaniboni, S., The interaction between older workers' personal resources and perceived age discrimination affects the desired retirement age and the expected adjustment, «WORK, AGING AND RETIREMENT», 2015, 1, pp. 266 - 273 [Scientific article]

Villotti P.; Balducci C.; Zaniboni S.; Corbiere M.; Fraccaroli F., An analysis of work engagement among workers with mental disorders recently integrated to work, «JOURNAL OF CAREER ASSESSMENT», 2014, 22, pp. 18 - 27 [Scientific article]

S. Zaniboni; M. Corbière, La modélisation par équations structurelles: Illustration pour expliquer la motivation a se maintenir en employ dans une entreprise sociale, in: M. Corbière; N. Larivière, Méthodes qualitatives, quantitatives et mixtes, Québec, Presses des Universités du Québec, 2014, pp. 489 - 516 [Chapter or essay]

P. Villotti; S. Zaniboni; F. Fraccaroli, Les entreprises à économie sociale en Italie, «L'ENCÉPHALE», 2014, 40, pp. 57 - 65 [Scientific article]

Avanzi L.; Zaniboni S.; Balducci C.; Fraccaroli F., The relation between overcommitment and burnout: Does it depend on employee job satisfaction?, «ANXIETY, STRESS, AND COPING», 2014, 27, pp. 455 - 465 [Scientific article]

S. Zaniboni; D.M. Truxillo; F. Fraccaroli; E. McCune; M. Bertolino, Who benefits from more tasks? Older versus younger workers, «JOURNAL OF MANAGERIAL PSYCHOLOGY», 2014, 29, pp. 508 - 523 [Scientific article]

M.P. Paladino; S. Zaniboni; F. Fasoli; J. Vaes; C. Volpato, Why did Italians protest against Berlusconi's sexist behaviour? The role of sexist beliefs and emotional reactions in explaining women and men's pathways to protest., «BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY», 2014, 53, pp. 201 - 216 [Scientific article]

S. Zaniboni; D. Truxillo; F. Fraccaroli, Differential effects of task variety and skill variety on burnout and turnover intentions for older and younger workers, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY», 2013, 22, pp. 306 - 317 [Scientific article]

D. M. Truxillo; D. M. Cadiz; J. R. Rineer; S. Zaniboni; F. Fraccaroli, A lifespan perspective on job design: Fitting the job and the worker to promote job satisfaction, engagement, and performance, «ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW», 2012, 2, pp. 340 - 360 [Scientific article]

P. Villotti; M. Corbière; S. Zaniboni; F. Fraccaroli, Individual and environmental factors related to job satisfaction in people with severe mental illness employed in social enterprises, «WORK», 2012, 43, pp. 33 - 41 [Scientific article]

M. Corbière; S. Zaniboni; M-F. Coutu; R-L. Franche; J. Guzman; K. Dawson; A. Yassi, Evaluation of the fear-avoidance model with health care workers experiencing acute/subacute pain, «PAIN», 2011, 152, pp. 2543 - 2548 [Scientific article]

M. Corbière; S. Zaniboni; T. Lecomte; G. Bond; P.Y. Gilles; A. Lesage; E. Goldner, Job acquisition for people with severe mental illness enrolled in supported employment programs: A theoretically grounded empirical study, «JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL REHABILITATION», 2011, 21, pp. 342 - 354 [Scientific article]

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