Foto del docente

Silvia Leonelli

Assistant professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Curriculum vitae

In English... but she speaks French!      ;)


2003: Researcher in Pedagogy, University of Bologna, Department of Sciences of the Education

2002: Phd Doctor in Pedagogy, University of Bologna



2011-13 Scientific Coordinator of the research: "Gender, Body and Media: action-research in High School of Trento", project managed by Centro di Studi sul Genere e l'Educazione (CSGE), University of Bologna, and Centro di Studi sul Genere (CSG), University of Trento.  

2010 ÃÆ'¢â‚¬Å“Adolescence, Body and MediaÃÆ'¢â‚¬. Principal investigator: R. Ghigi, University of Bologna

2009-2010 member of the research group on "Gender, Relationships, Sexuality of Adolescents" within the research "Gender Processes in High School: Problems and Educational Potentialities", Scientific coordinator: R. Ghigi, University of Bologna.

2007-2008 member of the research group on "Bodies and Care". Research "Gender in the Construction of Professional Training ". Principal investigator: P.Manuzzi, University of Bologna



University of Bologna:

2013-14 Pedagogy of gender

2013, Member of Doctoral College in Pedagogy

From a.a. 2008-2009 to 2012-2013  Theories and models of gender education 

University of Firenze:

2011-2012, Gender and sexism in language, school knowledge, textbooks

2011-2012, The girls and  the choice of school and  university. An help to choice

2011-2012, Female education

Lectures for PhD about gender studies:

2013  University of Firenze

2013 University of Napoli

Training courses about gender education (selection)

2013  for Preschool Teachers, Comune di Siena

2012  for High School Teachers, Provincia di Siena



2013, Napoli:  "Gender Education at School: problems and potential". Presented at the Seminars on Sexuality, gender, gender identity. Research perspectives (University of  Napoli Federico II)

2013, ForlÃÆ'Æ'¬: "The role of School  in the Prevention of  violence against women and children". Presented at the Conference: Violence against Women and Children. Fight  the silence (Lions Club)

2012, Pesaro: "Educational answers to combat violence against  women". Presented at the Conference: Gender education. Thinking about Educational models (Provincia di Pesaro)

2012, Cesena: "Children should not play with dolls? Gender stereotypes and life choices"

2012, Napoli: "Pedagogy Gender and Education Gender: plots, delays and contemporary challenges"

2012, Rimini:"Gender and Adolescents"

2011, Bologna: "The feminization of teaching. Problem or resource?"

2011, Ferrara: "Simone de Beauvoir"

2011, Rimini:  "Girls in School in Italy: some research on during discrimination". Presented at the Conference: I'm like you. Equalities and inequality in childhood and adolescence (Unicef)

2011, Rimini: "Education for Changing. Against gender-based violence". Presented at the Conference: Educational challenges to combat violence against women (University of Bologna)

2010, Livorno: "Between Korper and Leib: research in High-School"

2010, Ferrara:"A life in 150 volumes: Anais Nin"

2010, Napoli: "Bodies and Educational Care. Outcome from research". Presented at the Seminars: New frontiers for Gender History. Section: Body between freedom and public control in contemporary societies (Italian Society of Historian Women) 

2009, Rimini: "Women and Girls victims of violence: facts and educational perspectives". Presented at the Conference: World Day against Violence on Women

(University of Bologna)

2009, Reggio Emilia:  "Adolescents and Gender differences". Presented at the Conference: The rights of girls (University of Modena-Reggio Emilia)

2009, Bologna: "From High School at the University"

2008, Rimini: " The expertise of the operators in the Services for women victims of violence". Presented at the Conference: Violence against Women. Experience, expertise and educational challenges (University of Bologna)

2008, Ferrara: "Opacity and Transparency in Simone de Beauvoir" at the Conferenze: From a nice Simone de Beauvoir

2008, Bologna: "Adolescents in Simone de Beauvoir's autobiografy" at the Conferenze: When all the woman of the world...

2008, Livorno: "Souvenir, photographies: the objects in the Women's autobiographies" at the Italian Pedagogist Woman School



1) CSGE-Centro di studi sul Genere e l'Educazione (CSGE-Gender Studies and Educational Studies), Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione, University of Bologna

2) SIPED, Group:  Pedagogia di Genere (Gender Pedagogy)

3) Scuola delle Donne Pedagogiste (Italian Pedagogist Women School)




- rivista About gender. Rivista internazionale di studi di genere

- collana: Genere, Differenza ed Educazione, presso Guerini Editore e Associati