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Sahra Talamo

Full Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: BIOS-03/B Anthropology


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Publications prior to 2004

  1. Lugli, F., Cipriani, A., Capecchi, G., Ricci, S., Boschin, F., Boscato, P., Iacumin, P., Badino, F., Mannino, M.A., Talamo, S., Richards, M.P., Benazzi, S., Ronchitelli, A., (2019). Strontium and stable isotope evidence of human mobility strategies across the Last Glacial Maximum in southern Italy. Nature ecology & evolution.
  2. Morales, J.I., Cebrià, A., Burguet-Coca, A., Fernández-Marchena, J.L., García-Argudo, G., Rodríguez-Hidalgo, A., Soto, M., Talamo, S., Tejero, J.-M., Vallverdú, J., Fullola, J.M., (2019). The Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition occupations from Cova Foradada (Calafell, NE Iberia). PLoS ONE 14, e0215832.
  3. Crann, C.A., Doucet, A.-M., Richards, M.P., Talamo, S., (2019). The old bone project: Quality assurance on radiocarbon dating bone in the 30,000–50,000 age range at the A.E. Lalonde AMS Laboratory (Ottawa, Canada). Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms.
  4. Fewlass, H., Tuna, T., Fagault, Y., Hublin, J.J., Kromer, B., Bard, E., Talamo, S., (2019). Pretreatment and gaseous radiocarbon dating of 40–100 mg archaeological bone. Scientific Reports 9, 5342.
  5. Jaouen, K., Richards, M.P., Le Cabec, A., Welker, F., Rendu, W., Hublin, J.-J., Soressi, M., Talamo, S., (2019). Exceptionally high δ15N values in collagen single amino acids confirm Neandertals as high-trophic level carnivores. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 201814087.
  6. Marciszak, A., Schouwenburg, C., Lipecki, G., Talamo, S., Shpansky, A., Malikov, D., Gornig, W., (2019). Steppe brown bear Ursus arctos “priscus” from the Late Pleistocene of Europe. Quaternary International.
  7. Ramírez-Pedraza, I., Tornero, C., Pappa, S., Talamo, S., Salazar-García, D.C., Blasco, R., Rosell, J., Rivals, F., (2019). Microwear and isotopic analyses on cave bear remains from Toll Cave reveal both short-term and long-term dietary habits. Scientific Reports 9, 5716.
  8. Sanchez-Quinto, F., Malmström, H., Fraser, M., Girdland-Flink, L., Svensson, E.M., Simoes, L., George, R., Hollfelder, N., Burenhult, G., Noble, G., Britton, K., Talamo, S., Curtis, N., Brzobohata, H., Sumberova, R., Götherström, A., Storå, J., Jakobsson, M., (2019). Megalithic tombs in western and northern Neolithic Europe were linked to a kindred society. PNAS.
  9. Di Maida, G., Mannino, M.A., Krause-Kyora, B., Jensen, T.Z.T., Talamo, S., (2019). Radiocarbon dating and isotope analysis on the purported Aurignacian skeletal remains from Fontana Nuova (Ragusa, Italy). PLoS ONE 14, e0213173.
