Foto del docente

Sahra Talamo

Full Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"


Schaub M.; Kaiser K.F.; Frank D.C.; Buntgen U.; Kromer B.; Talamo S., Environmental change during the Allerød and Younger Dryas reconstructed from Swiss tree-ring data, «BOREAS», 2008, 37, pp. 74 - 86 [Scientific article]

Schaub M.; Kaiser K.F.; Kromer B.; Talamo S., Extension of the Swiss Lateglacial tree-ring chronologies, «DENDROCHRONOLOGIA», 2005, 23, pp. 11 - 18 [Scientific article]

Manning S.W.; Kromer B.; Talamo S.; Friedrich M.; Kuniholm P.I.; Newton M.W., Radiocarbon calibration in the East Mediterranean region: The East Mediterranean radiocarbon comparison Project (EMRCP) and the current state of play, in: Unico, London, Thomas Levy, Thomas Higham, 2005, pp. 95 - 103 [Chapter or essay]

Konrad A Hughen; Mike G L Baillie; Edouard Bard; J Warren Beck; Chanda J H Bertrand; Paul G Blackwell; Caitlin E Buck; George S Burr; Kirsten B Cutler; Paul E Damon; Richard L Edwards; Richard G Fairbanks; Michael Friedrich; Thomas P Guilderson; Bernd Kromer; Gerry McCormac; Sturt Manning; Christopher Bronk Ramsey; Paula J Reimer; Ron W Reimer; Sabine Remmele; John R Southon; Minze Stuiver; Sahra Talamo; F W Taylor; Johannes VAN der Plicht; Constanze E Weyhenmeyer, Marine04 Marine Radiocarbon Age Calibration, 0–26 Cal Kyr Bp, «RADIOCARBON», 2004, 46, pp. 1059 - 1086 [Scientific article]

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