Full professor at the University of Bologna since 2019, my work lies at the interface between multilectal mediated communication and cognition. My research interests focus on developing cognitive translatology, a situated (4EA) cognition approach within cognitive translation & interpreting studies. I am currently studying translation process tracing through keylogging; cognitive effort, demand, load, and friction; attention allocation and variation; multitasking and code switching; and common features of oral, signed, and written multilectal mediated communication, such as the mental lexicon, mainly as PI of an Italian research grant (PRIN), Big Sistah.
1993 PhD, Hispanic Languages & Literatures, University of California, Berkeley
1988 BA (Diplomatura, 3 years) in Translation & Interpreting EUTI, Universidad de Granada
1985 BA (Licenciatura, 5 years) in Anglo–Germanic Philology, Facultad de Filología, Univ. Valencia
Further studies at the University of Nottingham, Ludwig–Maximilian Universität München and University of California, Santa Barbara.
2019 – today professor AMS Università di Bologna
2008 – 2019 assoc. professor & professor ULPGC
1996 – 2008 assistant & assoc. professor UGR
1994 – 1996 associate professor Univ. Vic
1993 – 1994 associate professor Univ. Vigo
1992 – 1993 lecturer CSU San Jose
Since 1993, I have taught graduate and undergraduate courses in several universities, mainly in Spain but also in other European countries, China, Mexico and the USA, especially on freelance translating, scientific & technical translation, literary translation, research methods and (empirical) translation theory, with a special focus on Cognitive Translation & Interpreting Studies.
I led the Reseach Group ‘Expertise & Environment in Translation’ (PETRA, Spanish acronym) between 2000 and 2018 and participated in or led several research projects funded by the Spanish Ministry (Plan Nacional I+D+i). I am the director of the Laboratory for Multilectal Mediated Communication & Cognition (MC2 Lab), and co-founder, former editor and current consulting editor of the journal Translation, Cognition & Behavior. See the Research and Collaborations tabs for further details.
I also lead the team of 25 translators and revisers who rendered the second edition of UNESCO’s 8–volume Encyclopedia of Humanity (ISBN 9788467408737) into Spanish. That took a lot of research as well, of a different kind. As a member of the didactics research team Aula.int (University of Granada), I contributed to many small competitive research projects on innovative translator training.
External evaluator for European Science Foundation, ANVUR (Italy), OSF (Poland), ANEP, AQU, CNEAI (Spain), and several American, Asian, and European universities since 2011
2005 Committee for the White Paper for Spanish degree programs in translation and interpretation.
2004-2008 University Senate, member. Board of the School of Translation and Interpreting, member. University of Granada
2002-2005 Director, International PhD "Processes of Translation and Interpretation".
1999-2004 Chair of the Department of Translation and Interpretation. University of Granada
1999-2001 Director, interdepartmental PhD "Language and Cognition". University of Granada
1993-1994, Deputy director for translation studies. University of Vigo
2022-today The Journal of Specialized Translation (JoSTrans), editorial board
2021-today 《语言、翻译与认知》[Studies in Language, Translation & Cognition], editorial board
2021-today Routledge Introductions to Translation and Interpreting, book series, advisory board
2020-today Tibón, estudios traductológicos, book series, advisory board
2017–today Translation, Cognition & Behavior, co-founder, co-editor and consulting editor
2016–today Hermeneus, editorial board
2015–today CLINA, editorial board
2009–today Tradumàtica, editorial board
2011–2017 Translation Spaces, track editor, co–editor
Member of TREC, AIETI and EST
ATA-accredited freelance translator in 1991
Further information at ORCID, Google Scholar, Academia.edu, ResearchGate, Semantic Scholar