  10. C. Posth, N. Nakatsuka, I. Lazaridis, P. Skoglund, S. Mallick, T. C. Lamnidis, N. Rohland, K. Nägele, N. Adamski, E. Bertolini, N. Broomandkhoshbacht, A. Cooper, B. J. Culleton, T. Ferraz, M. Ferry, A. Furtwängler, W. Haak, K. Harkins, T. K. Harper, T. Hünemeier, A. M. Lawson, B. Llamas, M. Michel, E. Nelson, J. Oppenheimer, N. Patterson, S. Schiffels, J. Sedig, K. Stewardson, S. Talamo, C.-C. Wang, J.-J. Hublin, M. Hubbe, K.Harvati, A. Nuevo D., J. Beier, M. Francken, P. Kaulicke, H. Reyes-Centeno, K. Rademaker, W. R. Trask, M. Robinson, S. M. Gutierrez, K. M. Prufer, D. C. Salazar-Garcia, E. Nunes Chim, L. Müller Plumm Gomes, M. L. Alves, A. Liryo, M. Inglez, R. E. Oliveira, D. V. Bernardo, A. Barioni, V. Wesolowski, N.A. Scheifler, M. A. Rivera, C. R. Plens, P. G. Messineo, L. Figuti, D. Corach, C. Scabuzzo, S. Eggers, P. DeBlasis, M. Reindel, C. Méndez, G. Politis, E. Tomasto-Cagigao, D.J. Kennett, A. Strauss, L. Fehren-Schmitz, J. Krause, D.Reich, (2018). Ancient DNA evidence for two previously unknown genetic exchanges between North and South America. Cell 175, 1185-1197.e1122
  11. A. Moroni, G. Boschian, J. Crezzini, G. Montanari-Canini, G. Marciani, f, G. Capecchi, S. Arrighi, D. Aureli, C. Berto, M. Freguglia, A. Araujo, S. Scaramucci, c, J.-J. Hublin, T. Lauer, S. Benazzi, F. Parenti, M. Bonato, S. Ricci, S. Talamo, A. G. Segre, F. Boschin, V. Spagnolo, (2018). Late Neandertals in Central Italy. High-resolution chronicles from Grotta dei Santi (Monte Argentario - Tuscany). Quaternary Science Reviews
  12. Perri, A.R., Power, R.C., Stuijts, I., Heinrich, S., Talamo, S., Hamilton-Dyer, S., Roberts, C., (2018). Detecting hidden diets and disease: Zoonotic parasites and fish consumption in Mesolithic Ireland. Journal of Archaeological Science 97, 137-146.
  13. Talamo, S., Samsel, M., Jaouen, K., Delvigne, V., Lafarge, A., Raynal, J.P., Hublin , J.J., (2018). A reassessment of the presumed Badegoulian skull from Rond‐du‐Barry cave (Polignac, France), using direct AMS radiocarbon dating. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 0
  14. Mannino, M.A., Talamo, S., Goude, G., Richards, M.P., (2018). Analisi isotopiche e datazioni sul collagene osseo degli inumati dell’Arma dell’Aquila (Finale Ligure, Savona), in: Biagi, P., Starnini, E. (Eds.), Gli scavi all’Arma dell’Aquila (finale ligure, Savona): Le ricerche e i materiali degli scavi del novecento. Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri, Sezione Finalese, Trieste.
  15. [OA] Korlević, P., Talamo, S., Meyer, M., (2018). A combined method for DNA analysis and radiocarbon dating from a single sample. Scientific Reports 8, 4127.
  16. Mathieson, I., Alpaslan-Roodenberg, S., Posth, C., Szécsényi-Nagy, A., Rohland, N., Mallick, S., Olalde, I., Broomandkhoshbacht, N., Candilio, F., Cheronet, O., Fernandes, D., Ferry, M., Gamarra, B., Fortes, G.G., Haak, W., Harney, E., Jones, E., Keating, D., Krause-Kyora, B., Kucukkalipci, I., Michel, M., Mittnik, A., Nägele, K., Novak, M., Oppenheimer, J., Patterson, N., Pfrengle, S., Sirak, K., Stewardson, K., Vai, S., Alexandrov, S., Alt, K.W., Andreescu, R., Antonović, D., Ash, A., Atanassova, N., Bacvarov, K., Gusztáv, M.B., Bocherens, H., Bolus, M., Boroneanţ, A., Boyadzhiev, Y., Budnik, A., Burmaz, J., Chohadzhiev, S., Conard, N.J., Cottiaux, R., Čuka, M., Cupillard, C., Drucker, D.G., Elenski, N., Francken, M., Galabova, B., Ganetsovski, G., Gély, B., Hajdu, T., Handzhyiska, V., Harvati, K., Higham, T., Iliev, S., Janković, I., Karavanić, I., Kennett, D.J., Komšo, D., Kozak, A., Labuda, D., Lari, M., Lazar, C., Leppek, M., Leshtakov, K., Vetro, D.L., Los, D., Lozanov, I., Malina, M., Martini, F., McSweeney, K., Meller, H., Menđušić, M., Mirea, P., Moiseyev, V., Petrova, V., Price, T.D., Simalcsik, A., Sineo, L., Šlaus, M., Slavchev, V., Stanev, P., Starović, A., Szeniczey, T., Talamo, S., Teschler-Nicola, M., Thevenet, C., Valchev, I., Valentin, F., Vasilyev, S., Veljanovska, F., Venelinova, S., Veselovskaya, E., Viola, B., Virag, C., Zaninović, J., Zäuner, S., Stockhammer, P.W., Catalano, G., Krauß, R., Caramelli, D., Zariņa, G., Gaydarska, B., Lillie, M., Nikitin, A.G., Potekhina, I., Papathanasiou, A., Borić, D., Bonsall, C., Krause, J., Pinhasi, R., Reich, D., (2018). The genomic history of southeastern Europe. Nature 555, 197-203.
