Studies and Career
Riccardo Fedriga is currently Associate professor of History of Reading, Publishing and Medieval Philosophy at the Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Philosophy and Communications.
In November 1991 he graduated in history of philosophy (with a
thesis on the Modern and Mediaeval Roots of Intentionality);
supervisors: Prof.ssa Maria Teresa Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri and
prof. Andrea Bonomi. 110/110 cum laude
In 1992 he was a Visiting student at the Institute of Greek and
Latin – University of Copenhagen, and at the Theological Faculty,
University of Copenhagen (Prof. S. Ebbesen and Prof. L.
In the years 1993-1994 he attended a DEA to the École Pratique des
Hautes Études, Paris (supervisor A. De Libera and O. Boulnois).
From 1998 to 2003 he was appointed as a Temporary Lecturer at the
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna where he taught
Publishing and History of Reading at the Department of
From 2002 to 2009 he was appointed as a Temporary Lecturer at IULM
University, where He taught public communication (Stubjects:
Epidemiology of Reading, History and Ethics of Reading as social
In 2004 he was appointed researcher of Philosophy at University of
Bologna where he taught History of Medieval Philosophy (2002-
onward), Ancient Philosophy (2006-2007), Reading and Content
Publishing (Master in Publishing SSSUB-UNIBO, 2001-2008), History
of Semiotics (2012-2013).
Advisory Boards and Editorships
He is a member of the Scientific board of “Dianoia” (Bologna);
“Doctor Virtualis” (Milano); Rivista Italiana di Comunicazione
Pubblica. He's also member of the Editorial Board of “Philosophia”
. His last work is a monographic number of Rivista di Storia della
Filosofia (1/2013): "Discussion
about Contingency from Boethius to
Research Grants and Leadership of National Research Projects
2004-2006: National research group ex-40% organised by Professor
Gianfranco Fioravanti, (Pisa), Research Unit of Bologna leaded by
prof. Dino Buzzetti. Programs concerning the tradition of Late
Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (Theory of Knowledge – Commentaries
on De Anima and Theories of Future Contingents).
2007-2009: National research group Prin (ex-40%) organised by
Professor Gianfranco Fioravanti, (Pisa). Programmes concerning the
tradition of Late Ancient and Medieval tradition of
Visiting Professorships and Lectures
He has been lecturer or visiting professor in: Milano Statale,
Milano IULM, Milano Bocconi, Siena, Urbino, Bergamo, Ferrara,
Trieste (SISSA), Lecce.
Departmental duties:
Deputy-headmaster of Master in Publishing and Multimedia at the
Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici, Alma Mater Università di
Bologna (2000-2013); Erasmus coordinator for the exchange
programmes between Bologna and Agder University (Norway). Member of
the Direction (Giunta) of the Department of Philosophy
Areas of interest are methods of the history of philosophy,
the ontological nature of historical objects, and the concepts of
source, control, censure, intellectual property and authority in
the digital era. He's devoting these reflections to the project of
a large work (papery and digital edition), directed by Umberto Eco:
(La grande storia della civiltà europea – from Ancient Philosophy
to the XIX Century – 2009 – 2013.
Non-academic appointments:
From 1994 to 1998 he worked as Editor for several Publishers in
Italy (among them Anabasi, Bruno Mondadori, Encarta Microsoft,
Marco Polillo editore, Mc Graw Hill, Mondadori, Neri Pozza,
Garzanti, Rcs (Fabbri Editori), Edizioni Sylvestre Bonnard,
Encyclomedia Publishers, and for the Publishing and Communication
Department of the Consiglio Regionale della Lombardia. Translator
of XX century French Writers (Georges Simenon, Romain Gary, Jean
Giono); editor free lance.
Conference organisation, speaker and talks:
• “Tuesday's Conferences on Reading and Publishing”: Master in
Publishing – SSSUB, University of Bologna from 2001 to 2008. Among
the participants, Roger Chartier (Collège de France), Umberto Eco,
Gianni Ferrari (Centro per il libro e la lettura), Marco Polillo
(AIE), Federico Enriques (Zanichelli) Jean Claude Fasquelle
(Grasset), Michael Kroeger (Hanser Verlag), Achille Mauri,
(Messaggerie), Stefano Mauri (GeMS), Giuseppe Laterza (Laterza),
Claire Squires (Oxford Brookes and Stirling University), Lawrence
Venuti (Temple University) (organization)
• Symposium: “Giornate della Filosofia”: World Celebration of
Unesco's day of Philosophy – Department of Philosophy/University of
Bologna-Ciress, under the Patronage of the Italian Presidency (organization)
• International workshop "Prophecy in late antiquity and middle ages" - Bologna, SSSUB (organization)
• Workshop. "Il testo moltipicato: history of reading and philosophy": Abelardo ed Eloisa: Epistolario. Oragnizator. Invited Speakers: maria teresa Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri, Ileana Pagani, Massimo Parosi, Costantino marmo (Chairman)
• International symposium "La profezia" (USI-CH). Speakers: Carlo Ossola (USI -Collège de France), Maurizio Viroli (Princeton); Mariateresa Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri (Milano), Dino Buzzetti (Chairman - Bologna), Massimo Campanini (Trento), Roberto Limonta (Bologna) (organization).
• International conference: Reading Anselm: context and criticism. Boston College, Boston, 2013. An international conference organised under the aegis of the International Association for Anselm Studies and the Institute for Liberal Arts, Boston College, with sponsorship from Fairfield University, the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Durham University, and the Philosophy and Theology Departments at Boston College, 2015. Partecipant
• International workshop: Theology in XIV century, Boston College-Yale. Chairmen: Dallas Dénery jr. and Stephen Brown. Partecipant
• International conference of European Society of Moral Philosophy, Verona, 2016. Medieval section: Speaker.
• International workshop. Walter Chatton and His intelletctual Milieu, Leuven, 2016. Invitaed Speakers: Rondo Keele and Susan Brower - Toland. Speaker
• International conference: Ex Nihilo Zero Conference 2017 - European Academy of Religions/FSCIRE, Bologna, 2017. Speaker
Modern: Italian, English, French, German (elementary).
Classical: Latin, Greek.