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Riccardo Fedriga

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Short Bio

Riccardo Fedriga is currently Associate professor of History of Reading, Publishing and Medieval Philosophy at the Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Arts. His current research focuses on the history of ideas as a sort of translation of conceptual schemas and historical semantics, strongly contrasting with idealistic and essentialistic solutions. He has also worked, and continues to work, on the relations between history and epistemology of reading as a way to conceive and create social world. His main research interests are in the history of the Intentionality, from its medieval and late ancient roots to the modern and contemporary use of the term. In particular he worked in these fields: History of Philosophy of Mind and Knowledge in Late XIV Century; Intentional objects; Future Contingents;  Epistemology of belief; theories of Akrasia; historical translation of the modes to transfer, share, divide and maintain social knowledges.   


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Dipartimento delle Arti
Via Azzo Gardino 23, Bologna - Go to map

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Contact hours: Monday at 10.15 online - via Azzo Gardino.