  17. M. Hajdinjak, Q. Fu, A. Hübner, M. Petr, F. Mafessoni, S. Grote, P. Skoglund, V. Narasimham, H. Rougier, I. Crevecoeur, P. Semal, M. Soressi, S. Talamo, J-J. Hublin, I. Gušić, Ž. Kućan, P. Rudan, L. V. Golovanova, V. B. Doronichev, C. Posth, J. Krause, P. Korlević, S. Nagel, B. Nickel, N. Patterson, D. Reich, K. Prüfer1, M. Meyer, S. Pääbo, J. Kelso1, (2018). Reconstructing the Population History of Late Neandertals. Nature, doi:10.1038/nature26151.
  18. Maritan, L., Iacumin, P., Zerboni, A., Venturelli, G., Dal Sasso, G., Linseele, V., Talamo, S., Salvatori, S., Usai, D., (2018). Fish and salt: The successful recipe of White Nile Mesolithic hunter-gatherer-fishers. Journal of Archaeological Science 92, 48-62.
  19. Friedman, R., Antoine, D., Talamo, S., Reimer, P.J., Taylor, J.H., Wills, B., Mannino, M.A., (2018). Natural mummies from Predynastic Egypt reveal the world's earliest figural tattoos. Journal of Archaeological Science 92, 116-125.
  20. Fewlass H., Talamo S., Tuna T., Fagault Y., Kromer B., Hoffmann H., Pangrazzi C., Hublin J.-J., Bard E., (2017). Size matters: radiocarbon dates of <200 μg ancient collagen 1 samples with AixMICADAS and its gas ion source. Radiocarbon, 1-15.
  21. Adolphi, F., Muscheler, R., Friedrich M., Güttler, D., Wacker, L., Talamo, S., Kromer, B., (2017). Radiocarbon calibration uncertainties during the last deglaciation: Insights from new floating tree-ring chronologies. Quaternary Science Reviews 170, 98-108.
  22. K. E. Fitzsimmons, R. Iovita, T. Sprafke, M. Glantz, S. Talamo, K. Horton, T. Beeton, S. Alipova g, G. Bekseitov, Y. Ospanov, J.-M. Deom, R. Sala, Z. Taimagambetov, (2017). A chronological framework connecting the early Upper Palaeolithic across the Central Asian piedmont. Journal of Human Evolution 113, 107-126.
  23. Guiry, E., Karavanić, I., Klindžić, R.Š., Talamo, S., Radović, S., Richards, M.P., (2017). Stable Isotope Palaeodietary and Radiocarbon Evidence from the Early Neolithic Site of Zemunica, Dalmatia, Croatia. European Journal of Archaeology 20, 235-256.
  24. Rudaya N., Vasiliev S., Viola B, Talamo S., Markin S., (2017). Palaeoenvironments during the period of the Neanderthals settlement in Chagyrskaya cave (Altai Mountains, Russia). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 467.
  25. Palombo, M.R., Antonioli, F., Lo Presti, V., Mannino, M.A., Melis, R.T., Orru, P., Stocchi, P., Talamo, S., Quarta, G., Calcagnile, L., Deiana, G., Altamura, S., The late Pleistocene to Holocene palaeogeographic evolution of the Porto Conte area: Clues for a better understanding of human colonization of Sardinia and faunal dynamics during the last 30 ka. (2017). Quaternary International 439, 117-140.
  26. [OA] Talamo, S., Hajdinjak, M., Mannino, M.A., Fasani, L., Welker, F., Martini, F., Romagnoli, F., Zorzin, R., Meyer, M., Hublin, J.-J., (2016). Direct radiocarbon dating and genetic analyses on the purported Neanderthal mandible from the Monti Lessini (Italy). Scientific Reports 6, 29144.
  27. Welker, F., Hajdinjak, M., Talamo, S., Jaouen, K., Dannemann, M., David, F., Julien, M., Meyer, M., Kelso, J., Barnes, I., Brace, S., Kamminga, P., Fischer, R., Kessler, B.M., Stewart, J.R., Pääbo, S., Collins, M.J., Hublin, J.-J., (2016). Palaeoproteomic evidence identifies archaic hominins associated with the Châtelperronian at the Grotte du Renne. PNAS 113:11162-11167.
  28. Fu, Q., Posth, C., Hajdinjak, M., Petr, M., Mallick, S., Fernandes, D., Furtwängler, A., Haak, W., Meyer, M., Mittnik, A., Nickel, B., Peltzer, A., Rohland, N., Slon, V., Talamo, S., Lazaridis, I., Lipson, M., Mathieson, I., Schiffels, S., Skoglund, P., Derevianko, A.P., Drozdov, N., Slavinsky, V., Tsybankov, A., Cremonesi, R.G., Mallegni, F., Gély, B., Vacca, E., Morales, M.R.G., Straus, L.G., Neugebauer-Maresch, C., Teschler-Nicola, M., Constantin, S., Moldovan, O.T., Benazzi, S., Peresani, M., Coppola, D., Lari, M., Ricci, S., Ronchitelli, A., Valentin, F., Thevenet, C., Wehrberger, K., Grigorescu, D., Rougier, H., Crevecoeur, I., Flas, D., Semal, P., Mannino, M.A., Cupillard, C., Bocherens, H., Conard, N.J., Harvati, K., Moiseyev, V., Drucker, D.G., Svoboda, J., Richards, M.P., Caramelli, D., Pinhasi, R., Kelso, J., Patterson, N., Krause, J., Pääbo, S., Reich, D., (2016). The genetic history of Ice Age Europe. Nature 534:200-205.
  29. Salazar-García, D.C., García-Puchol, O., Paz de Miguel-Ibáñez, M., Talamo, S., (2016). Earliest evidence of Neolithic collective burials from Eastern Iberia. Radiocarbon dating at the Archaeological site of Les Llometes (Alicante, Spain). Radiocarbon, 58(3):679-692
  30. Talamo S., Blasco R., Rivals F., Picin A., Chacón M.G., Iriarte E., López-García J.M., Blain H-A., Arilla M., Rufà A., Sánchez-Hernández C., Andrés M., Camarós E., Ballesteros A., Cebrià A., Rosell J., Hublin J-J., (2016). The radiocarbon approach to Neanderthals in a carnivore den site. A well-defined chronology for Teixoneres cave (Moià, Barcelona, Spain). Radiocarbon 58(2):247-265.
  31. Margherita C., Talamo S., Wiltschke K., Senck S., Oxilia G., Sorrentino R., Mancuso G., Lindner R., Hublin J-J., Benazzi S., (2016). A reassessment of Torrener Bärenhöhle’s Paleolithic human tooth. Journal of Human Evolution 93: 120-125
  32. [OA] Mannino M.A., Talamo S., Tagliacozzo A., Fiore I., Nehlich O., Piperno M., Tusa S., Collina C., Di Salvo R., Schimmenti V., Richards M.P., (2015). Climate-driven environmental changes around 8,200 years ago drove annual cetacean strandings and Mediterranean hunter-gatherers exploited them. Scientific Reports,5:16288
  33. Olalde I., Schroeder H., Sandoval-Velasco M., Vinner L., Lobón I., Ramirez O., Civit S., García Borja P., Salazar-García D.C., Talamo S., Fullola J.M., Oms F.X., Pedro M., Martínez P., Sanz M., Daura J., Zilhão J., Marquès-Bonet T., Gilbert M.T.P., Lalueza-Fox C., (2015). A common genetic origin for early farmers from Mediterranean Cardial and Central European LBK cultures. Molecular biology and evolution 32 (12): 3132-3142.
  34. [OA] Sajó I.E., Kovács J., Fitzsimmons K.E., Jáger V., Lengyel G., Viola B., Talamo S., Hublin J-J., (2015). Core-Shell Processing of Natural Pigment: Upper Palaeolithic Red Ochre from Lovas, Hungary. PLoS ONE 10(7):e0131762.
  35. Guérin G., Frouin M., Talamo S., Aldeias V., Bruxelles L., Chiotti L., Dibble H.L., Goldberg P., Hublin J-J., Jain M., Lahaye C., Madelaine S., Maureille B., McPherron S.J.P., Mercier N., Murray A.S., Sandgathe D., Steele T.E., Thomsen K.J., Turq A., (2015). A multi-method luminescence dating of the Palaeolithic sequence of La Ferrassie based on new excavations adjacent to the La Ferrassie 1 and 2 skeletons. Journal of Archaeological Science 58:147-66.
  36. Straus L.G., González Morales M.R., Higham T., Richards M., Talamo S., (2015). Radiocarbon Dating the Late Upper Paleolithic of Cantabrian Spain: El Mirón Cave Date List IV. Radiocarbon 57(1):183-8.
  37. [OA] Strauss A., Oliveira R.E., Bernardo D.V., Salazar-García D.C., Talamo S., Jaouen K., Hubbe M., Black S., Wilkinson C., Richards M.P., Araujo A.G.M., Kipnis R., Neves W.A., (2015). The Oldest Case of Decapitation in the New World (Lapa do Santo, East-Central Brazil). PLoS ONE 10(9):e0137456.
  38. Benazzi S., Slon V., Talamo S., Negrino F., Peresani M., Bailey S.E., Sawyer S., Panetta D., Vicino G., Starnini E., Mannino M.A., Salvadori P.A., Meyer M., Pääbo S., Hublin J-J., (2015). The makers of the Protoaurignacian and implications for Neandertal extinction. Science 348: 793-796.
  39. [OA] Talamo, S., Peresani M., Romandini M., Duches R., Jéquier C., Nannini N., Pastoors A., Picin A., Vaquero M., Weniger G.-C., Hublin J.-J., (2014). Detecting human presence at the border of the northeastern Italian Pre-Alps. 14C dating at Rio Secco Cave as expression of the first Gravettian and the late Mousterian in the northern Adriatic region. PLoS ONE 9 (4):e95376
  40. Salazar-García, D.C., Aura E., Talamo S., Morales J.V. and Richards M.P., (2014). Isotope evidence for the use of marine resources in the Eastern Iberian Mesolithic. Journal of Archaeological Science 42 (0): 231-240
  41. Friedrich, W. L., Kromer B., Friedrich M., Heinemeier J., Pfeiffer T. and Talamo S., (2014). The olive branch chronology stands irrespective of tree-ring counting. Antiquity 88 (339): 274-277.
  42. Benazzi, S., Peresani M., Talamo S., Fu Q., Mannino M.A., Richards M.P. and Hublin J.-J., (2014). A reassessment of the presumed Neandertal remains from San Bernardino Cave, Italy. Journal of Human Evolution 66 (0): 89-94.
  43. Soressi, M., McPherron S. P., Lenoir M., Dogandžić T., Goldberg P., Jacobs Z., Maigrot Y., Martisius N.L., Miller C.E., Rendu W., Richards M.P., Skinner M.M., Steele T.E., Talamo S., and Texier J.-P., (2013). Neandertals made the first specialized bone tools in Europe. PNAS 110 (35): 14186-14190.
  44. Richter, D., Dibble H., Goldberg P., McPherron S.P., Niven L., Sandgathe D., Talamo S., and Turq A., (2013). The late Middle Palaeolithic in Southwest France: New TL dates for the sequence of Pech de l’Azé IV. Quaternary International 294: 160-167.
  45. McPherron, S.P., Talamo S., Goldberg P., Niven L., Sandgathe D., Richards M.P., Richter D., Turq A., and Dibble H. L., (2012). Radiocarbon dates for the late Middle Palaeolithic at Pech de l’Azé IV, France. Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (11): 3436-3442.
  46. [OA] Mannino, M. A., Catalano G., Talamo S., Mannino G., Salvo R.D., Schimmenti V., Lalueza-Fox C., Messina A., Petruso D., Caramelli D., Richards M.P., and Sineo L. (2012). Origin and Diet of the Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers on the Mediterranean Island of Favignana (Egadi Islands, Sicily). PLoS ONE 7 (11): 49802.
  47. Hublin, J.-J., Talamo S., Julien M., David F., Connet N., Bodu P., Vandermeersch B., Richards M.P., (2012). New Radiocarbon Dates from the Grotte du Renne and Saint-Césaire support a Neandertal Origin for the Châtelperronian PNAS 109 (46): 18743-18748
  48. Talamo, S., Hughen K.A., Kromer B., and Reimer P.J., (2012). Debates over Palaeolithic chronology–the reliability of 14C is confirmed. Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (7): p. 2464-2467.
  49. Talamo, S., Soressi M., Roussel M., Richards M., and Hublin J.-J., (2012). A radiocarbon chronology for the complete Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transitional sequence of Les Cottés (France). Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (1): 175-183.
  50. Kaiser K.F., Sgier M., Miramont C., Friedrich M., Schaub M., Kromer B., Talamo S., Guibal F.,and Sivan O., (2012). Challenging process to make the Late-glacial tree-ring chronologies from Europe absolute - an inventory. Quaternary Science Reviews 36: 78-90.
  51. Talamo S., and Richards M., (2011). A comparison of bone pretreatment methods for AMS dating of samples >30,000 BP. Radiocarbon 53 (3): 443-449.
  52. Miramont, C., Sivan O., Guibal F., Kromer B., Talamo S., and Kaiser K.F., (2011). L’étalonnage du temps du radiocarbone par les cernes d’arbres. L’apport des séries dendrochronologiques du gisement de bois subfossiles du torrent des Barbiers (Alpes Françaises du Sud). Quaternaire 22 (3): 261-271.
  53. Soressi, M., Roussel M., Rendu W., Primault J., Rigaud S., Texier J.P., Richter D., Talamo S., Ploquin F., Larmignat B., Tavormina C., and Hublin J.-J., (2010). Les Cottés (Vienne). Nouveaux travaux sur l’un des gisements de référence pour la transition Paléolithique moyen/supérieur. Chauvigny, Association des Publications Chauvinoises.
  54. Reich, D., Green R.E., Kircher M., Krause J., Patterson N., Durand E.Y., Viola B., Briggs A.W., Stenzel U., Johnson P.L.F., Maricic T., Good J.M., Marques-Bonet T., Alkan C., Fu Q., Mallick S., Li H., Meyer M., Eichler E.E., Stoneking M., Richards M.P., Talamo S., Shunkov M.V., Derevianko A.P., Hublin J.-J., Kelso J., Slatkin M., Pääbo S., (2010). Genetic history of an archaic hominin group from Denisova Cave in Siberia, Nature 468: 1053-1060.
  55. Kromer, B., Manning, S.W., Friedrich, M., Talamo, S., Trano, N., (2010). 14C Calibration in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BC—Eastern Mediterranean Radiocarbon Comparison Project (EMRCP), Radiocarbon 52 (3), 875-886.
  56. Manning, S.W., Kromer, B., Bronk Ramsey, C., Parson, C.L., Talamo, S., Trano, N., Watkins, J.D., (2010). 14C Record and wiggle-match placement for the Anatolian (Gordion area) Juniper tree-ring chronology∼ 1729 to 751 cal BC, and typical Aegean/Anatolian (growing season related) regional 14C offset assessment. Radiocarbon 52 (4), 1571-1597.
  57. Reimer P. J., Baillie M.G.L., Bard E., Bayliss A., Beck W., Blackwell J.P.G., Bronk Ramsey C., Buck C.E.,. Burr G.S, Edwards R.L., Friedrich M., Grootes P.M., Guilderson T.P., Hajdas I., Heaton T.J., Hogg A.G., Hughen K.A., K. Kaiser F., Kromer B., McCormac F.G., Manning S.W., Reimer R.W., Richards D.A., Southon J.R., Talamo S., Turney C.S.M., van der Plicht J., Weyhenmeyer C.E., (2009). IntCal09 and Marine09 radiocarbon age calibration curves, 0 – 50,000 years cal BP. Radiocarbon 51 (4): 1111–1150.
  58. Manning S.W., Pulak C., Kromer B., Talamo S., Bronk Ramsey C., and Dee M., (2009). Absolute Age of the Uluburun Shipwreck: A Key Late Bronze Age Time-Capsule for the East Mediterranean. in S. W. Manning and M. J. Bruce (eds.), Tree-Rings, Kings, and Old World Archaeology and Environment: Papers Presented in Honor of Peter Ian Kuniholm (Oxford 2009) 163-188.
  59. Schaub, M., Büntgen U., Kaiser K.F., Kromer B., Talamo S., Krogh Andersen K., Olander Rasmussen S., (2008) Lateglacial environmental variability from Swiss tree rings. Quarternary Science Reviews 27: 29-41.
  60. Schaub, M., Kaiser K.F., Frank D.C., Büntgen U., Kromer B., and Talamo S., (2007). Environmental change during the Allerod and Younger Dryas reconstructed from Swiss tree-ring data. BOREAS 1-13.
  61. Nayling, N., Manning, S., Kromer, B., Ramsey, C., Pearson, C., and Talamo, S., (2007). Dating the submerged forests: dendrochronology and radiocarbon wiggle-match dating. CBA RESEARCH REPORT 149, 90.
  62. Friedrich, W.L., Kromer B., Friedrich M., Heinemeier J., Pfeiffer T., and Talamo S., (2006). Santorini Eruption Radiocarbon Dated to 1627–1600 B.C. Science 312: 548.
  63. Schaub, M., Kaiser K.F., Kromer B., and Talamo S., (2005). Extension of the Swiss Lateglacial tree-ring chronologies. Dendrochronologia: doi:10.1016.
  64. Reimer, P.J., Baillie M.G.L., Bard E., Bayliss A., Beck J. W., Bertrand C.J.H., Blackwell P.G., Buck C.E., Burr G.S., Cutler K.B., Damon P.E., Edwards R.L., Fairbanks R.G., Friedrich M., Guilderson T.P., Hogg A.G., Hughen K.A., Kromer B., MecCormac G., Manning S., Ramsey C.B., Reimer R.W., Remmele S., Southon J.R., Stuiver M., Talamo S., Taylor F.W., van der Plicht J., and Weyhenmeyer C.E., (2004). INTCAL04 terrestrial radiocarbon age calibration, 0–26 cal kyr BP. Radiocarbon 46 (3): 1029–1058.
  65. Kromer, B., Friedrich M., Hughen K.A., Kaiser F., Remmele S., Schaub M., and Talamo S., (2004). Late Glacial 14C ages from a floating 1382-ring pine chronology. Radiocarbon 46 (3): 1203-1209.
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